Getting Weird Looks When On A Date With Providers

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

It's pretty much the norm in my neighborhood and the most people usually think is "that guy must be rich." Originally Posted by B Three
Old men have fucked up the game. Once they started paying for pussy they literally fucked up the world. Now 90% of women expect to get paid...I even had one bitch tell me it would cost $20 to follow her on social media. I was like Bitch please you better keep stepping. I ain't buying nobody's premium snap.
Old men have fucked up the game. Once they started paying for pussy they literally fucked up the world. Now 90% of women expect to get paid...I even had one bitch tell me it would cost $20 to follow her on social media. I was like Bitch please you better keep stepping. I ain't buying nobody's premium snap. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Your off topic on your own thread

And NOPE.... It was my friend. Smh. Man you are so U even hate on older ppl. Thats sad.
cabletex7's Avatar

How do you handle getting odd and weird looks from people when on dates with providers or younger women.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Why does it need to be handled? I'm not surprised at getting looks (not stares, that's just rude). At some level, it seems like a normal reaction. One time I was with someone 30+ years younger. Fancy restaurant. Tables really close. Young couple seated next to us. At some point, I notice that she is more interested in our conversation than her date. She strikes up a conversation. First about the wine we had selected. But soon she gets to what she is really curious about. "Where did you two meet?" Club. We didn't elaborate that it was a strip club.

My date didn't say anything to her but she was really irritated about her asking. I was amused by it and I think she was genuinely interested. Perhaps looking for a similar relationship for herself? She seemed bored with her date which turned out not to be a date but a friend thing.

So, yeah, people are going to look. It's normal. What do you care?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why does it need to be handled? I'm not surprised at getting looks (not stares, that's just rude). At some level, it seems like a normal reaction. One time I was with someone 30+ years younger. Fancy restaurant. Tables really close. Young couple seated next to us. At some point, I notice that she is more interested in our conversation than her date. She strikes up a conversation. First about the wine we had selected. But soon she gets to what she is really curious about. "Where did you two meet?" Club. We didn't elaborate that it was a strip club.

My date didn't say anything to her but she was really irritated about her asking. I was amused by it and I think she was genuinely interested. Perhaps looking for a similar relationship for herself? She seemed bored with her date which turned out not to be a date but a friend thing.

So, yeah, people are going to look. It's normal. What do you care? Originally Posted by cabletex7
Sounds like she made your date uncomfortable and bothered her conscience.
Why does it need to be handled? I'm not surprised at getting looks (not stares, that's just rude). At some level, it seems like a normal reaction. One time I was with someone 30+ years younger. Fancy restaurant. Tables really close. Young couple seated next to us. At some point, I notice that she is more interested in our conversation than her date. She strikes up a conversation. First about the wine we had selected. But soon she gets to what she is really curious about. "Where did you two meet?" Club. We didn't elaborate that it was a strip club.

My date didn't say anything to her but she was really irritated about her asking. I was amused by it and I think she was genuinely interested. Perhaps looking for a similar relationship for herself? She seemed bored with her date which turned out not to be a date but a friend thing.

So, yeah, people are going to look. It's normal. What do you care? Originally Posted by cabletex7

Maybe the chick wanted to join you two and ditch the friend lol. Sounds like a interesting evening.
Many times I have been with younger ladies and yes....we do get looks. I could give a shit about the looks. I just smile at them. Sometime I have asked my date if she is bothered by the looks. So far they have all told me they are not. Some will even give a wink to the people staring. I find it funny.

Sometimes I will ask the younger lady with me why the looks don't bother them. They tell me they enjoy the company of an older guy because they treat them better than the younger guys. They open doors for them, they pull out the chair for them and they rise when the lady leaves the table and returns.

Most tell me younger guys don't do that.

That's why they don't care about the looks. The looks are not important. The other is.
Many times I have been with younger ladies and yes....we do get looks. I could give a shit about the looks. I just smile at them. Sometime I have asked my date if she is bothered by the looks. So far they have all told me they are not. Some will even give a wink to the people staring. I find it funny.

Sometimes I will ask the younger lady with me why the looks don't bother them. They tell me they enjoy the company of an older guy because they treat them better than the younger guys. They open doors for them, they pull out the chair for them and they rise when the lady leaves the table and returns.

Most tell me younger guys don't do that.

That's why they don't care about the looks. The looks are not important. The other is. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I refuse to date younger men in my personal life. Nope. No thanks. Any man that has been around me years, opens my car door.. lets me enter first and is a gent. Damn sure wouldn't stand by and let a idiot insult me to my face. Don't let age fool you, some older gents are with the shits!
Example: The way some men on here speak to women on here. That wont happen in real life.

I will NOT entertain someone who is not a gent. Hell even in my ad I state I LOVE OLDER MEN. In my life shivery is NOT dead! Any lady that accepts less, is simply dating some hoodlum who wasn't raised right.

I find this thread funny... when the OP is downgrading older gents as if his ass isn't going to be older sooner than later!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In full transparency i started this thread because it happened to me. I was out on a date with a girl that would blow yalls minds and truly make people hate me. She is married 26yrs old and looks like a swedish model. She's actually in corporate America and is a business professional. I'm talking a perfect 10...but she is a bit crazy. She was on off status from her husband. (Some loser) and called me up to come chill...told me she buy me dinner. So I naturally oblige of course. She comes to my crib and we smoke tabacco and drank and then hit the town. She spends $200 on the tab. While we there she says what's wrong why are they doing this. I said doing what and who? She said all these white people looking at us. I told her I said baby dont worry you have to understand it's a social stigma...and besides people really checking out your ass. Everytime we go out people look at her and immediately think I'm some kind of rapper or entertainer. Its quite fun...and i always love playing that shit up by always parking VIP and never making eye contact with those staring....I create my own red carpet moments in situations like that.
In full transparency i started this thread because it happened to me. I was out on a date with a girl that would blow yalls minds and truly make people hate me. She is married 26yrs old and looks like a swedish model. She's actually in corporate America and is a business professional. I'm talking a perfect 10...but she is a bit crazy. She was on off status from her husband. (Some loser) and called me up to come chill...told me she buy me dinner. So I naturally oblige of course. She comes to my crib and we smoke tabacco and drank and then hit the town. She spends $200 on the tab. While we there she says what's wrong why are they doing this. I said doing what and who? She said all these white people looking at us. I told her I said baby dont worry you have to understand it's a social stigma...and besides people really checking out your ass. Everytime we go out people look at her and immediately think I'm some kind of rapper or entertainer. Its quite fun...and i always love playing that shit up by always parking VIP and never making eye contact with those staring....I create my own red carpet moments in situations like that. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yeah, Don't believe shit you just said!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Of course you dont thats what's makes this all the more friends take care of me and I take care of them. She's a young business professional...catch up to the times
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-23-2019, 12:49 PM
Haha.. at that point my friend was taking care of him and his accidents. I think he may have looked at some boobs here and there. He still had a lot of porn ect around. At that point he wanted her to be situated so she wouldn't struggle when he was gone. He was more worried about the lady who had been there for him thru the years!

At the time I was pregnant ( so my boobs were even bigger than they are now so the old man just stared and talked to my boobs LOL) and here is my friend... handling all of his biz. It was classic trying to explain to the med staff who we were. LOL. Meanwhile, His kids had access to his bank account at that and saw the checks and that she was on payroll. It was a one last "F you from J** to those kids who were just waiting on him to die. Oh and with out their knowledge sold his house & moved LOL. He had liquidated everything and really honestly If you knew that old man was telling them F you (waiting on me to die to get my house-money) ... because my friend was there every day taking care of him till the end- 10 yrs easy !!

While he was in hospital we went and did a courtesy sweep of the house of all pics ect… he had old agency print outs of ladies/ad's ect…. Hell he had been around way before the yellow pages just like me & my friend LOL. It was crazy trying to make sure we had all his hobby related things removed so the family wouldn't see them.... !!!!

My point in sharing this is to shed light on the fact that sometimes there are bonds between ladies & gents via the hobby that create long lasting friendships. I would never be embarrassed to go anywhere with a older gent like our J**. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Good story, your friend and the old man benefited from the friendship and helped each other, I can see how he was happy to look at some breast, we'll all be that old someday, it's good the old man lived like a rock star til the very end.
Personally, I think a woman paying for a man's check is unseemly, but if you both are okay with it...then party on.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Personally, I think a woman paying for a man's check is unseemly, but if you both are okay with it...then party on. Originally Posted by B Three
It's a break from the norm. I'm never gonna turn down free food at a fancy restaurant. She bought my dinner...and came back to my crib...her husband had left like 25 missed calls, 50 text messages, and 10 failed face time attempts.... but the point is I handle these situations perfectly by flaunting on the people staring.
cabletex7's Avatar
Maybe the chick wanted to join you two and ditch the friend lol. Sounds like a interesting evening. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Yeah, maybe. Looking back at it, she was very forward. And once she started talking to us, I don't think she said two words to her friend.
B3.......I have to go along with you. I have NEVER let a female buy me dinner. Just not the way I was raised. For me would make me less of a man.
I think younger people see it differently for whatever reason and I'm ok with that if they are.
It's just not me.