Sexploration....Are you Wild or Mild?

tuckahoe's Avatar
You, sir, are stepping all over my flirting feet (on BOTH threads!) and I find it annoying. My gentle disposition is starting to feel provoked.

Thanks, JY, for putting a smile on my face. This is the first time in my life I have ever been accused of being a good flirter! I must finally be doing something right!

How does one conduct an internet duel? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
My search engine didn't turn up much. Here is the best example I could find:

But are they good books? (Maybe it's a small house?) Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

I like them or I would not have bought them. My tastes tend not to run with popular authors, at least not the current ones. Many of my books come from small publishers that most of our population doesn't know exist. Have authors from Edward Abbey to Mark Twain. Many non-fiction about subjects interesting to me. Even have one showing Kama Sutra positions. Sure, it is a little house, but it has enough room to try out all those Kama Sutra positions with M A X.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ummm well I would have to say 4,5,6,7, and does that make me a kinky naughty girl??? Slurp~~ Originally Posted by Ms. Athena

wooohooo yessssssssss & a damn fun one!

{I llike to think I have a touch of all of them}
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... it is a little house, but it has enough room to try out all those Kama Sutra positions with M A X. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Salt for the wounds?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Once upon a time, in the virtual land of ECCIE, there were many beautiful Ladies who were sought after for their incredible talents, striking good looks, and most gorgeous physiques in all the land. There was also a mixture of "ladies in waiting", who didn't quite meet the standards of beauty and talent as such Ladies had, but none the less, were allowed and often encouraged to mix and mingle among the finest in the land.

On a daily basis, the Ladies, and those in waiting, would visit many kingdoms in the land, which were also known as forums. The rulers of the land were compassionate and saw a need for them to have a "a safe haven" in which to recover from all that occurred in the many different forums of the land. So it was decreed, they would be given their very own castle. All the kingdoms in the land rejoiced, however, there were spies in the land who would occasionally pop into their castle, cleverly disguised as ladies, in order to invade their safe haven and cause unrest, but let's not get off track here...that's a whole other story.

One fine day, the ladies were coming and going from their "private" castle, which had been dubbed "The Powder Room". There were many discussion taking place, as usual. One of the Ladies began a conversation concerning the talents each lady thought she had perfected for herself. As the discussion progressed, the ladies discovered their talents were varied and many, and the plethora of "review decrees" which were posted in each kingdoms/forums, verified the claims of each.

Whilst many of the ladies were out and and about checking the "review decrees" for validation of each of the ladies claimed talent, one of the ladies in waiting, who was kinda mouthy and brazen, stood and declared the hidden talent that had never been decreed, but one that she knew to be a hidden asset which attracted many in the land. She declared, "I can stroke an ego like nobody's business". Well, you could have heard a pin drop as the room became quiet for a moment and the ladies pondered the mouthy brazen ladies taut of her hidden talent. Then suddenly the room began to buzz with the ladies thoughts about the hidden asset many had never considered.

Moral of the story, you don't necessarily have to be best at what is obvious and sought after by many. Sometimes folks are attracted to others for reasons they can not quite put their finger on. Know thyself and use the assets one has. Of course, being a sexy open minded lady doesn't hurt either.....LOL

So gentlemen dueling over the Mistress of Flirting. Sharing is caring in the land of ECCIE. Should we ever have the chance to meet in private dwellings, at that time, I am yours and yours alone. Unless of course you want to a double and in that case, I have a great doubles partner......LOL
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I see that Pleasers is high on the list and while cuddling is awesome and I woulda added Cuddler to my list, I wouldn't be considered shy about being the one to start the sexual activities. LOL
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... So gentlemen please.... no dueling over the Mistress of Flirting ... Originally Posted by M A X
Duly noted. Please forgive my transgression of digression.

(and lovely fable.)

(See ya around, cupcake.)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Duly noted. Please forgive my transgression of digression.

(and lovely fable.)

(See ya around, cupcake.) Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I can forgive you anything, because I know you will continue to ply me with humor which is a much needed and ongoing cure for this huge head that might explode without it.

Cupcake? How very Humphrey Bogart of you! LOL I'm not sure he ever called a woman "Cupcake", but for some reason a picture of him, from the movie Casablanca, popped into my mind when I read that. hmmmm........
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
...I'm not sure he ever called a woman "Cupcake" ... Originally Posted by M A X
Are you sure you were the referent, lovely lady?
tuckahoe's Avatar
Salt for the wounds? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I was attempting to keep things lighthearted! I actually like your posts, JY, and the responses you elicited from M A X. I thought we were doing a good job working together to get some good comments from her. We did end up getting a very beautiful story. I hope we will get her to write many more.

Once upon a time, in the virtual land of ECCIE, there were many beautiful Ladies who were sought after for their incredible talents, striking good looks, and most gorgeous physiques in all the land. There was also a mixture of "ladies in waiting", who didn't quite meet the standards of beauty and talent as such Ladies had, but none the less, were allowed and often encouraged to mix and mingle among the finest in the land.

On a daily basis, the Ladies, and those in waiting, would visit many kingdoms in the land, which were also known as forums. The rulers of the land were compassionate and saw a need for them to have a "a safe haven" in which to recover from all that occurred in the many different forums of the land. So it was decreed, they would be given their very own castle. All the kingdoms in the land rejoiced, however, there were spies in the land who would occasionally pop into their castle, cleverly disguised as ladies, in order to invade their safe haven and cause unrest, but let's not get off track here...that's a whole other story.

One fine day, the ladies were coming and going from their "private" castle, which had been dubbed "The Powder Room". There were many discussion taking place, as usual. One of the Ladies began a conversation concerning the talents each lady thought she had perfected for herself. As the discussion progressed, the ladies discovered their talents were varied and many, and the plethora of "review decrees" which were posted in each kingdoms/forums, verified the claims of each.

Whilst many of the ladies were out and and about checking the "review decrees" for validation of each of the ladies claimed talent, one of the ladies in waiting, who was kinda mouthy and brazen, stood and declared the hidden talent that had never been decreed, but one that she knew to be a hidden asset which attracted many in the land. She declared, "I can stroke an ego like nobody's business". Well, you could have heard a pin drop as the room became quiet for a moment and the ladies pondered the mouthy brazen ladies taut of her hidden talent. Then suddenly the room began to buzz with the ladies thoughts about the hidden asset many had never considered.

Moral of the story, you don't necessarily have to be best at what is obvious and sought after by many. Sometimes folks are attracted to others for reasons they can not quite put their finger on. Know thyself and use the assets one has. Of course, being a sexy open minded lady doesn't hurt either.....LOL

So gentlemen dueling over the Mistress of Flirting. Sharing is caring in the land of ECCIE. Should we ever have the chance to meet in private dwellings, at that time, I am yours and yours alone. Unless of course you want to a double and in that case, I have a great doubles partner......LOL Originally Posted by M A X
M A X, you scared me for a second with: "Unless of course you want to (do) a double".
I thought you meant a double with you and me and JY! I like him, but not that much! I was much relieved when you mentioned your doubles partner. Maybe you could introduce her in another thread.
I am perfectly willing to share in these forums. I flirt with some of the other ladies, too, but get a big kick out of M A X. There is a reason she refers to herself as the Mistress of Flirting. Let's all enjoy!!!

I still don't know which of the 8 (or 9) categories I fit in. Wish there was a #69.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I thought you meant a double with you and me and JY! Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Unless you are Portuguese, handsome, well-bred, well-travelled, monied, like to kick a soccer ball around, and drive a classic luxury sled, I think not. (And could such a fellow even exist?)

Maybe you could read to us something from your collection of eclectic books?

(Do I owe another apology now?)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Are you sure you were the referent, lovely lady? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
My mind is a muddle today.....I reckon I missed something? LOL

Note to self: must pay closer attention to JY's musings, as he intends to keep me on my toes in attempt to keep spontaneous explosions from occurring. TY, JY

Tuck....didn't mean to imply otherwise. When I read the quips back and forth, images of white knights and sought after damsels came to mind. Hence, the little story came together in my muddled mind.

It's all, light hearted, and the musings of a lady, who has yet to get her internal clock back on track.

We are off subject...imagine that? Anywho, I thought there would be more 8's out there. Anyone else surprised there aren't. Maybe they are all out experiencing the gifts and talents of lovely ladies who visit the many kingdom's in the land of ECCIE....yay!
tuckahoe's Avatar
Unless you are Portuguese, handsome, well-bred, well-travelled, monied, like to kick a soccer ball around, and drive a classic luxury sled, I think not. (And could such a fellow even exist?)

doesn't describe me

Maybe you could read to us something from your collection of eclectic books?

Most of my books wouldn't be fitting here, but then I might find a few passages now and then I could quote. That is a good idea! Might try sometime.

(Do I owe another apology now?) Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
You already have enough. Get back to flirting!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Unless you are Portuguese, handsome, well-bred, well-travelled, monied, like to kick a soccer ball around, and drive a classic luxury sled, I think not. (And could such a fellow even exist?)

Maybe you could read to us something from your collection of eclectic books?

(Do I owe another apology now?) Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
not "the Kus" LOL

Tuck....beautiful story? It was supposed to Punny?

Note to self: Write...send to editing, then to polling audience for response and reviews before posting in public open forum. (All these notes to Self.....Self needs a new stack of Post It notes).

Note to Self: Get more Post Its for notes to Self
tuckahoe's Avatar
M A X, you sure know how to make it hard (to log out)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I think most of us cannot be categorized so easily, as one set of parameters rarely defines any person. I have aspects of all 8, from toto depending upon my mood and/or my partner (s).