Sexual harassment

joesmo888's Avatar
I had an old buddy of mine who managed a clothing store with all females and after working there 2 years he had a total of 12 sexual harrassment complaints against him and NOTHING was done. the dude was a scumbag period.

yes men in power feel it is okay to touch women, i wonder those of you defending this behavior how you would feel if it was your daughter, sister, or wife who was being touched. i for one would want to knock that assholes teeth out
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-22-2017, 02:40 PM
But why wait in some cases 30 years to make an accusation? Are they waiting untying the guy has gotten to a position of power? Originally Posted by greyghost48
OR at the time they didn't think what was done was 'a big deal. and now decades later it sounds like it might have been. Originally Posted by garhkal
OR when it happened they felt they would not be believed/attacked further if they came forward. It was not too different from some Arab societies where the rape victim is blaimed for causing it.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I hope you guys aren't confusing flirting and sexual harassment.. I think much of the problem has been decades of guys in positions of power, abusing their perceived status.. and the general idea that it is nothing to get worked up about. I find it refreshing that so many ladies are calling Geezers on the carpet.. Conyers, Charlie Rose, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Cosby, Al Franken, George Bush.. Hell, even Bill Clinton is finally getting re-evaluated. there's only been a couple of guys under 40, sure that is partly due to relative lack of power at that age, but it's mostly a mindset difference.. the Geezers feel entitled to treat women as subordinates, grope, harass, etc.. Cosby had a horde of supporters who refused to consider he might be a disgusting rapist.. it wasn't until 30+ ladies told their story, that the general acceptance shifted away from exonerating him. this shit was so entrenched, I think the public discussion was long overdue. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think it is snowflakes eating their own because the race thing is coming to an end as far as payout goes.

Now since the libs cant bitch about Trump because it got to be old news and people turn the channel it has to be something else.

Seems how libs are with libs and things go one they did this.

Wash, rinse, repeat
Gotyour6's Avatar
I had an old buddy of mine who managed a clothing store with all females and after working there 2 years he had a total of 12 sexual harrassment complaints against him and NOTHING was done. the dude was a scumbag period.

yes men in power feel it is okay to touch women, i wonder those of you defending this behavior how you would feel if it was your daughter, sister, or wife who was being touched. i for one would want to knock that assholes teeth out Originally Posted by joesmo888
My daughter or sister would have walked out
I was brought up as well as my family to walk when you dont like the movie.
They stayed because of a career IF this even happened.

Let them eat cake
Couple of things......
It's only sexual harassment if/when they don't like what you're doing/saying.

Those guys should have probably just called a hooker lol. Originally Posted by BBQ-Guy
done...end of story. That's it...right fuckin there.
I had an old buddy of mine who managed a clothing store with all females and after working there 2 years he had a total of 12 sexual harrassment complaints against him and NOTHING was done. the dude was a scumbag period.

yes men in power feel it is okay to touch women, i wonder those of you defending this behavior how you would feel if it was your daughter, sister, or wife who was being touched. i for one would want to knock that assholes teeth out Originally Posted by joesmo888
I feel that I could guarantee that you've got a female back there in the past that has something to say about you. Guaranteed. It's these white knights like this guy that are always covering down on their own behavior.
My question is why didn't more (any) of these women knock the guy's teeth out themselves? I've never understood this kind of victim mentality. If someone makes an uncomfortable comment, you come back with one that embarasses the piss out of them. If someone touches you inappropriately, deck 'em. That will be the end of it and that person will likely think twice before repeating the behavior with someone else as well. Imho, to wait 20-30+ years to say something about it is just another way of begging for attention.
May be they figure they can get their 15 minutes of fame OR there might be some money in it for them.
My question is why didn't more (any) of these women knock the guy's teeth out themselves? I've never understood this kind of victim mentality. If someone makes an uncomfortable comment, you come back with one that embarasses the piss out of them. If someone touches you inappropriately, deck 'em. That will be the end of it and that person will likely think twice before repeating the behavior with someone else as well. Imho, to wait 20-30+ years to say something about it is just another way of begging for attention. Originally Posted by VegasJen

A good swift kick in the nuts usually addresses issues like this very nicely. I taught my daughters that at a fairly young age.
burkalini's Avatar
If it's real then it's fucking wrong. Period. It just amazes me that most of them waited 30 to 40 years to claim this right when the person became powerful or was running for office. I would love to see the increase in their bank accounts for most of them. The statute of limitations has run out for anything being a crime this far down the road so political or occupational destruction is the only point now.
I had an old buddy of mine who managed a clothing store with all females and after working there 2 years he had a total of 12 sexual harrassment complaints against him and NOTHING was done. the dude was a scumbag period. Originally Posted by joesmo888
I understand it does happen for real, and YES its screwed up. BUT condemning someone based on mere accusations, especially when there are quite a few holes in some, and ONE of those accusers is REFUSING to have her 'evidence' verified by an independent third party, throws up major flags in 'their credibility'...

yes men in power feel it is okay to touch women, i wonder those of you defending this behavior how you would feel if it was your daughter, sister, or wife who was being touched. i for one would want to knock that assholes teeth out Originally Posted by joesmo888
I would want to know the TRUTH before knocking some guy's teeth out. CAUSE It might be MY ASS going to jail if i did it without cause, and "my daughter/wife/sister said this guy did XYZ to her" IS NOT proper justification.

OR when it happened they felt they would not be believed/attacked further if they came forward. It was not too different from some Arab societies where the rape victim is blaimed for causing it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Then why didn't they come out 20 years ago, right around when Tailhook was all the rage, where any accusations were automatically beleived, no matter if there was no evidence. OR after seeing OTHERS going down for it over the past 20 years in the news.. OR when Moore was running for judgeship in AL? WHY NOW when he's been in the bloody spotlight for YEARS?


A good swift kick in the nuts usually addresses issues like this very nicely. I taught my daughters that at a fairly young age. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Or as one good long time family friend i had living in the UK< taught her daughters to do.. Let them grab, then grab back. AND SQUEEZE then twist!
Like school teachers fucking students that can't keep their mouth shut. My congressman just said he did an Anthony Weiner and send a picture of his dick. Just figure if any one of you messed with an underage girl it will come out if you be come successful.
Like school teachers fucking students that can't keep their mouth shut. My congressman just said he did an Anthony Weiner and send a picture of his dick. Just figure if any one of you messed with an underage girl it will come out if you be come successful. Originally Posted by tucson
I just saw about that senator from Texas having his whole neked body pic getting snapped up.

BY YOU GUESTED it the washington post.. And the gal he sent those pics to, SWEARS up and down she was not the one who leaked them.
I have no dreams of being in public life. If a provider were to out me I would laugh like hell. My wife has passed on and all of my kids know what I am doing. Thinking back I have introdued several to my family. Emerald flew up for my birthday party and the whole family liked her. I am thinking of taking Taylor Sims to a concert with my daughter and her husband.
tinman483's Avatar
Yea this may be a bit off subject but o well!
For the most part I hate this time of year!
But it does have it's ups. I almost forget each year how easy I fall in love with my wife's cousin!
She always shows up at family gatherings all dolled up a short skirt and cleavage showing.
I usually get a couple ass grabs in and some flashes of her panties!
How do ya not love it?