Let's get this thing rolling....

I can't believe, I'm the first post in Arkansas!! Shame on Ya'll!! Cum On!!

I'm looking forward to meeting new playmates!!

[B][I] Originally Posted by MrGiz
Proud of you Giz. I finally made it! and without help with the questions. We'll get it all figured out soon
Well I for one while hoping everyone comes here that it doesnt end up like another aspd...Sorry to hear that ASPD is closing.. But out with the old and in with the new. Here is to a new 2010 , to everyone playing safe, to new changes in locations( I move in less then a week to a new upscale location minus all but one puppy), and to change in general.

Hopefully we can all be get along and be safe at the safe time

Semi retired
Got here too. Will try and invite others.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Im here as well I got invited to this board a few months back by Jewles but no one was ever on here. It is a bit buggy and slow, but maybe it will get better in time. Lets rock and roll with this...... Originally Posted by arkansasknight
Supposedly the influx of ASPD members seeking a new online home has overwhelmed the site. Hopefully things will improve.

And yes, I'm here. Don't everybody run screaming for the exits at once.


What a way to start off thr New Year!!!! Looking forward to meeting some new and old friends on this site.
Guest022210's Avatar
I made itWhadda we do now?
Lazrback's Avatar
Do you all mind if an ex-Arkie current Okie hangs out with you all, this is as close as I can get to home here.
Come on in Lazrback, the more the merrier...
While I've never had the pleasure of meeting Shelby, it's a pleasure to be under her.
Mmmmmmm. . . I have you all over me now , and what a pleasure it is!

Kisses & Licks,
exceo49's Avatar
Couldn't resist - had to be under one of my favorite ladies - Shelby get home please!! Miss you.
figure_artist's Avatar
New Year, new forum. Happy New Year and safe hobbying as well, gang.
jajake56's Avatar
Hi to all in what appears to be our new home!
I look forward to playing here with some old friends and meeting some new ones too.
Guest022210's Avatar
This new server is fast.I am so happy just signed for PP
Bimboknocker's Avatar
I go back and forth between aspd and here. The more I play between the two the more I like this new home.