Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

This is so stupid. Now Obama is using her for purely political reasons. What a non-issue pile of BS. But it helps Obama by taking the focus away from the miserable economy for a few minutes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Do you mean like the Teapublicans taking attention away from their not offering a single jobs creation bill or plan by using the birth control non-issue and waving it in everyone's face like their religious freedom is being violated? LMAO!

How hypocritical can you get?
Pretty sure someone can be independent and still not like Rush. Originally Posted by MC
You are correct about that. I do not like Bill O'riley. But I will not make my switch to Independent till after this next election.

I do like me some Rush Limbaugh though.
Rush is always good for a beer. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turdfly is wrong once again! Beer is legal, Rush has a fond preference for illegal prescription drugs!
  • Laz
  • 03-02-2012, 08:51 PM
Rush was making an absurd statement to demonstrate the total stupidity of this issue. This is a non issue since the federal government should have no involvement in it and the fact that there are congressional hearings on it is absurd.

When are people going to understand that just because a service is covered by health insurance the service is NOT free. The insurance company simply prices it into the insurance premium and you pay them instead of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is paid by the insurance company. That process is more expensive than simply paying the pharmacy yourself. Health insurance is a big reason health care is so expensive and until we change to high deductible plans that only cover large losses things will not get better.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've tried to explain that, Laz, but they refuse to understand. It's more fun for them to demagogue from ignorance than to actually try to understand something.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2012, 09:08 PM
Rush was making an absurd statement to demonstrate the total stupidity of this issue. This is a non issue since the federal government should have no involvement in it and the fact that there are congressional hearings on it is absurd.

. Originally Posted by Laz
Rush should have stuck to the issue and not attacked a woman.

He looks like a bully and an ass for doing so.

This lady is not a public figure.

It was not a smart move politically on his part.

I'll not get into the insurance part....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sure Rush will take your criticism to heart, WTF, while he is counting his gazillions of dollars in his mansion on the beach in Florida.

The girl wants the government to subsidize her fucking. I don't mind subsidizing fucking, but I will do it voluntarily, and choose my own lady to spend it on.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lets see where to begin...

sandra fluke says she has sex so much she can't afford anti-birth pills and wants taxpayers to pay for it.

Rush had it right, she's slut and an irresponsible one at that.

The other comments about sex tapes, that the usual Rush style of dripping sarcasm.

oh by the way, a number republicans have criticized rush, including speaker of the house Boehner. He needs to go!
I B Hankering's Avatar
He wasn't much of a President after either! Originally Posted by bigtex
You didn't read the article did you? Typical liberal approach: form 'opinions' and argue while remaining ignorant of the facts.
Regarding Bush's picture, hopefully that is not someone he sent to fight a senseless war. Originally Posted by vkmaster
Actually, the guy was heading to Afghanistan, but it was Odumbo who was president and commander-in-chief at that moment in time. "W" was on his own time when he visited Major Royer in his hospital bed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Mariposa you are so wrong. President Bush made weekly visits to Bethesda without fanfare and without publication. No other president has done something like that. George H W Bush went to the Persian Gulf to have Thanksgiving dinner with the sailors and marines in the amphibious fleet.

If you think that the democratic party is so helpful and beneficial to women I have a few words; Monica Lewinksy, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Jaunita Brodderick, and Elizabeth Gracen. These women were harassed, their pets killed, the reputations slandered, their phones tapped, and Gracen even fled the country to get away from the operatives of Bill Clinton. The democrats are only interested in women if they are useful (like Monica).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 06:49 AM
. The democrats are only interested in women if they are useful (like Monica). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Same can be said of Republicans.

But that is another subject.

The GOP is on the losing side in this matter. IMHO. Rush went after a private citizen. He should have kept the subject generic. Now he has put a face to it. Big political mistake. Not that Rush cares about the GOP, he cares about ratings. I heard he lost a sponsor btw, many more and he will wind up like Imus. Right or wrong that is wtf it boils down to.
plus this is just another example of how president ussein will come and "save" the day and take all these WWWEEEEEAAAAAKKKKLIIINGS, ULTRA SENSITIVE .............................. .............................. .............................. ..........

wait for it............................ .............................. .............................. ..............



whiney problems away.......................... .............................. ....................

BOOOO!!! FFFUUCCCKING!!!......HHHHHOOOO OOOOO!!!!...I cant control my "fucking"

urges!!!!! PLLEEASSE mr "president".. CUMMM SSAVVVE MMMEEE!!!

P.S> thank you mr.hussein, now I feel better Cause Im tooo fucking stupid to see you place shackles on my feet
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 07:36 AM
The girl wants the government to subsidize her fucking. I don't mind subsidizing fucking, but I will do it voluntarily, and choose my own lady to spend it on. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Speaking of know a subject and speaking from ignorance....

Old people want younger folks to subsidize their healthcare. The system we have now does not cover the costs. So why shouldn't younger folks want something out of the government?

Do you have a problem with oil companies being subsidized by the government.

Think about how wack that sounds to a woman...the GOP talking points are that Exxon needs those tax breaks , yet they demonize her for wanting birth control pills?

Like I said this is a losing issue for the GOP. More women than men vote. This rallies younger voters. Folks that may not have voted. The old folks were going to vote the GOP anyway. This fires up people that were likely not to vote.
Speaking of know a subject and speaking from ignorance...

The system we have now does not cover the costs. So why shouldn't younger folks want something out of the government?
. Originally Posted by WTF
you answered your own question, it is simply about the math.

heres also an answer,
because these snot nosed looser young people have only the mindset to TAKE.....GIMME ...GIMME...I DESERVE....

they havent put into the system,
Rush was making an absurd statement to demonstrate the total stupidity of this issue. This is a non issue since the federal government should have no involvement in it and the fact that there are congressional hearings on it is absurd.

When are people going to understand that just because a service is covered by health insurance the service is NOT free. The insurance company simply prices it into the insurance premium and you pay them instead of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is paid by the insurance company. That process is more expensive than simply paying the pharmacy yourself. Health insurance is a big reason health care is so expensive and until we change to high deductible plans that only cover large losses things will not get better. Originally Posted by Laz
it is HEALTH INSURANCE... taking a form of birth control does not contribute to your health, rather it prevents what a woman's body does naturally. It should not be covered in any health insurance plan since sex is not required to live.. only to reproduce.

This country is spinning out of control in funding things that should not be. We fund benefits for illegals, drug users and it comes out of anyone who pays taxes.. yet we do not collect taxes the illegals or drug users because they are either not in the tax system or do not work.

You want a state or federal benefit? You need to be required to pass a drug screening to get them and periodically take a drug screening to stay on them. I have to take a drug screening to get the job that pays taxes so you can get the $$$, least you can do is pass the same test.

Illegals? you are a criminal, you should be deported back to your country, not just over the border but 100+ miles into your country into a large city and left there..

You should not reap the benefits of what the USA has to offer unless you are willing to contribute back, in the form of taxes. Become a Citizen and be a part of what has funded you in the first place..