P4P / Emotional Intimacy –Are they Screwing each other?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
fancy, between your green high heels, your green font selection, and your beautifully well written post [esp. the part i bolded], ....
i could really enjoy some emotional intimacy with you!!
seriously, you seem to be the type of woman with whom i would really enjoy spending an hour or two.

btw, i love this part of you sigline...
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Originally Posted by pmdelites
Then come on over and we shall get intimately intertwined, darlin lad. I'm particularly fond of the cherished art form of long, slow kissing. Might you be?

Amazing how neglected, or perhaps taken for granted, passionate lip-locking can become in a "traditional" relationship.

Btw, whom do I see about getting a chihuahua smilie on here?
appleseed612's Avatar
No, or at least not yet. Although you never know when things may change. I receive and give more than my fair share of good honest trustful emotional and physical intimacy at home. Sometimes too much. Thus far, I'm not here looking for or wanting to give emotional intimacy. Right now I'm here to explore and maybe satisfy my hunger before I pass from this earth. I feel not doing so would be a part of life unlived. Any emotional intimacy or passion or "click" I receive or give during a meet is an added bonus.
Great question Kelly. For me, it is both for the same reason. My first choice has always been my SO of many years. However, that is usually not available in a suitable manner. When she does have the (time, desire???), I do not have the need to look elsewhere. When it is not there, I try to fill that void in my life with others without getting too attached. I think this is where GFE comes in as a needed service. I know I will never replace what we have had for years during a few sessions, but it helps keep harmony.
The Paradox.

There are some gents that I've met who crave the intimacy. Touching, kissing, talking, eye contact--- they enjoy having that little space of time where the universe is theirs without question. Some prefer the P4P simply because it is too hard for them to give of themselves in that way in the civvie world, either from fear, or from time, or because they have made promises that they intend to keep, even at the cost of their own intimate needs.

There are some gents that I've met who are here for their hungers. The gents who want all the nasty little things that their SO's won't do. These gents are fulfilling their primal needs. They likely get the intimacy from home, just not the sex. I have several wonderful clients who are very much in love with their wives-- they just only see sex when the planets align in a very specific manner.

I'm a hybrid. I have a high sex drive, but I also crave the intimacy. My current life doesn't leave room for relationships-- so I thoroughly enjoy the chance intimate encounters that I find in this world.
DL, If I had been with you, it could have went either way. I always want a true connection, but many times it is not there.

My problem... I married a very hot gorgeous body builder type when she was 20. She actually scared me with her openness to do anything, and we did for years, and still do sometime (but it is now very rare). I now have to seek someone to fill in that emptiness. As another said in this post, she said to go get it elsewhere if you want, but no drama or STD's. So, if I click (see Jaxxx, I haven't seen most, but she is great) it is loving for the time with great sexxx. I feel as if I am more important than a meeting, or if the toilet was properly cleaned... If not, it is explore and release. Some women here seem to not look as good as pics, and do not deliver the passion they advertise. I do not review them because a few think they were fine (a whole other topic).
No, just Hold me!!

~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT

.........If you need me, call me.......
..............No matter where you are, no matter how far....
.............................. Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry
.............................. ....On that you can depend and never worry


Oh, no wind, no rain
(No wind, no rain)
Can stop me, babe
If you wanna go


And if you should miss my love
One of these old days
If you should ever miss the arms
That used to hold you so close, or the lips
That used to touch you so tenderly

Just remember what I told you
The day you set me free

Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you


for you and sydney4u
lilsmurf's Avatar
I just want pussy, yayo
And steak , no particular order.
berkleigh's Avatar
I just want pussy, yayo
And steak , no particular order. Originally Posted by lilsmurf
Babe...Have I told you lately that I love you lol
Umm, depends on the chemistry. I love my SO, which is why I don't visit anyone very much, and when I do, it's usually for just a massage with L1, rarely L2. I don't tend to go for GFE visits or FS, but I'd be lying if I said that I never did.

I think that some of us are endowed with a stronger need to give and receive more and different types of "love" than others, and I think that most providers and clients see each of the other uniquely. For example, there have been ladies I've visited that didn't click with me nor I with them, and even if they were highly reviewed, I'd never go back and I'm sure that they were just fine with it. However, in both the "hobby world" and real world of work and social life, we all meet people with whom we "click" and sometimes feelings develop. If we're smart, we don't jeopardize good relationships to pursue bad ones- I met a girl at work a few days ago and the sexual tension between us was thick enough lay on but if I'm smart I'll only have her in masturbatory fantasy.

What's nice about the "hobby world" is that the provider and client know the basis of why things start. This doesn't mean that the feelings and attachment (and passion and orgasms) aren't real, and sometimes professional relationships have to be constrained because they get out of hand. For example, I had to stop seeing an RMT I really liked; she got attached. She's totally gorgeous and I'm nothing spectacular, but we had good chemistry.

For me, visiting providers is an escape during times when I can't be close with my SO and sometimes my visits are based on a visual attraction followed by a phone call and "good vibes". While visiting providers does give me guilt, I also see it as a relationship that the vast majority of the time, is a way to enjoy emotional and physical closeness with someone I can care about but where the boundaries of our separate lives are respected.

BTW Kelly, I've always wanted a visit with you. Dunno why I've never called. I need to pick up the phone!
lilsmurf's Avatar
Berk your on my speed dial