Why are Republicans Against Democracy?

Why don't democrats know that our country is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Someone needs to start a civics thread so these guys can learn how the United States government works. Fuckin public schools these days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
We’re discussing states not the federal govt. so once again you have no real answers.
I see you are still batting 100% wrong Originally Posted by farmstud60
I’ll patiently await your logical and informative explanation.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why dont the dems want to obey and restore the constitution. Why do dems want hoards of illegals voting? Why are the dems against safe and secure elections. Why do dems use race as its weapon to destabilize the nation?
The left is preparing for a united nations take over!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She cannot have an abortion so she will have to carry the baby to term and watch it die a painful death. That’s what anti-abortion republicans are fine with. I am not.
Then again, if you’re on board with democratic dogma, it’s ok to crush the skull of a fully formed, healthy baby that could easily live outside the womb.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We’re discussing states not the federal govt. so once again you have no real answers. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
LMAO. State aren’t a democracy, keep trying tho.
winn dixie's Avatar
Someone needs to start a civics thread so these guys can learn how the United States government works. Fuckin public schools these days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
dems and the teachers union are too busy teaching crt and divisively biased history. All this is making xi and the u n very happy.
I read the cbs and ap articles posted by the OP. The NYT article needed a login so I passed. Neither article gave specifics of the laws in place or wanted. I wonder why? Maybe because these lefty news org's knew what was in them and it was bad? I ask the OP to post up the law that was prevented from a vote so we can all see.
I’ll patiently await your logical and informative explanation. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You have no logic, so why waste the effort
lustylad's Avatar
but the more curious question is why you accuse republicans of being anti-democracy? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He doesn't merely accuse them - meaning ALL Republicans - of it. He embeds it as a fact in the thread title. It's called begging the question.

Like me asking "Why do Democrats enjoy torturing cute little puppies?"
lustylad's Avatar
I believe a referendum is a great way to go... Originally Posted by Tiny
You should move to California. They LOVE referendums out there. They stuff 'em into every election.

Sometimes they put two mutually incompatible and contradictory ones onto the ballot and they both pass. Then it's fun to watch the dumb lawyers, judges and "lawmakers" frantically trying to sort out the resulting train wreck while activists on both sides claim "victory" lol.
Let’s keep it simple so the Socialist/liberal/Progressives can comprehend.

Democrats want anybody that just happens to be on American soil voting any where, anytime.

Republicans want any human wishing to vote to have a valid ID proving he, she, or it is legal to vote in the election being held.

  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2022, 09:48 AM
You should move to California. They LOVE referendums out there. They stuff 'em into every election.

Sometimes they put two mutually incompatible and contradictory ones onto the ballot and they both pass. Then it's fun to watch the dumb lawyers, judges and "lawmakers" frantically trying to sort out the resulting train wreck while activists on both sides claim "victory" lol. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don’t have to move to California. There are referendums right here where I live! When the city fathers decide they want to build a new stadium or a new school and therefore issue a bond and raise property taxes, there’s a referendum. It’s a useful check on the political “elite” (who actually aren’t so elite here) who have a natural inclination to grow the size and power of government. Except for the stadium, I’ve been inclined to give them what they want, as they’re good stewards of our money, and the city and county governments are efficient.

Preferably the referendums should be special elections, with no candidates for elective offices on the ballot, so the people who show up at the polls will mostly be informed voters.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I can think of a couple of referendums I'd like to see. In New York, a referendum on "no bail reform".

In California, a referendum on whether the people want to be forced into EV's when the State is asking them not to charge their EV's because the electric grid can't handle the EV's they have. But maybe the people would surprise me and actually not be as dumb as they seem.

So what would the qualifications be on referendums? If we are going to do it for abortion, why not every single issue, every single law?

How about each State gets to decide on whether they want to do away with student loans. Yeah, it all sounds like a great idea until you try and change a Republic into a democracy.

On any other issue than abortion, Democrats would be fighting tooth and nail against referendums. Is there any doubt in anybodies mind that if every state had a referendum on abortion, that some states would outlaw most if not all abortions? And if Democrats were so big on an abortion referendum for each state, why would they keep insisting on a National law that covers even the states that don't want abortion in their state.

And what do we suppose a 50 state referendum on crime and incarceration would bring to Democrats?
And what do we suppose a 50 state referendum on illegal immigration would bring to Democrats?

Careful what you wish for.

Tell you what, let's start there and then I'll support an abortion referendum in every state.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We have very few democracies anywhere in this country. Even school boards do things by elected representatives. Only the terminally stupid cannot understand that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Democrats want anybody that just happens to be on American soil voting any where, anytime. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or under American soil.