Should churches (defined as churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, etc.) remain tax-exempt?

waverunner234's Avatar
Actually I've never been to a church INSIDE the US and if I read this maybe its better that I stay far away from them. I'm doomed anyway, no church can help me with that.
"or the free exercise thereof"
Bought a newspaper lately. You do notice that there is no tax on the purchase.

Regardless of why the First Amendment was, and the way it is written, the fact remains that it is there, and you can't get around it.

If you want to subject Churches to the taxing policy of the Government, then you will have to amend the Constitution. If this wasn't so, they would have done it long time ago.

Be careful, though. When you start messing around with the Bill of Rights, they might get to one that you hold sacred. Like that pesky search and seizure thing, and that self incrimination thing, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to shoot your mouth off against the actions of the Government. The Bill of Rights is there for a Reason, and it should not be subjected to the whims of the moment. That is why the Amendment procces is so difficult.

I think that we have corrupted Religion, no different than what the Catholic Church did in the Middle Middle Ages, it's all about the Dollar. But untill you amend the Constitution, there is not much that can be done.
You are right. No Church can help you, or me for that matter.

But, perhaps God can. Just a thought.
Iaintliein's Avatar
"or the free exercise thereof"
Bought a newspaper lately. You do notice that there is no tax on the purchase.

Regardless of why the First Amendment was, and the way it is written, the fact remains that it is there, and you can't get around it.

If you want to subject Churches to the taxing policy of the Government, then you will have to amend the Constitution. If this wasn't so, they would have done it long time ago.

Be careful, though. When you start messing around with the Bill of Rights, they might get to one that you hold sacred. Like that pesky search and seizure thing, and that self incrimination thing, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to shoot your mouth off against the actions of the Government. The Bill of Rights is there for a Reason, and it should not be subjected to the whims of the moment. That is why the Amendment procces is so difficult.

I think that we have corrupted Religion, no different than what the Catholic Church did in the Middle Middle Ages, it's all about the Dollar. But untill you amend the Constitution, there is not much that can be done. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Which, of course, explains the lack of taxes on firearms, ammunition, and edged weapons. Right??? As you say, be careful messing around with the Bill of Rights.

You see, the Bill of Rights has nothing to do with tax policy. Tax policy is driven solely by the aspirations of politicians to gain or hold power. That is a major reason to replace the overly complex, income driven, loophole permeated taxation system. . . brought to you by the same great mind that gave us the Federal Reserve and tried to foist the League of Nations on us, needs to be replaced with a simple, point of purchase system. That way, if GE buys silicon dioxide to make glass for light bulbs, they pay a tax, likewise if the local church buys a light bulb they pay a tax, just like everybody else.

Render unto Caesar etc.