Next order of business for me is wondering what position Bill Clinton will be appointed to in Hillary's administration

Nahhh Sherlock, Bush took office just in time to show what an idiot he truly was. Fact is presidents are judged on policies, business climate and the performance of the economy while in office. Clinton left that wreckless moron a $236 billion surplus. Outside of the normal ebb and flow of the economy it was purely Bush mismanagement that took us from a $236 billion surplus to 455 billion deficit.

He lowered taxes for the rich, deregulated the financial industry, and floated the wars on "terror" instead of funding them through higher taxes. That's how he fucked up this country. Dude was a straight up dummy and apparently you cosign that level of stupidity. Go figure.

Conversely, Bill's policies made for a very strong economy. For example his 1993 budget reduced the federal deficit and lowered interests rates, this in turn stimulated the economy with more tax revenue, personal income increases and big stock market gains.

Go read a book and get back to me. Better yet I have a homework assignment for you. Tell me compared to what Clinton left Bush (which was a $236 billion surplus) what did Bush leave Obama.

I'm listening ExNyer I'd love to read your next bullshit excuse. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Well if Clinton left Bush a surplus, Bush didn't squander it like you think. Remember Spring of 2008 when Bush enacted his Economic stimulus Package in hopes it would jump start the economy. Now I am sure there was some pros and cons that he had no control over like people saving the money or paying off a delinquent bill instead of spending it. Was that part of Bushes squandering of Clinton's all mighty surplus.

Nahhh Sherlock, Bush took office just in time to show what an idiot he truly was. Fact is presidents are judged on policies, business climate and the performance of the economy while in office. Clinton left that wreckless moron a $236 billion surplus. Outside of the normal ebb and flow of the economy it was purely Bush mismanagement that took us from a $236 billion surplus to 455 billion deficit.

He lowered taxes for the rich, deregulated the financial industry, and floated the wars on "terror" instead of funding them through higher taxes. That's how he fucked up this country. Dude was a straight up dummy and apparently you cosign that level of stupidity. Go figure.

Conversely, Bill's policies made for a very strong economy. For example his 1993 budget reduced the federal deficit and lowered interests rates, this in turn stimulated the economy with more tax revenue, personal income increases and big stock market gains.

Go read a book and get back to me. Better yet I have a homework assignment for you. Tell me compared to what Clinton left Bush (which was a $236 billion surplus) what did Bush leave Obama.

I'm listening ExNyer I'd love to read your next bullshit excuse. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Economy tanked under Bush, people began defaulting on home loans. Value of those bonds dropped. Dumbasses like Bear Sterns and others were leveraged to the hilt and didn't have enough credit insurance to hedge against losses of that magnitude. Creditors had taken large amounts of these subprime bonds as collateral on the loans. They called in markers (margin call) and nobody had cash. They tried to sell the bonds, which drove the prices lower, which caused them to sell more bonds until they were ultimately worthless.

Dotcom bubble bursts in 2000. Then 9/11 happens. Banks lowered interest rates, causing hedge funds, etc. to try and capitalise on riskier investments for larger rates of return. Blame the lenders, they had no problem making these loans because the economy had rebounded, people were making their payments, etc. Overall, plenty of blame to go around. Mostly it boils down to people are greedy.
Well if Clinton left Bush a surplus, Bush didn't squander it like you think. Remember Spring of 2008 when Bush enacted his Economic stimulus Package in hopes it would jump start the economy. Now I am sure there was some pros and cons that he had no control over like people saving the money or paying off a delinquent bill instead of spending it. Was that part of Bushes squandering of Clinton's all mighty surplus.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jesus, you think that surplus was still around 8 years later? He floated loans for the Iraq war to the tune of trillions. That money was long gone by the time we needed a stimulus in 2008
give him a break Jim. he meant "Glory Hole years"

you "rip someone a new asshole?" Mister, your brain is the blackhole of intelligence. as in, no intelligence can get in.

[B]as for Reagan, he actually cared about America which more than i can say for Obama. of course he made that deal. and your problem with that is .. what??? that he helped Iran against Iraq? in the politics of the day, it was worth it.

Reagan also brought down the Soviet State. Yes .. he DID. The Soviets thought they had American Presidents all figured out. they talk tough then fold so they can get re-elected. Reagan did not. when he told Gorbachev "take it or leave it" for the INF treaty, Gorbachev realized Reagan wasn't bluffing and was not going to relent. So he signed it. he HAD NO CHOICE in doing so. NONE. they call this .. LEADERSHIP.

i don't always agree with ExNYer, but i do today. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about as neither you, ExNyer, or Jimbo understand Geo-politics. Reagan helped Iran against Iraq it was a bad idea then as Saddam (even though he was a bad guy) served as a deterrent to Irans rise to power. Saddam was never a threat to the US its the very reason we gave him mustard gas to use on his own people. Saddam was a US alley until Bushs dumb ass came onto the scene.

With the removal of Iraq (who was never a US threat) in the region what did we allow? We allowed for the rise of Iranian terror with the aspirations of becoming a nuclear Iran. Now we're all scrambling to stop Iran who Reagan first armed setting the stage for where we are today.

Again we should have never removed Saddam from power if we truly cared about middle eastern terror. He kept them all in check except for Saudi. Had Bush even had a modicum of intelligence he would have known this.
Jesus, you think that surplus was still around 8 years later? He floated loans for the Iraq war to the tune of trillions. That money was long gone by the time we needed a stimulus in 2008 Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I don't know where Bush got 152 million for his Economic Stimulus Package, all I know is I received a 600.00 check, did you?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about as neither you, ExNyer, or Jimbo understand Geo-politics. Reagan helped Iran against Iraq it was a bad idea then as Saddam (even though he was a bad guy) served as a deterrent to Irans rise to power. Saddam was never a threat to the US its the very reason we gave him mustard gas to use on his own people. Saddam was a US alley until Bushs dumb ass came onto the scene.

With the removal of Iraq (who was never a US threat) in the region what did we allow? We allowed for the rise of Iranian terror with the aspirations of becoming a nuclear Iran. Now we're all scrambling to stop Iran who Reagan first armed setting the stage for where we are today.

Again we should have never removed Saddam from power if we truly cared about middle eastern terror. He kept them all in check except for Saudi. Had Bush even had a modicum of intelligence he would have known this. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Economy tanked under Bush, people began defaulting on home loans. Value of those bonds dropped. Dumbasses like Bear Sterns and others were leveraged to the hilt and didn't have enough credit insurance to hedge against losses of that magnitude. Creditors had taken large amounts of these subprime bonds as collateral on the loans. They called in markers (margin call) and nobody had cash. They tried to sell the bonds, which drove the prices lower, which caused them to sell more bonds until they were ultimately worthless.

Dotcom bubble bursts in 2000. Then 9/11 happens. Banks lowered interest rates, causing hedge funds, etc. to try and capitalise on riskier investments for larger rates of return. Blame the lenders, they had no problem making these loans because the economy had rebounded, people were making their payments, etc. Overall, plenty of blame to go around. Mostly it boils down to people are greedy. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

you dumb fucktard ass, you do know it was William Jefferson Blythe (Clinton) who agreed to repeal Glass-Steagall .. yes??? yes ... ??????

there's the cause of the sub-prime crap, the meltdown of the banks. it was Clinton's fault shit-for-brains.

I don't know where Bush got 152 million for his Economic Stimulus Package, all I know is I received a 600.00 check, did you?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

if you were a real patriot you would have refused that money. You have the nerve to criticize Obama after such a post about what Bush gave and what you accepted. Ridiculous
you dumb fucktard ass, you do know it was William Jefferson Blythe (Clinton) who agreed to repeal Glass-Steagall .. yes??? yes ... ??????

there's the cause of the sub-prime crap, the meltdown of the banks. it was Clinton's fault shit-for-brains.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're angry and delusional. Also you need to address UC not me. Perhaps it doesn't even matter because if the way you respond is any indication I'm pretty sure you're clueless.

if you were a real patriot you would have refused that money. You have the nerve to criticize Obama after such a post about what Bush gave and what you accepted. Ridiculous Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Well if you received one did you refuse it? Or were you living in another country at the time Mr. Patriot. I am sure you can't even explain your stupid statement either. I am pretty dam sure if it was Obama helping out the average citizen you would be singing his praise about it. But it was George Bush and he is Republican and they aren't suppose to give a shit.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're angry and delusional. Also you need to address UC not me. Perhaps it doesn't even matter because if the way you respond is any indication I'm pretty sure you're clueless. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
ahahahahahaha. i'm pretty sure you are an idiot. no, i'm convinced you are an idiot.

so you deny Clinton signed the bill to repeal Glass-Stegall? is that your contention?

President Bill Clinton publicly declared "the Glass–Steagall law is no longer appropriate."
Never voted for Clinton. I was a republican back then. Nice try though. I'm from arkansas btw, there isn't any scandal involving clinton that is news to me. We've heard it all. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Apparently not.

Technically Billy Clint Clint could challenge the constitution and run as her Veep but it's too risky. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Hillary isn't that stupid.

She is NOT going to put on a Target logo sweater, not when the next in line would be the Speaker of the (Republican) House.

If she runs any family member for Veep, it will be Chelsea, on the "Who would you rather have getting that phone call at 3 AM?" principal? (This is called taking a page from the Democrat version of the George W Bush playbook: As much as the Democrats hated George W Bush, they feared Dick Cheney a lot more.)
Hillary isn't that stupid.

She is NOT going to put on a Target logo sweater, not when the next in line would be the Speaker of the (Republican) House.

If she runs any family member for Veep, it will be Chelsea, on the "Who would you rather have getting that phone call at 3 AM?" principal? (This is called taking a page from the Democrat version of the George W Bush playbook: As much as the Democrats hated George W Bush, they feared Dick Cheney a lot more.) Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Chelsea couldn't handle the cut downs that would circulate through media pundits and stand up comics they would have a field day with that stupid little bitch.

Well if you received one did you refuse it? Or were you living in another country at the time Mr. Patriot. I am sure you can't even explain your stupid statement either. I am pretty dam sure if it was Obama helping out the average citizen you would be singing his praise about it. But it was George Bush and he is Republican and they aren't suppose to give a shit.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Government just handing out checks? Sounds like socialism to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Government just handing out checks? Sounds like socialism to me. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Nope. just biz as usual for the Fed, a private banking cartel. let me quote that wonderful stooge Ben Buttplugnake

when confronted with abject stupidity i usually go for the lower common denominator of intelligence to make my point. congratulations you have won the Oscar of stupidity