Debbie Wasserman Shultz Goes Brain Dead on Hardball

I'm for democratic socialism, so you're barking up the wrong tree. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm all for Socialism as well, as long as I can be in charge and have my Dacha on The Volga, while all of you Serfs labor away on the Collectives supporting my lifestyle.

That might not be what all of the naive Utopians have in mind, but with most "socialist" systems, that's the way it ends up.
I'm all for Socialism as well, as long as I can be in charge and have my Dacha on The Volga, while all of you Serfs labor away on the Collectives supporting my lifestyle.

That might not be what all of the naive Utopians have in mind, but with most "socialist" systems, that's the way it ends up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's communism, you're confusing the two. Think more like... Denmark. As for having your Dacha on the Mississippi and the negroes working away, maybe the South was communist for a little while

We've been fed the lies for so long in this country about anything resembling socialism. Go to Denmark. It can work. Capitalism isn't the be all end all of economic ideas.
Budman's Avatar
That's communism, you're confusing the two. Think more like... Denmark. As for having your Dacha on the Mississippi and the negroes working away, maybe the South was communist for a little while

We've been fed the lies for so long in this country about anything resembling socialism. Go to Denmark. It can work. Capitalism isn't the be all end all of economic ideas. Originally Posted by WombRaider

If it is so great why don't you shag your ass on over.
If it is so great why don't you shag your ass on over. Originally Posted by Budman
I've been there. Several times. It's absolutely fantastic. I feel sorry for you, actually. You would rather accept something less than ideal, because you've always known it, than to discover something better, because you fear change.
I've been there. Several times. It's absolutely fantastic. I feel sorry for you, actually. You would rather accept something less than ideal, because you've always known it, than to discover something better, because you fear change. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You're full of shit... shut the fuck up and learn something for once.
womby you really are a fucking idiot I almost feel sorry for you but I can't stand faggots
womby you really are a fucking idiot I almost feel sorry for you but I can't stand faggots Originally Posted by gary5912
What was that? I can't hear you. Yell louder.
You're full of shit... shut the fuck up and learn something for once. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Propoganda. Nice try, though.
Fucking nasty assed cunt needs to have an eye ball ripped out, and someone skull fuck some brains in that void head of hers. Originally Posted by Seedy
Not a bad idea, but you could skull fuck her til your dick falls off, and she still wouldn't have enough brains to tie her shoelaces. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
By the way Seedy, I did not mean to imply that you personally would attempt to skull fuck some brains into her. I know you have better taste than that. My apologies for any misunderstanding
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would like to hear YOUR explanation of "democratic socialism". No pastes, no plagarism, your words, your ideas....
I'm for democratic socialism, so you're barking up the wrong tree. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yup, you want other people's money. Why am I not surprised?

What happens when you run out of it?
I would like to hear YOUR explanation of "democratic socialism". No pastes, no plagarism, your words, your ideas.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"I would like to (once again) hear YOUR explanation of" how the Malaysian Airlines 777 ended up parked on a remote island and hidden from view by wilted shrubs and camouflage netting.
flghtr65's Avatar
Wasserman avoiding the question was not as bad a Rick Perry's "oops" moment in the 2012 republican debates( which was replayed on the Fox - Megan Kelly Show Thursday night). At the end of the day those on the far left will be voting Hillary when she wins the Dem nomination. Those on the far right will be voting for Jeb when he wins the Rep nomination. The independents will determine who will win the 2016 presidential election. The last two elections the independents went with Obama and that is why he won the last two elections by 15 million votes.
I would like to hear YOUR explanation of "democratic socialism". No pastes, no plagarism, your words, your ideas.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The various models of democratic socialism have been well described and explained by men much smarter than I am. I'm not sure why you want it in 'my words', but you're not going to get it, because I don't take orders from you.
Yup, you want other people's money. Why am I not surprised?

What happens when you run out of it? Originally Posted by ExNYer
See, when you say things like that, it just illustrates that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Capitalism is not compatible with freedom and equality. Like most americans, you don't have any idea what socialism really is. It's a dirty word that you immediately equate to communism. This is due to ignorance. Communism doesn't work. Socialism does. The reason that communism doesn't work is the totalitarian nature of it, in the economy as well as the government. Capitalism needs built-in factors in order to survive. Planned obsolescence being one of them. Capitalism needs perpetual demand for product. How do you make sure this happens? You plan for obsolescence and you make people believe they need more than they actually do. You're watching it happen right now. Millions upon millions of people all across this country are in debt up to their goddamn eyeballs because they were convinced, through advertising, that they needed things they didn't actually need. You would rather be part of a system that plays you for a fool than part of a system that produces for use, like socialism. Capitalism creates this fake need to attain more and more shit. And it never ends, because profit drives it all. While you're busy keeping up with the Joneses, the CEOs are busy accumulating more and more wealth. Where does it end...