WTF happened to Houston? I was out of the country for 7 years and it looks like whales charging $300 took over the Houston hobby scene. Seriously? There is no quality left in this city ?While I ask $250/hour, not $300, this chunky chick has been entertaining local gentlemen for just shy of 9 years now. I was here before you left, and am still here upon your return. That can tell you many things, primarily that there is a flavor for every taste bud, so why disparage others needlessly for promoting themselves?
And yeah excuse my French and I hope this is not very inflammatory, but WTF? Originally Posted by johnwickery
Seriously? Quality is relative to the consumer, sometimes even to the culture, and will either be proved or disproved over time.
You surely knew that this was going to be a caustic and inflammatory comment when you typed it, so NO, there is no excuse.
I swear, I don't understand the useless blubbering over other people's bodies. Sweat over your own, and make your own choices. There are HUNDREDS of companionship options available on Houston ECCIE. You don't like what you see in a Showcase or ad, move on the the NEXT one. If a provider disappoints, do a REVIEW, but when you haven't even seen a lady, no point in bringing her down for not being up to a standard that she has no need to fill for YOU.