didn't know there were such thing as a nuclear option in an election

HedonistForever's Avatar
If the Democrats win 51 seats in the Senate, I predict they will use the nuclear option enabling them to pass legislation with a simple Majority. If Biden is President and Democrats keep the House and win 51 seats in the Senate, they will be bound by filibuster rules and will say "fuck it" and pass majority legislation.

Strap yourselves in folks because no matter how this turns out, we are going to see things we have never seen before in this country.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They look like a wall around him. To keep him in, not others out.
Kinda ironic that they are wearing black, when most likely they normally wear white coats and are likely carrying tasers in case Joe-mentia Hiden bolts.

Not sure why Joe-mentia's handlers are staying so far away though. I've never heard of dementia being an airborne disease. Could it be that they rapidly loose IQ points if they get any closer??

Fuckery is the democrats only hope, which is why they’re pushing it so hard. Look at this moron ffs.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
matchingmole's Avatar
There is a flush option too............
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2020, 03:09 PM
name calling and scatology - is what DPST's offer in support of their marxist, racist agenda to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Typical mole.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If the Democrats win 51 seats in the Senate, I predict they will use the nuclear option enabling them to pass legislation with a simple Majority. If Biden is President and Democrats keep the House and win 51 seats in the Senate, they will be bound by filibuster rules and will say "fuck it" and pass majority legislation.

Strap yourselves in folks because no matter how this turns out, we are going to see things we have never seen before in this country. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That’s just getting started. They will add as many seats to the Supreme Court as they can, packing them all with radicals. Grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, virtually ensuring four leftist Senate seats. Mandate every election now be mail-in only, so they can completely control election outcomes. Yada yada yada.

Should your scenario play out, say hello to authoritarianism and goodbye to democracy.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joeys speech yesterday was interesting , he couldn't get anything right ,, sad really
  • oeb11
  • 09-16-2020, 08:18 AM
That’s just getting started. They will add as many seats to the Supreme Court as they can, packing them all with radicals. Grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, virtually ensuring four leftist Senate seats. Mandate every election now be mail-in only, so they can completely control election outcomes. Yada yada yada.

Should your scenario play out, say hello to authoritarianism and goodbye to democracy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

DPST party has already made this intention very clear

you are correct - J
They are planning a totalitarian take-over.

Which will result in civil war!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
That’s just getting started. They will add as many seats to the Supreme Court as they can, packing them all with radicals. Grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, virtually ensuring four leftist Senate seats. Mandate every election now be mail-in only, so they can completely control election outcomes. Yada yada yada.

Should your scenario play out, say hello to authoritarianism and goodbye to democracy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I'm pessimist but not that pessimistic. While I worry most about the SC because that can't be corrected once done every 2 years, I still have hope that if the Democrats run the table, they will fuck up so spectacularly in their first 2 years, surely in 4, the the American people having been relieved of their visceral hatred of Trump, will come back to their senses and vote the Democrats out of power and there is nothing they can do to stop that short of actually changing votes which will be obvious if the country turns on them like I believe they will.

Here's hopping.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They could irreparably damage the country in 2 months, let alone two years. My post was just what they’ve openly stated, god knows what else the can come up with to destroy the country the so obviously hate.