Would like feed back if you agree

Cassmann's Avatar
Glad you got back on 2 wheels for a ride Harley!! Definitely riding weather for Sure
Hmm, guess I’ll need to clean up the ole Honda too Harley. Ain’t no hog but it’ll do for an old red neck fair weather recreational rider.
I think the overriding theme should be "Make the Hobby Fun Again".
Now Ats a wise sumbitch rat dere. But, Hell, as long as ole HK been around he ought to be smarter than most of us. Lol
Let’s jus have some fun. Again, and again. Much as can be had.
I enjoyed a jaunt this past week myself. It was kinda spur of the moment but it was quite enjoyable. May offer a review later if I get time. But, after being a bit puny and way behind on lots of obligations and chit, it was nice to squeeze in a real woman for a change. Give my arm a rest! Good grief!
With a couple of fresh fillies popping up I need more time off to make my rounds to get to see this strange running the roads of NLA.
Remember fellas. This is meant to be ‘fun’. Not work.
Ats jus me.
MobyD789's Avatar
I know your pain brother,I gave up hobbies because of it, but is not just SBC, young ladies with small children are always concerned when they are away from them. I have a friend and she will tell you when she is texting and why. Most are to nervous to tell there personal business. I paid for two hours once lost that second hour and money. I really felt stupid, still do thinking about it.