Tlaib suggests boycotting Bill Maher's show.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The fearsome Foursome is revealing their Racism to all
And their ultimate plan for complete destruction of Israel and all Jewish people
Typical DPST's
let her go on and on - boycott this, If you disagree with me you are Racist!
One term Moozzie!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
You’re loonier than she is.

Remind about that MAGA hat again! Do you have the stones to wear it in public? Or are you still under that (forbidden topic)?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2019, 03:07 PM
have anything about Maher and the Foursome???
Nothing - just personal attacks.

The RTM button is One's friend (little) .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have anything but hysterics?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2019, 03:25 PM
Thank you - YR - for the usual constructive and cogent contributions.

No - You are not qualified to diagnose " hysterics"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you know?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2019, 03:38 PM
I do know.
Now - let's watch the DPST politicians and media tear into each other with Boycotts and other silliness.

Fun to watch the idiots do unto each other.

well deserved!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you qualified to diagnose hysterics?

I believe you are displaying a higher level - and definitely higher pitch - of hysterics than Tlaib.
themystic's Avatar
I can't figure out what this women wants out of life. Originally Posted by Levianon17
She just yearns for the days when she had clients....Oh you mean Congresswoman Tlaib. I thought you were talking about someone else. Never mind Levi
themystic's Avatar
The fearsome Foursome is revealing their Racism to all
And their ultimate plan for complete destruction of Israel and all Jewish people
Typical DPST's
let her go on and on - boycott this, If you disagree with me you are Racist!
One term Moozzie!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
One term Moozie? You are a Racist and a Nazi
So these two women had their press conference. Talib threw in some crying over not seeing her granny. What a crock of shit. These 2 women are dangerous to America. What do these idiots expect. I'm no mental heath expert but if you support an organization that wants to annihilate the country you want to visit well,anyone with a normal brain would say " hell no." And on top of that, these 2 do not want to follow another countries policy for entering another country. They feel belittled.
Well, Talib and Omar - it's Trump 2020 and fuck your feelings. At this rate - they'll be voted out in record numbers.
Yep, those 2 women are trying to play the victim card. That is disgusting to me but it makes sense.

Bill Maher understands America's new privileged victim class, almost
by Eddie Scarry
August 19, 2019 11:56 AM

Liberal HBO's Real Time host Bill Maher was on the right track when he said Friday that the Democratic Party has a new “bullshit purity test” which says its elected members must, under no circumstances, support the only good government in the Middle East — Israel’s. But he fell off when he said it was the consequence of “shallow thinking” among liberals.

It’s not “shallow” and it’s not even “thinking.” This is the way political and cultural battles are now fought in America. That’s the entire point of my new book: Privileged Victims: How America’s Culture Fascists Hijacked the Country and Elevated Its Worst People.

Maher was reacting to Israel having barred Democratic freshmen Reps. Rashia Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota from traveling there, citing their support for the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS).

“BDS is a bullshit purity test,” Maher said, “by people who want to appear ‘woke’ but actually slept through history class. It’s predicated on this notion — I think it’s very shallow thinking — that the Jews in Israel, mostly white, and the Palestinians are mostly browner, so they must be innocent and correct and the Jews must be wrong.” He said liberals act as if the “occupation” of Palestinian populated land “came right out of the blue” and that it was “very odd” that the American media never explain the 40 years of conflict and war in the Middle East, nearly all of which was instigated by Israel’s Muslim neighbors (and here’s a little secret about war: To the victor go the spoils, and that includes land.)

The news media never explain it because that would turn their narrative of who is the victim, oppressed and aggrieved on its head. That narrative of who is privileged (the aggressor) and who is victimized (the morally superior) is what drives the power struggle and what, in their hopes, will determine U.S. policy.

Tlaib and Omar planned their trip precisely to reinforce this narrative. Omar, by nature of being a Muslim refugee from war-torn Somalia, is assumed in every case by the news media to be a victim. Tlaib had said she only wanted to visit her grandmother in the Palestinian populated area, and so of course she’s a victim — why won’t the Israeli’s let her visit the poor occupied Palestinians?!

Oh, and they’re both women who oppose the titular political heads of both of these countries, who both happen to be men. There isn’t a single area of our politics and culture that's not in play here.

t’s the reason there’s been a rash of Hollywood movie remakes and sequels that replace male cast members with female actresses. The remakes are always worse, receive terrible reviews and sell miserably, but it’s all in the name of privilege and victimhood.

It’s the reason Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was almost deprived of a well-deserved seat on the high court. He’s a white male and so were the power-holders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. They all needed a setback, according to the narrative.

It’s the reason “white supremacy” is suddenly the new crime scare in the U.S., even as all data show that interracial homicides in general have been and remain almost negligible, even as the number of black murder victims has skyrocketed.

It’s the reason why Palestinians (Muslim) are now held up as victims against Israel (non-muslims), their oppressors.

It’s not “odd” that the media won’t talk about really explain what’s going on with Israel. Their silence is essential to the survival of the victim narrative.
matchingmole's Avatar
Saw a little bit of Tlaib talking I can see why Trump hates her...She can speak English better than Trump
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
trolls, moles and shitposters. what has ECC become?


thank you valued troll!
Saw a little bit of Tlaib talking I can see why Trump hates her...She can speak English better than Trump Originally Posted by matchingmole
No, that's not it. Trump hates Tlaib because she reminds him of Rosie O'Donnell, lol.