Sex with call girls

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2019, 02:21 PM
why do people even put any effort into responding to a post like this? Originally Posted by bule84
Because sometimes life is boring.
I think sex with a woman is wrong if neither person is coerced, both are fully competent (not drunk, for example), and old enough.

Other than that, I don't see a problem.

So my turn to inquire: Why do you ask?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Uh, did you leave a word out there ?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2019, 03:12 PM
Uh, did you leave a word out there ? Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Hmmm.... Looks like I did. It should say "....NOT wrong....

Thanks for the catch.
Gabrielle's Avatar
Is it right or wrong to have sex with call girls? Originally Posted by Mandeleah
This is a valid question and can only be answered individually.

IMO sex between 2 consenting adults is not wrong. If I wanna tie someone up and drip my juices all over their face as I gyrate on their tongue...then as long as both are adults who consent it is not wrong. If that consent includes a nice dinner, a new car or long as it is between 2 consenting adults it is not wrong.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I think sex with a woman is wrong if neither person is coerced, both are fully competent (not drunk, for example), and old enough.

Other than that, I don't see a problem.

So my turn to inquire: Why do you ask?
Originally Posted by Old-T
What? Please read that again.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Is it right or wrong to have sex with call girls? Originally Posted by Mandeleah
One of the moral commands is:

Do no harm.

Is there harm here? Maybe: if you think it harms you, or her, don't do it?

The statement is about YOU, not HER! We assume it not harming her: she is getting paid.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2019, 05:24 PM
What? Please read that again. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Please see 2 and 3 posts above yours for clarification.
bule84's Avatar
I suppose the answer varies with the individual. Why did you respond? Originally Posted by Gapaladin

I didn't respond to the OP question, I posed a question. I as just curious why anyone would spend time typing a response. and im sure you are right, it varies, it just seems totally pointless to me
A strange question on this site)) Of course, yes. What could be better than an escort service? My advice to you, do not waste your time))
If I wanna tie someone up and drip my juices all over their face as I gyrate on their tongue... Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Holy shit, where's the permission slip? I have a pen!
Gapaladin's Avatar
I didn't respond to the OP question, I posed a question. I as just curious why anyone would spend time typing a response. and im sure you are right, it varies, it just seems totally pointless to me Originally Posted by bule84
In fact, you did respond; you responded with a question, which is no less a response than an answer would have been.

The somewhat derisive response seems to imply that it was a stupid question and should never have even been asked. If that is your belief, then fine, you are entitled to post your mind, so to speak (pun intended).

I would postulate that the OP's question is a legitimate one, though I find it interesting that he or she posted it on this site. I'm quite certain that there are others here who have wrestled with this very question. I've seen more than one porn actress wearing crosses and crucifixes while earning her pay on screen. Often the gals had removed every other item of attire, EXCEPT for that cross... and I don't think it was just an item of jewelry to them.

The question of whether or not having sex with a call girl is "wrong" depends, of course, on one's belief system as well as the definition of the word "wrong". Is there an absolute right and an absolute wrong? Absolutely! The main problem with this being that only God defines morality, none of us here is fit to do so.

I would suppose that there are more than a few Christians on this forum on both sides of the provider equation. Christ dealt with the "harlots" of his time probably every day. The men who wrote all four Gospels saw fit to chronicle some of these encounters. He stood between a mob and one of these harlots and pretty much saved her life. He did admonish her to go and sin no more, if memory serves, but He probably knew that she would not be able to follow His instructions. One of two women He is most associated with was in fact, a harlot, at least according to doctrine in many churches... though there is evidence to suggest that the early church might have engaged in a bit of slander over the question of Mary Magdalene's character.

As to your implication that responding to the OP's question is kind of a waste of time... well, posting pretty much ANYTHING on this forum might be construed as such. Doing anything at all on the Internet might be a waste of time, but this is Internetia, and we all have the right to do pretty much whatever the Sacred Moderators will allow.

Years ago I met Abbie Hoffman. For those still wet behind the ears, he was one of the Chicago Seven. Google if you want more information. My impression of him was that he was a very driven man. He was also an avowed atheist who was boisterous, irreverent and absolutely not afraid to speak his mind no matter what anyone else thought. He asked many questions in his rather short life. In the end, sadly, he killed himself. I suppose he found his answers... but I wish he had gone about it differently. We need people who question authority, now more than ever.

To the OP; go ahead and ask your questions just like Abbie Hoffman, Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. You have that right, don't let anyone tell you differently and always remember that as in asking uncomfortable questions, you're in Good Company indeed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-18-2019, 09:01 AM
[QUOTE=Gapaladin;1061493498] Is there an absolute right and an absolute wrong? /QUOTE]

Interesting overall post, however I am not sure that there is an absolute right or wrong in all cases, even from a God-perspective.

Too many situations have NO answer that is all good or all bad, and sometimes the only decision is to avoid a situation/option that is worse than the ones that are only "poor".

These often show up in gedanken questions asked in philosophy classes but real world equivalents do exist

The paramedic who arrives at a crash site and finds multiple people in near proximity to death and must triage, knowing that any of the victims can probably be saved, but he has neither time nor resources to save them all.
Gapaladin's Avatar
Well, die Gedanken sind frei, as they say. I think that while there are shades of grey from a human perspective, from the viewpoint of God, every situation can be either black or white since God can define such things. From where we sit, being temporally locked and intellectually deficient to understand eternity/infinity, we can't always see the correct path. Given infinite knowledge and intellect, though, shades of gray disappear leaving pure good and evil. Then again, I too am one of those temporally locked and intellectually deficient humans, so I certainly could be wrong.