Preferred denominations (currency)

KenMonk's Avatar
I make it hail... you know, toss change up in the air over ladies...
Red Tex's Avatar
I have a dancer friend, and when we go through the drive thru and she pays with new fresh ones I have to wonder does the clerk know where they came from!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Gentlemen must be sensitive to their environments and the lady's needs. Multi-hour appointments are better compensated in larger bills of course but I usually break the final C-note down to allow the lady to tip the valet or grab a drink on the way out without flashing a big bill. Just an added convenience/precaution. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
You're always so gracious! And I second the thoughts about change.

When I first read the topic I thought to myself how awkward it is when a man asks for change. Often, I just don't have it.

There have been a few times, usually in Chicago, where I'm in a room and the money has been put up. Then, someone asks for change? I'm not an ATM. But damn if I didn't try to give the guy his change. Ugh!

But what happens when a woman just doesn't have it or refuses to give it?

I didn't like it at all. Especially if it was at the end of an appointment but anytime is just plain uncomfortable.

As far as denominations go, I prefer 20's and 100's. But even when I've been paid with $5 bills, it's not an issue at all.

Interesting topic!
