A Question to the GOP- who should pay this man's medical bills????

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Again with the "agenda", weak wewee weak... LMAO! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Well what do you expect me to believe if the same people are attacking me every time I post? I could post that I got baptized last Sunday and the same people will discredit and mock me- they all have a personal agenda against me, but I have God on my side- the truth will prevail.
I'm glad Gus on his deathbed didn't whine like some of you Obitches... IJS
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look DaliLama I know you have an agenda with me- I will promise to contribute to his fund if Mr.Lang denounces his party's stance and he publicly admits that it was a mistake not to sign up for Obamacare and that Obamacare has some benefits- now what are you going to do to help? I am a Christian and it's my duty, but the bible says we have to help those who are trying to help themselves and it looks like Mr.Lang is playing Republican tactics by blaming Obama for his sins and his problems. he was a smoker which is a sin to fill your body with toxins. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
YOU MORON! The Bible does NOT say that ANYWHERE! You don't even read the damn thing, then you spout off about your "Christian" duty. You are a liar AND a hypocrite!

And you won't help unless he changes his political stance? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is that what Jesus would do? I don't claim to be a Christian, and I know the Bible better than you. You fucking lying poser!

This guy is a victim of the liberalism you espouse. He could have had insurance, but he chose not to, expecting help would be available if he needed it. He wanted, and expected benefits without paying for them, when he could have paid for them. That is what personal responsibility is all about. I'd be more sympathetic if he hadn't been able to afford insurance, but he was able, and chose not to. He expected the government to jump in. Even though he did nothing. THAT is liberalism. That is YOU! That is stupid and presumptuous.

DO NOT try to tell us you are ANY KIND of Christian until you read your Bible and understand it. You know nothing, and you ARE nothing.
YOU MORON! The Bible does NOT say that ANYWHERE! You don't even read the damn thing, then you spout off about your "Christian" duty. You are a liar AND a hypocrite!

And you won't help unless he changes his political stance? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is that what Jesus would do? I don't claim to be a Christian, and I know the Bible better than you. You fucking lying poser!

This guy is a victim of the liberalism you espouse. He could have had insurance, but he chose not to, expecting help would be available if he needed it. He wanted, and expected benefits without paying for them, when he could have paid for them. That is what personal responsibility is all about. I'd be more sympathetic if he hadn't been able to afford insurance, but he was able, and chose not to. He expected the government to jump in. Even though he did nothing. THAT is liberalism. That is YOU! That is stupid and presumptuous.

DO NOT try to tell us you are ANY KIND of Christian until you read your Bible and understand it. You know nothing, and you ARE nothing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's not a liberal, firstly. He's a victim of listening to Fox News. He says he always took pride in paying his own way. They obviously brainwashed him into thinking that ACA was some sort of govt handout program and that insurance was free. He figured that would be there if he needed it. Only that isn't how it works and you still pay for your insurance. Fox news should pay his bills.
However, if you go back to Obama's campaign speeches back in 2008- he stated he wanted to create universal health care so people WOULDN'T go bankrupt are how to take equity or sell their home just to pay medical bills- Obamacare was created to avoid the situation that Mr.Lang currently has established. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Well apparently Mr. Lang didn't listen to that speech. If he had the message wasn't significant enough for him to obtain coverage.

  • DSK
  • 05-13-2015, 02:07 AM
Ultimately, he will get the medical care he needs, in spite of his poor personal choices.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
+10000000 on what you said- except I don't feel sorry for him- guys like him to posture and pretend how much they want smaller govt and how bad Obama is, but when they get in trouble it's the govt they go crying to for help..
Whirlaway, COG, DSKm JD, IB, and IIF are no different than want to pretend how much they are against Obama's policies, but secretly they benefit from the government, but don't have the balls to admit the truth- freaking hypocrites!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You make a lot of stupid, fucking assumptions WE. I have health insurance, I pay for it myself. It has already saved me $55,000 when I had acute appendicitis three years ago. I have a Flex account that takes care of meds. I don't need Obamacare and I don't want it. This guy made a mistake, a huge mistake. He doesn't need your crocodile tears to understand his situation. You're just a punk. You owe me an apology and probably a few other people as well.
You asked the stupid, leading question who should pay for this. What happened to that fine Obamacare plan. That is what it comes down to isn't it. Obama promised care for everyone (among many other promises that he didn't mean to keep). Maybe if he had been open and honest about what he was doing and included the GOP in the discussion they would have come up with a bipartisan plan that may not have been perfect but may have helped this plan. Your president put together something really fucked up, something that is hurting people, and you're demanding the GOP fix it now. Okay, help them out. Demand that your democratic buddies repeal Obamacare and start over. That's what you want right? Start over and do it right and the only way for that to happen is to repeal Obamacare. Glad to see that you're on board with that.
Who should save sight of SC man who can’t afford surgery?

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/new...#storylink=cpy


To start a lively discussion of America’s health care system, let’s consider who’s responsible for saving the sight of Luis Lang.

Lang, a 49-year-old resident of Fort Mill, S.C., has bleeding in his eyes and a partially detached retina caused by diabetes.

Dr. Malcolm Edwards | THE EYE & LASER CENTER
“He will lose his eyesight if he doesn’t get care. He will go blind,” said Dr. Malcolm Edwards, the Lancaster ophthalmologist who examined Lang.

Lang is a self-employed handyman who works with banks and the federal government on maintaining foreclosed properties. He has done well enough that his wife, Mary, hasn’t had to work. They live in a 3,300-square-foot home in the Legacy Park subdivision valued at more than $300,000.

But he has never bought insurance. Instead, he says, he prided himself on paying his own medical bills.

That worked while he and his wife were relatively healthy. But after 10 days of an unrelenting headache, Lang went to the emergency room on Feb. 25. He says he was told he’d suffered several ministrokes. He ran up $9,000 in bills and exhausted his savings. Meanwhile, his vision worsened, and he can’t work, he says.

That’s when he turned to the Affordable Care Act exchange. Lang learned two things: First, 2015 enrollment had closed earlier that month. And second, because his income has dried up, he earns too little to get a federal subsidy to buy a private policy.

Lang, a Republican, says he knew the act required him to get coverage, but he chose not to do so. But he thought help would be available in an emergency. He and his wife blame President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats for passing a complex and flawed bill.

“(My husband) should be at the front of the line, because he doesn’t work and because he has medical issues,” Mary Lang said last week. “We call it the Not Fair Health Care Act.”

Anyone who’s remotely familiar with insurance knows there’s no system that lets people skip payments while they’re healthy and cash in when they get sick. Public systems tax everyone. Private ones rely on the premiums of the well to cover the costs of those who are ailing.

And Democrats might point out that the ACA was designed to provide Medicaid coverage for people whose income falls below the poverty line. The federal government pays 100 percent of the ACA expansion to cover low-income, able-bodied adults, but 21 Republican-led states, including North Carolina and South Carolina, declined to participate.

For now, Lang qualifies only for a South Carolina Medicaid plan that covers checkups and family planning. The aged (65 and older), blind and disabled get more extensive coverage. Lang says he hasn’t applied for Social Security disability benefits because it takes too long.

The S.C. Department of Health and Human Services is still reviewing whether he might qualify through a vocational rehabilitation program. If so – and if he can find a surgeon who takes Medicaid – South Carolina taxpayers will share the cost with the federal government.

Last week, Lang went back to Dr. Edwards, who had previously provided injections to control the bleeding in his eyes at a discounted rate. That’s when he learned that his problem had worsened, including the detached retina.

“He’s in a very bad situation,” Edwards said after Lang signed a privacy release. “The longer he waits, the poorer his results will be.”

Edwards said he would provide care at no cost, but Lang now requires surgery and follow-up treatment that is beyond his expertise. His Eye & Laser Center has a network of specialists who work on a sliding scale and organizations that sometimes help with donations. But Lang requires such extensive and ongoing work that there’s no way to guarantee there won’t be significant bills, Edwards said.

Lang says he has called charities that work with diabetes and blindness, but he doesn’t seem to fit anyone’s cause. “I’m either too young or too old,” said Lang, who has launched a GoFundMe.com page in hopes of garnering donations.

There’s a lot of talk about personal responsibility in health care reform, so it’s probably fair to note that Lang is a smoker who has, by his own account, been inconsistent in his efforts to control his diabetes. Edwards says it’s not uncommon to see patients who don’t take the treatment regimen seriously until they’re facing major problems. Bleeding in the blood vessels of the eyes often foretells similar problems with the kidneys and feet, he said.

When I started covering health care last summer, Newsday columnist Lane Filler wrote a column that was striking in its candor. He argued for employers to get out of the health insurance business, shift the money they spend on premiums into employee wages and give everyone the freedom to decide whether they’ll spend it on insurance.

“If I were just free, I could buy no health insurance, instead banking the money to pay medical bills as they came due,” Filler wrote. “But ‘just free’ societies must have onerous consequences for the imprudent and the unlucky. If we want to be allowed to buy health insurance or not, we must be willing to let folks who choose wrong be bankrupted by medical bills. Worse, we must be willing to let them die for lack of care, and listen to them wail from the gutters.”

That kind of argument can be easy to defend in an intellectual debate and hard to hold on to when you’re face to face with someone who’s going to die – or go blind – when they could be saved.

On the other side, you have single-payer advocates who say it’s time to stop arguing over who deserves to be denied coverage or care. Instead, they say, it’s time to treat health care like fire and police protection: Tax everyone and provide the aid when it’s needed.

Lang’s story drew national attention after it was posted on charlotteobserver.com Tuesday morning. Liberal bloggers across the country blasted him for blaming Obama for problems created by his own actions and South Carolina legislators. His fundraising page, which had gotten no donations in the first 24 days, raised more than $2,000 in the first 11 hours after the post went online. Most of it was small amounts from self-identified liberals and ACA supporters, who urged him to change his views.

“You’re a poster child for what you claim to be against, and like most of the donors here, I don’t believe ANYone deserves to suffer without proper medical care,” wrote Andrew Knight, who gave $5. “I wish you all the best. I hope you’ll come to see ACA and healthcare for all as a basic right.”

A staffer with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services emailed the Observer to say Lang’s case had been “discussed here in DC at a fairly high level” in hopes of finding a solution. If the family income were to rise above the poverty level ($15,730 for a couple), he could qualify for special enrollment, the staffer said.

For Lang’s doctor, the overwhelming feeling is frustration at knowing that one of his patients could lose his sight for lack of a way to pay for care that’s readily available in modern American society.

“That’s probably the worst thing that can happen to someone outside of death,” Edwards said. And he added that if Lang doesn’t get help now, he’s likely to end up dependent on the government: “It’s extremely costly to let a person go blind.”

Helms: 704-358-5033;

Twitter: @anndosshelms. This blog post is done in collaboration with Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Luis Lang is collecting money for his surgery: GoFundMe.com/s78e9w.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/new...#storylink=cpy

SO IB IIF, Budman. Dirty Dog DSK, Whirlaway, Gnadfly, and COG how much are you repugs going to contribute to gofundme for your fellow republican? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
First he does not appear to be a fiscally responsible gentleman. What person, would buy a 300,000 home and have only 9000 saved. Problem with America today, is everyone wants to live above their means.

"If the family income were to rise above the poverty level ($15,730 for a couple), he could qualify for special enrollment, the staffer said".

Second, would someone please tell me how this man got a mortgage for 300,000 if he is earning under $15,730., this alone would make him eligible for medicaid. Honestly something is wrong with this picture, not sure what the source is and no time to check, but it sure looks like someone is trying bamboozle someone.
As the old saying goes......."you're born, life sucks, then you die".

We all make decisions throughout life that can either help or harm in the future.

This man made a decision. Instead of doing the responsible thing and purchasing health insurance, he gambled, and lost.

All of that about he is a hard working, productive person is beside the point. There are millions of us out here.

He needs to just sit back and enjoy the things he bought with that money when he chose to spend it on other things besides insurance.

I am 68. I have never went a day without insurance. When my wife had cancer and passed away, the medical cost would have bankrupted me if I had not chose to have insurance. He made his bed, he will have to sleep in it.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well what do you expect me to believe if the same people are attacking me every time I post? I could post that I got baptized last Sunday and the same people will discredit and mock me- they all have a personal agenda against me, but I have God on my side- the truth will prevail. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
WE do u have Obama care? Do u know how it works? Chances are as a self employed worker he would not have qualified. See when it comes to self employed workers they don't use ur actual income to determine the assistance they give u. That assistance is determined by the avg income of the field ur in. In my case it was the avg income of the video sales and rental field which was considerably higher than what I made. Because of this averaging I did not qualify for any assistance and the cheapest insurance on the exchange was 712 a month. This year I qualified as I was retired and pay 200 a month, but if I use an in network provider my deductible is 1500 out of network deductible 15000. Here is the fun part, I just has surgery on my hand. There are only 3 in network orthopedic surgeons in my area and none of them were taking new patients at this time. I had to travel to St Louis to find an in network dr and then to find an in network hospital. 4 trips total to include the surgery. I went to obamacare because of pre existing conditions. I have yet to find an in network Endocrinologist in my area. I can afford a 15000 deductible but a lot of people cant. It is doubtful mr lane would have qualified for obamacare based on income or at least qualified with assistance. I suspect that he would not have bought it or any insurance regardless of cost. I think ur reaching to blame this on fox news and the GOP. Some people especially at 49 don't think they need it, till they do. Sorry for the typos doing the typing with my left hand.
dirty dog's Avatar
SO IB IIF, Budman. Dirty Dog DSK, Whirlaway, Gnadfly, and COG how much are you repugs going to contribute to gofundme for your fellow republican? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Not me, he made his choices, regardless of party you live with ur choices. I don't go through life making the wrong choices and then expecting some one to bail me out. Iam not talking about his choice not to get Obama care, rather his very poor financial planning. By the way Iam a registered Independent and more moderate than conservative. U cant make everyone that disagrees with u Republican especially with the amount of stupid shit u wright.
I am not a fan of Obamacare and I am not in the GOP or Demtard.

I say, well that is how life goes. He chose not to insure himself and its the Govts fault? I think not. He sure is thinking like an Odumbo Minion.

if you can afford to own a $300k house you can afford to buy Major Medical or do an HSA.. an HSA is less than $100 per month and covers things like this. Yes he would have to pay 20% but better than 100%
I B Hankering's Avatar
+10000000 on what you said- except I don't feel sorry for him- guys like him to posture and pretend how much they want smaller govt and how bad Obama is, but when they get in trouble it's the govt they go crying to for help..
Whirlaway, COG, DSKm JD, IB, and IIF are no different than want to pretend how much they are against Obama's policies, but secretly they benefit from the government, but don't have the balls to admit the truth- freaking hypocrites!!!
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You're a moron, WE. Odumbo promised you "Hope and Change", and you stupidly bought it: lock, stock and barrel. There's more social unrest in the U.S. now than before Odumbo took office, and Odumbo is still in Afghanistan, and he is back in Iraq, and he's on the verge of going to war with Iran and/or Syria (FYI, WE, a naval blockade is considered and act of war). He has physically lost the U.S. loyal allies in Yemen and Egypt; relations with Israel are tense and nearly broken; there's a veritable war in the Ukraine; and that's a short list of his failures. Odumbocare will not be his or your salvation.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
YOU MORON! The Bible does NOT say that ANYWHERE! You don't even read the damn thing, then you spout off about your "Christian" duty. You are a liar AND a hypocrite!

And you won't help unless he changes his political stance? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is that what Jesus would do? I don't claim to be a Christian, and I know the Bible better than you. You fucking lying poser!

This guy is a victim of the liberalism you espouse. He could have had insurance, but he chose not to, expecting help would be available if he needed it. He wanted, and expected benefits without paying for them, when he could have paid for them. That is what personal responsibility is all about. I'd be more sympathetic if he hadn't been able to afford insurance, but he was able, and chose not to. He expected the government to jump in. Even though he did nothing. THAT is liberalism. That is YOU! That is stupid and presumptuous.

DO NOT try to tell us you are ANY KIND of Christian until you read your Bible and understand it. You know nothing, and you ARE nothing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As I have stated so many times I know you have an agenda against me and you refuse to let go of your personal agenda- here is the verse:

For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. (2 Cor 1:9-10,

If you has any biblical knowledge you would understand the meaning of the verse. So COG how much are you going to contribute to this man's fund??? Or are you just a shit talking person that can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You're a moron, WE. Odumbo promised you "Hope and Change", and you stupidly bought it: lock, stock and barrel. There's more social unrest in the U.S. now than before Odumbo took office, and Odumbo is still in Afghanistan, and he is back in Iraq and on the verge of going to war with Iran and/or Syria (FYI, WE, a naval blockade is considered and act of war). He has lost physically lost allies in Yemen and Egypt; relations with Israel are tense; and there's a veritable war in the Ukraine and that's a short list of his failures. Odumbocare will not be his or your salvation.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Again I would like to ask IB, IIFF, JD, GNAD, COG, Dirty Dog, Budman, and Whirlaway- how much are you guys going to contribute to your fellow brethren's Gofundme?
You guys are all hot air- you talk crap in these forums, but when you have a challenge up in your face you put your tail in between your legs and run like cowards- typical republican antics!!