Client controlled market: paying what you want

I've had a situation where the BCD with my ATF was significantly shorter than what I was expecting and she could see that I was disappointed. She quickly offered a free session which more than satisfied me. A very magnamous gesture which I greatly appreciated and i still keep on seeing her. If providers have a good business sense, they would know this is a good way to keep a customer. Originally Posted by Smoking Monkey
This provider that offered you a free session, if she would have instead told you to pay her what you thought was fair, would that have also been a good way to keep a customer? With you knowing what she wants to make, what if it were up to you to make the final call on how much to lay down. Do men want say-so? Or do they want to be told and just lay it down and go, and then decide later on whether or not to repeat?

I think OLindsay had a great rate until some WK's told her she needed to charge more. Originally Posted by beagledawg
I have no dispute with a provider charging whatever rate she desires, original question, what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved? As a client, if you had a providers permission to pay her less if you thought her rate was too high, would you actually see that provider AND pay her a lower rate if you thought her rate was too high?

That being said though, if a provider offers (with no prompting or request from the client) a discount or rebate, I think that's a positive win-win situation.

"You know, I wasn't really on my game today. Take this $40 back and we'll call it even." A gallant (and intelligent) client would use this as as opportunity to be magnanimous and perhaps take steps toward creating a friendly relationship with a provider. Originally Posted by The Sixth Beatle
Sixth I'm taking your comment to the next level, provider says her rate is $300/hr for her services, but she tells you Sixth, I do not want you to pay me exactly $300 because $300 tells me you are just paying me what I demand of you. I want an amount higher, or I want an amount lower, and I don't care what the amount is, but I want you to pay an amount that you think is fair, knowing that to me, my personal goal is $300.... and if you pay me $310, I will know I did good, and if you pay me $250 I will hopefully receive an email from you tonight indicating the areas which I could improve. If these were the terms, would you be see that provider?

you don't tell them, well yeah, I know you quoted me $350/hr for your services, but Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
This takes me back to the original question of, what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved? Does "you don't tell them" come into play, when it's what a provider wants you to do?

Players, whether they win the hearing or lose it, often feel hurt by the team's offer and take it personally as how their talent is perceived by their employer and this creates dissension between the player and team and affects play and future negotiations. Originally Posted by The Sixth Beatle
Bouncing this one back to the original post, what if the individual gave you permission to pay her less if you thought her rate was too high, and what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved?

I had a recent meeting with A local provider. She was offering a special. We started the meeting and she was so good at it that it was over quite quickly. Afterward she told me to take back twenty of the donation for her time. I thought that was pretty cool of her. I will definitely see her again! Originally Posted by luvlittlemilkers
I hear so many comments on "she offered a free session" and "she told me to take back twenty" and "she ____". Is the provider the only one with the right to initiate financial adjustments? Shouldn't providers be the ones kissing ass, hypothetically? Please excuse that term, it isn't meant to be harsh, but I think fair should be both ways.

I don't mind specials for different reasons. But one thing I hate is when someone asks my rates and then say its to high. I choose my price and you can choose if that's in your budget Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
I agree with you entirely. If you can't afford a rate, go somewhere else, it's tacky and disrespectful, you either have the donation or you don't. At the same time, if the client can afford the donation and he is more than willing to pay and possibly even tip, if the date goes sour for any range of reasons, does he have any leeway?

I've never been offered money back, but have on occasion (as I am sure everyone has) been offered more OTC time for the next visit, due to being rushed or just not feelin' it. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I am beginning to think I just like men in control. Hmmm
growler's Avatar
Welcome to the board Pleasant Surprise. Are you lol? That s an interesting way of thinking about running one's business. This thing is like no other business lol. It's
Based on not only on each lady's comfort level/needs/desires. But also how they view their self worth. I know I detest when my clients ask me if there is any way I'll accept less for
my services, this is no differnt lol.... So I have to ask are you thinking of embracing this little world?
  • Herm
  • 04-12-2013, 04:30 PM
For the record I do not consider this a service based business. Donations are for time and companionship only. Anything that happens is between two consenting adults. Only see people who are within your budget. Providers request donations based on what people will pay. Quite frankly when I see ads where the provider says she loves the PSE and being dominated, she should be paying me.
dirty dog's Avatar
You agree to the price before hand, you pay that price after. What your suggesting is a recipt for a disaster. But go ahead and try it and let us know how it worked for you.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Pleasant, what it really boils down to is a trust issue. Providers would have to trust that the client would pay them what they are worth. I think it's very clear that there are many clients out there that wouldn't. For this reason, most get the money in advance. Your approach might be possible after this trust has been built up over time between a client and provider.
You agree to the price before hand, you pay that price after. What your suggesting is a recipt for a disaster. But go ahead and try it and let us know how it worked for you. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Dangit, I was hoping to corrupt a flawless system! Guess it won't work from this angle. The red face represents my anger at not being successful in generating disaster. The size is also fairly accurate in scale. Touching my finger to the screen, almost can't even tell it's there.

Are you lol? Originally Posted by growler

Providers would have to trust that the client would pay them what they are worth. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Is primary focus put on safety or money? If a provider feels safe enough to meet with a new client, stranger, behind closed doors, that in itself is a huge amount of trust. If the provider follows through, and the client knows her rate and is extremely satisfied, I don't understand why he would shortchange. I don't really know how a provider can enforce or demand her rate or make someone pay it that doesn't want to. Shady isn't always an easy sign to see.

KCS..... I sometimes address people in my responses, is it okay if I address you as KCSlutMonkey instead of KCSmutMonkey? Just for personal gratification.

are you thinking of embracing this little world? Originally Posted by growler
Not quite ready to embrace the little world of eccie on a provider level, but the conversations here are entertaining. When ready to make the leap, will go through the steps and add a signature and etc.
I have to negotiate all the time in my business life. The last thing I want to do when I approach a provider is negotiate. I typically don't see a provider if she says that she is 'negotiable.' Just tell me the menu, tell me the rate, let me make up my mind.
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
Originally Posted by The Sixth Beatle
That being said though, if a provider offers (with no prompting or request from the client) a discount or rebate, I think that's a positive win-win situation.

"You know, I wasn't really on my game today. Take this $40 back and we'll call it even." A gallant (and intelligent) client would use this as as opportunity to be magnanimous and perhaps take steps toward creating a friendly relationship with a provider.

Sixth I'm taking your comment to the next level, provider says her rate is $300/hr for her services, but she tells you Sixth, I do not want you to pay me exactly $300 because $300 tells me you are just paying me what I demand of you. I want an amount higher, or I want an amount lower, and I don't care what the amount is, but I want you to pay an amount that you think is fair, knowing that to me, my personal goal is $300.... and if you pay me $310, I will know I did good, and if you pay me $250 I will hopefully receive an email from you tonight indicating the areas which I could improve. If these were the terms, would you be see that provider?
First, I can't speak for anyone else, but I never go to an appointment with more than I expect to spend. If the provider is an independent, I assume that the amount she's requesting is what she feels is a fair amount for her time and effort, so as a rule, I do not tip. IMO, tips are for employees who work for a rate or wage that is established by a third party (a waitress's employer or an agency). An independent provider is running her own business and is setting her own rates. In the case of tipping an independent provider, I think it's tantamount to saying "You don't charge enough for your service".

I also think that Bailey's and Allie's posts indicate the general attitude toward bargaining - i.e. "This is what I charge- if you don't like it, try somewhere else." And that's okay and why I don't attempt to bargain. If I see a provider and afterwards feel I didn't get an appropriate experience for my fee, I just won't see that particular provider in the future. My past experiences have told me that they do not appreciate a critique of their services, so unless they ask (and maybe not even then), I don't proffer suggestions for improving their services.

However, if someone were to offer me a discounted session to either drum up business or get a review, I'd be open to that. I think you hit the nail on the head when you asked if it's the provider's decision to set the rate. I think it is. It's my decision whether or not to partake, or if an initial session is not of that value to me, to take my business elsewhere.
You have to keep in mind that in this business, some of the hobbyists aren't the most honest guys. So, the trust factor comes into play and lets say that I gave a guy one of the best sessions I've had, in my opinion. He turns to me and tells me that he didn't enjoy himself, so he's going to pay me 100 instead of my 250 rate. Hell, that's even if he decides to pay me because there's lots of guys who would love nothing more than to get a freebie.

You seem to be using performance as the only factor to a ladies rate. There's so much more that comes into play when a lady decides on what rate to charge.

Pay her rate or choose to see someone who charges a lesser amount.

I wonder why it is that some men think negotiating is OK in this business, but not others?

Last point first. I can't remember the last time I bought anything other than things like groceries and such that I did NOT negotiate. Honestly, if the providers say it's not negotiable that's certainly fine and based on their rate I'll decide to see them or not along with other criteria, just like shopping for anything else. Your question about why it's ok to think a provider will negotiate when we don't negotiate anything else is dead wrong though. Almost everything is negotiable. (Heck, even groceries now that I remember the farmers' markets)

More to the OP's question, I thought I understood it right the first time but after the responses now I'm not so sure. what I thought he said was if a provider said something to the effect of "my SUGGESTED donation is $XXX but I'll let you decide how much you should donate" would you actually pay less than the suggested donation?

In my case, probably not, at least I can't imagine that I would. If the lady set her suggested donation at a certain amount then that's what she feels her time is worth so I would either choose to pay her that for her time or not see her.

As you pointed out, though, it's not uncommon at all for the girls to get shorted. Sometime $20, sometimes more, because the guys tend to bitch if the lady counts the donation in front of them so they take the risk of the guy walking out after shorting them. This happens more than the guys think. Sometimes as an honest mistake, probably most times not. You/We don't hear about it because many of the girls just don't think it's worth the drama or catching flack for calling the person on it either personally on the phone or in public on the forum.

Of course, the guy that shorted her just MIGHT have a little problem scheduling another visit with her or any of her friends next time...

IJS, and rightly so.


You have to keep in mind that in this business, some of the hobbyists aren't the most honest guys. So, the trust factor comes into play and lets say that I gave a guy one of the best sessions I've had, in my opinion. He turns to me and tells me that he didn't enjoy himself, so he's going to pay me 100 instead of my 250 rate. Hell, that's even if he decides to pay me because there's lots of guys who would love nothing more than to get a freebie.

You seem to be using performance as the only factor to a ladies rate. There's so much more that comes into play when a lady decides on what rate to charge.

Pay her rate or choose to see someone who charges a lesser amount.

I wonder why it is that some men think negotiating is OK in this business, but not others? Originally Posted by MsElena
Providers set their rates based upon whatever they decide their time is worth or however much money they want. Understood. But..........

If a provider listed desired rates on her page and gave you permission to pay her less if you thought her rate was too high, how many guys would actually see that provider AND pay her a lower rate if they thought her rate was too high?

Furthermore, what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved? Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
I feel the need to respond to my original post because several pieces are being overlooked. This hypothetical scenario has nothing to do with a provider firm in her rates. This scenario only applies to the provider in the scenario. Think about the provider and the "If she gave you permission......" and "If she wanted......" would any clients see this specific provider and if so, knowing they had her permission, how many would pay her a lower rate if they thought hers was too high? Keeping in mind, this is accepted and requested by this provider, and would be overstepping no boundaries. Her boundaries may be different than other providers, but what if those are her wishes? She says here's the fee I want, and if you don't think I am worth it, you have my permission to pay less, and I want you to be honest because it is important to me that you walk away without feeling disappointed.

From this angle, original post:

Providers set their rates based upon whatever they decide their time is worth or however much money they want. Understood. But..........

If a provider listed desired rates on her page and gave you permission to pay her less if you thought her rate was too high, how many guys would actually see that provider AND pay her a lower rate if they thought her rate was too high?

Furthermore, what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved?
malwoody's Avatar
From this angle, original post:

Providers set their rates based upon whatever they decide their time is worth or however much money they want. Understood. But..........

If a provider listed desired rates on her page and gave you permission to pay her less if you thought her rate was too high, how many guys would actually see that provider AND pay her a lower rate if they thought her rate was too high?

Furthermore, what if she wanted guys to be honest and only pay her what they thought she deserved? Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
Oh it goes on now...especially with Mods who use their position for discounts, freebies and even worse. I hate it when someone tries to negotiate, so I would never engage in that tactic personally and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with anyone who does. Why would anyone set an appointment to do something knowing that they either don't have the correct amount of coin or they think the provider charges too much. Why would a provider ever give anyone "permission" to pay her less?? Try using that in other walks of life...does not make any sense to me. I guess I don't get where you're going with this..

Not every thing is negotiable.
malwoody's Avatar
I don't mind specials for different reasons. But one thing I hate is when someone asks my rates and then say its to high. I choose my price and you can choose if that's in your budget Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
It's no wonder that sometimes providers get attitudes.
Wouldn't you like to answer by telling him that he is too "high".....
Why would a provider ever give anyone "permission" to pay her less?? Originally Posted by malwoody
The "why" is irrelevant. Would you see her?