I really like the biker type/bad boy type/or mature gentleman.........but I personalize find "positive" experiences with ALL body types in my sessions{attitude is the biggest draw!!}
I appreciate the input guys....I was a little "frustrated" after reading a couple of my reviews..they stated that "I was not a spinner,but not quite a bbw{to me that said fat}"...WTF ??? I am a smaller girl,not a spinner of course!!! I wear a size 5--weigh 130lbs!!!! I feel that I am in good shape{nice ass I have been told/need just a little toning,but who doesn't....lol}..
I did not mean this to be a "whoa is me,whiney ass bitch" post..I just get random thoughts rolling around my brain,and this board is a good outlet for releasing those thoughts....It is always interesting to delve into peoples thoughts and see what they are "like".........this board is very interesting and entertaining for me{thanks everyone for making it that way}!!!