Great advice from an idiot that has no understanding that there is no need to immediately enforce it. That is wtf you do not understand Syria is not going anywhere.
Do you recall Bush saying he was going after Osama...and how you Tea Tards cheered and eight years later you shrugged your shoulders when Bush left office. Tea Tards Shrugged should be the title of the next Ayn Rand's book.
Originally Posted by WTF
God you are buffoon. Right Syria isn't going anywhere, the chemical weapons are.
Obama drew a red line over a year ago. In April of this year, his administration said Assad used chemical weapons. Then he made his "chain of custody" speech even though it was his administration later re-iterated that it was Assad using CW.
Then on Aug 21 of this year Assad (supposedly) used CW that killed (supposedly) 1200 people.
So, if Obama would have enforced his red line 1200 people might still be alive. Also, by Obama dragging his feet, Assad can move the Chemical Weapons.
The bimbos you keep around, do you pay them before they leave or do you tell them wait a couple of months, that you are good for it?