Good article about the whole Travon Martin hoopla

Guest123018-4's Avatar
An eye witness saw Trayvon Martin beating Zimmerman.
It is called assault and battery.
Based on what his "girlfriend" stated, it could also be a hate crime as she planted the idea that Zimmerman was gay.

In your dream world you may see it differently but the facts are the facts.

Oh damn, I forgot, you are one of those people that likes to perpetuate the divide.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-25-2013, 08:35 AM
An eye witness saw Trayvon Martin beating Zimmerman. Nobody knows how that started, except you and your parrot it seems.
It is called assault and battery.
Based on what his "girlfriend" stated, it could also be a hate crime as she planted the idea that Zimmerman was gay.

In your dream world you may see it differently but the facts are the facts.

. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The facts are : We have an incomplete puzzle. You think you know what it says and I think you/we will never know unless some video of the whole thing emerges.

Oh damn, I forgot, you are one of those people that likes to perpetuate the divide. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually, I am the one that thinks we are all racist. Racism is like any other addiction/belief, to fix it you first need to admit there might be a problem. So from my POV , you are the one perpetuating the divide by not taking responsibility for your own prejudices and only trying to assign blame to others.