Covid 19 sexulay transmitted

Jayven's Avatar
We can end this conversation by saying that at one point sooner than later we will all experience the symptoms of C-19.
Yes we have managed to slow the spread throughout these past months, but now that the elections are over we stopped giving a fuck. I saw a handful of people at my personal gym and the grocery store not wearing a masks at all, or having it pulled down to their chin. We can't control everyone and it's ultimately up to the individual if they take it seriously or not.

As for Dfk and fucking well, like I said you as an individual are grown to make the decision to partake. But I did read that mouthwash temporary clears you of any C-19 in the mouth. So if anything keep it closed lips and I think you'll be fine. Also like 50˘ said, "I'll be fucking bitches in doggy, can't risk missionary and have a bitch sneeze on my face.
Ummm.... last I heard, in the US there were about 10 million people diagnosed with COVID and something like 240 thousand dead. Not sure how you get a fatality rate of 0.02% from those numbers. It actually calculates out to a 2.4% fatality rate. About 100 times higher than your number. Also, gyms are one of the top 5 places to contract COVID... so maybe your advice is as bad as your math. Originally Posted by jack_hill

Dude, that's 10 million confirmed cases. If you read any news, it's calculated that many more people have had COvid who never knew they had it. And just like many other viruses out there, especially cold and flu, it affects everyone differently. The US has one of the unhealthiest populations of any developed nation, so that increases our deaths and complications, and we travel more than any other populace, just look at the amount of flights in the US on any given pre covid day. In my mind, a true pandemic is one where regardless of underlying health conditions and any other factor, everyone who gets it has the same symptoms and death rates, especially if that death rate is above 1% or greater. Considering that most of the healthy working age people who get it have flu like symptoms, total lockdowns are useless. Unless you can guarantee that every human in the world would quarantine for 2-3 weeks (which WILL NEVER HAPPEN), full lockdowns are a waste of time. Protect the elderly, protect the sick, limit large gatherings (of course no mention of the huge Biden celebrations that happened last weekend and were probably the reason for the huge recent spikes), and let everyone else who's chances of dying are miniscule go about life and work as close to normal as possible-I got no problem wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is like wearing a condom or a seatbelt-it makes sense, if you want to go that route. US death rates:
  • Heart disease: 655,381
  • Cancer: 599,274
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019
  • Diabetes: 84,946
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 59,120
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 51,386
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 48,344

Just being alive is a risk and we all take chances everyday we wake up.
Dude, that's 10 million confirmed cases. If you read any news, it's calculated that many more people have had COvid who never knew they had it. And just like many other viruses out there, especially cold and flu, it affects everyone differently. The US has one of the unhealthiest populations of any developed nation, so that increases our deaths and complications, and we travel more than any other populace, just look at the amount of flights in the US on any given pre covid day. In my mind, a true pandemic is one where regardless of underlying health conditions and any other factor, everyone who gets it has the same symptoms and death rates, especially if that death rate is above 1% or greater. Considering that most of the healthy working age people who get it have flu like symptoms, total lockdowns are useless. Unless you can guarantee that every human in the world would quarantine for 2-3 weeks (which WILL NEVER HAPPEN), full lockdowns are a waste of time. Protect the elderly, protect the sick, limit large gatherings (of course no mention of the huge Biden celebrations that happened last weekend and were probably the reason for the huge recent spikes), and let everyone else who's chances of dying are miniscule go about life and work as close to normal as possible-I got no problem wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is like wearing a condom or a seatbelt-it makes sense, if you want to go that route. US death rates:
  • Heart disease: 655,381
  • Cancer: 599,274
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019
  • Diabetes: 84,946
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 59,120
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 51,386
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 48,344

Just being alive is a risk and we all take chances everyday we wake up. Originally Posted by irongoat
Where did I advocate for lockdowns?

If you read any news (other than only the one you want to hear) it's calculated that many more people die of COVID than is reported.

The Biden celebrations were not a good thing (even if in all the shots I saw on TV of the gatherings most people were at least wearing masks, unlike at the tRUMP rallies) and no one has said they were. Nonetheless, since the typical incubation period is as much as 14 days, there's no way they are the underlying cause for recent spikes. It's only been a week.

I didn't realize that you were the person in charge of saying what a pandemic is. Just so you know, according to the World Health Organization, a pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity.

The reason for the huge recent spikes is stupidity and irresponsibility and criminal neglect by the tRUMP administration.

So what is your point about the other death statistics? We take those things seriously, don't we? We try to prevent them, don't we? Are we supposed to ignore COVID because people also die of other things?
All the death rates listed above (except influenza) can’t be transmitted from person to person. Too bad nobody has invented a “super mask” when, if worn you can’t get any virus.

But, I do like theory that fucking hookers can make you sterile. Beats a vasectomy with a ball peen hammer.
All the death rates listed above (except influenza) can’t be transmitted from person to person. Too bad nobody has invented a “super mask” when, if worn you can’t get any virus.

But, I do like theory that fucking hookers can make you sterile. Beats a vasectomy with a ball peen hammer. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Probably not the only thing that beats a vasectomy with a ball peen hammer!!
Dude, that's 10 million confirmed cases. Originally Posted by irongoat
Confirmed by who????? The CDC has recanted their numbers and say that only 6% of there original cases were pure COVID. Did you know that the test for COVID you are taking is inclusive of 12 different strains and not just COVID-19? Search out Elon Musk getting four tests at one time by the same nurse on the same day: two positive and two negative. Or the lady with one positive nostril and one negative nostril.

Bottom line: PLEASE CONTINUE TO FEAR MONGER. PLEASE. The more gents that are paralyzed by fear, the less active mongers. Rates will decline. Cheb fucks much more for the same revenues. Sounds like a plan to me.

Confirmed by who????? The CDC has recanted their numbers and say that only 6% of there original cases were pure COVID. Did you know that the test for COVID you are taking is inclusive of 12 different strains and not just COVID-19? Search out Elon Musk getting four tests at one time by the same nurse on the same day: two positive and two negative. Or the lady with one positive nostril and one negative nostril.

Bottom line: PLEASE CONTINUE TO FEAR MONGER. PLEASE. The more gents that are paralyzed by fear, the less active mongers. Rates will decline. Cheb fucks much more for the same revenues. Sounds like a plan to me.

BE AFRAID MEN........VERY AFRAID. Originally Posted by Cheburashka
You've had too much Kool-Aid, my friend, if you take seriously any of what you wrote.
You've had too much Kool-Aid, my friend, if you take seriously any of what you wrote. Originally Posted by jack_hill
Awesome! None of it is true. Never hobby again. And continue to live vicariously through the lives of other gentlemen posting here. Have a great 2021.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
All you guys have to do is consider the source of the thread.