Why Law-Abiding Mexican-Americans should fear the GOP.

It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jews have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that there are young brave American muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I know you are trying to prove some sort of point here about why Mexican Americans should fear the GOP , but you didn't make it all that clear. Why don't you just cut to the chase and make a clear and concise statement of why these people should fear the GOP. Does the GOP have some sort of agenda for these people? I am not totally sure what you're trying to convey here.

I B Hankering's Avatar
And the GUILT should rely solely on the Muslim radicals and anyone else within the effective blast radius of the exploding munitions. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
FTFY, WE, and this:
Attachment 390923

Get use to this ASS-Clowns- this is what you will see the Rest of your filthy Miserable Lives!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Now this is the definitive post of why this Thread is a total flop. You have no idea how stupid this post makes you look. There is no way Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and her daughters will ever become president.. The simple reason other than they aren't electable but more so none of them are Freemasons. Our next president will be a Freemason just like the one we have now, and some of the candidates running on both sides of the aisle are. Try doing some research on the subject instead posting nonsense about Mexicans and Muslim and what and why and who they should fear cause you don't know.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I know you are trying to prove some sort of point here about why Mexican Americans should fear the GOP , but you didn't make it all that clear. Why don't you just cut to the chase and make a clear and concise statement of why these people should fear the GOP. Does the GOP have some sort of agenda for these people? I am not totally sure what you're trying to convey here.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Don't act like you don't know what the Republican agenda has been for decades- it's basically been a wealthy White male party that has been out of touch with the times.
The GOP wants to suppress the Black vote with all these "show proof of ID" laws. They also, know that in I believe in 20 to 30 years the Hispanic population will be the largest population in America- Hispanics typically vote liberal- so the GOP is trying to do everything in it's power to sabotage the hispanic vote. You watch they will soon cast American Mexicans in the same boat as how they view muslims. Sorry Ted cruz will be able to bring over the Latino vote to the GOP.
Don't act like you don't know what the Republican agenda has been for decades- it's basically been a wealthy White male party that has been out of touch with the times.
The GOP wants to suppress the Black vote with all these "show proof of ID" laws. They also, know that in I believe in 20 to 30 years the Hispanic population will be the largest population in America- Hispanics typically vote liberal- so the GOP is trying to do everything in it's power to sabotage the hispanic vote. You watch they will soon cast American Mexicans in the same boat as how they view muslims. Sorry Ted cruz will be able to bring over the Latino vote to the GOP. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It doesn't really matter who gets the Hispanic vote. You're also blind sided by the two party paradigm. You and so many other people are way to preoccupied with race and how they'll vote and all that. We need to concentrate on the reasons why the politics is the way it is. This country was built on the Masonic order. Over forty of the nations founders were freemasons. Their intentions for the future generations of this country were actually good for the most part. Today freemasonry still exists in Government but they are a different group they are the 33 Degree Freemasons they have some dangerous ideas. They may want the votes from minorities but that's it. The right left paradigm is for us to oppose each other but in reality these people come from the same group of assholes that will ultimately sacrifice the integrity of this country for their own selfish causes. Don't be fooled by these people they aren't what you think. To them we are no longer a free country but for now they wish to keep us from knowing that.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It's no secret that the GOP is perhaps is the the most exclusive party in history of this great country. One would just have to look at the audience of any of the GOP conventions an you will see that it's image is one of a white male dominated party. Compare that to the audience of any Democratic convention and you will see a melting pot of all different ethnic backgrounds.

Also,if you just look at how the GOP views muslims since 9-11 and even if you just look at the rhetoric from members on this board: Whirlaway, I B Hankering, JD, IIFF, LustLad, Budman, and Jewish Lawyer(although this is expected since Jews have a long history of distrust to muslims and vice versa) they all share one thing in they want to blame the actions of a few on the entire population.

Yes, we know there are radical muslims, but the vast majority of muslims especially the American muslims are peaceful and law abiding. It's quite ironic how so members on this board bash muslims and yet fail to realize that there are young brave American muslims who are fighting all over the world protecting our freedom. Obama has been called a "muslim so many times by the far right that I have lost count- but is there something wrong with being a muslim? Can a law abiding american man/woman who happens to be muslim run for political office? Not if the GOP had their way.

Now let's move on to the topic- if you ask anyone who hasn't been living under a rock- on what is one of the biggest problems facing America- surely a top 3 would be drugs. Drug use is rampant in this country- it has destroyed many families and has poisoned many neighborhoods and a good portion of our prison population has some drug lated crime Drug abuse affects all different races and income levels.
If you get to the root of the problem- if you were to trace the source of every single illegal drug on the streets of America- 99.9% of will get traced back and have connections to a Mexican Cartel. Mexican Cartels are Mexico's version of ISIS- cross them wrong or interfere with them and you lose your life and/or your head. Actually the Mexican Cartel has beheaded far more people than ISIS and Al-Queada combined. In fact here is a couple articles proving that the Cartels are more dangerous than ISIS: http://elitedaily.com/news/world/mex...-ebola/806049/ http://ultraculture.org/blog/2014/10...xican-cartels/ and http://www.hightimes.com/read/cartel...r-problem-isis

It's only a matter of time, before the GOP plays the guilt game by association and connect every law abiding peaceful Mexican American with either be an illegal immigrant(already happened in Arizona) or trying to align them with the Cartel. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Why even go on? WE has already said that we're all a bunch of racists (even though all the democratic presidential candidates for 2016 are white) and we want to blame the actions of a few on many (rather than really blame just Obama), and we can't blame the few for the cartels (because WE just did that!). WE had too much to drink obviously. You know what they say about alcohol, it increases the desire to think but reduces the performance....or was that sex? Probably the same thing for WE. Of course, WE would never go to Iraq and hug all the Muslims...wait a minute...Isn't WE blaming all the republicans for the actions of a few. Yes, he is. So this must be that proverbial meeting between the pot and the kettle.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do realize that Cartels didn't pop up under the Obama Adminstration? Are you that stupid? Do you think as recent as the Bush administration that Cartels weren't just slapping people on the wrist? What did Bush do to curtail the problem? Did George H. Bush do anything? What about Reagan? Oh yeah Reagan's message to the Cartel was to have the First Lady Nancy Reagan start a "Just Say No" campaign that would hopefully shut down the Cartels! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
However, it was the Obama administration who armed them and allowed them to kill border agents with impunity.

It was the GOP who freed the slaves.
It was the GOP who gave the freed slaves the right to vote.
It was the GOP who freed the Cubans and Filipinos from the Spanish.
It was the GOP who gave women the right to vote.
It was the GOP who stood up to the Soviet Union and showed the world how it was done.
It was the GOP who got the Equal Rights Act of 1964 passed.
It was the GOP who tried to protect the Vietnamese from the ravages of communism but lost out to the Democratic party.
It was the GOP who started the EPA.
It was the GOP who finally defeated the Soviet Union.
It was the GOP who finally stood up to Muslim terrorism but taking the war to them.

Here is a partial list of the GOP's possible presidential candidates;
Ted Cruz

Jeb Bush

Ben Carson

Marco Rubio

Carly Fiorina
LexusLover's Avatar
I am a racist - Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Why would you exclude people from other Latin American countries?

Or do you consider all "brown skinned" people to be "Mexican-Americans"?

Is this "Mexican-American" not dark enough for you?

Yep, you are a racist.
Obama is the racist and is an extreme ideologue

that's been shown at numerous times

as to his open borders policy, he sees it as his best way to defeat America and conservatism

its not about color, its about values

Obama's value is to tear down what he was taught was repressive and unfair

my value is to keep what makes America great so others can be a part of it regardless of color
The "guilt" lies exclusively on the users of these so-called "recreational" products these people market.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
every time Hollywood snorts, one more cop, newspaper reporter or judicial authority in mexico gets bribed or killed if they don't go along and a rival cartel member is put through a wood chipper

don't they feel good?
Spot on............Obama told VOX interviewers he his hopeful his immigration policies will drown conservatism. He goes into great detail how he expects mass immigration and it's multiculturalism will prevail; sweeping across america and diminishing conservative values.

Obama's recent VOX interview is fascinating. Obama unleashed.


During Obama's tenure, all of the net jobs created went to foreign born workers. While American workers went begging for jobs they couldn't find.

Obama is the racist and is an extreme ideologue

that's been shown at numerous times

as to his open borders policy, he sees it as his best way to defeat America and conservatism

its not about color, its about values

Obama's value is to tear down what he was taught was repressive and unfair

my value is to keep what makes America great so others can be a part of it regardless of color Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Contact the boards admins and see if they will create a private "911 Truth" Forum for you to invite your buds to discuss Truther topics. I'm tired of you starting troll threads to call people who don't agree with you racists and dumb asses.

You are the racist and dumb ass.
rioseco's Avatar
You do realize that Cartels didn't pop up under the Obama Adminstration? Are you that stupid? Do you think as recent as the Bush administration that Cartels weren't just slapping people on the wrist? What did Bush do to curtail the problem? Did George H. Bush do anything? What about Reagan? Oh yeah Reagan's message to the Cartel was to have the First Lady Nancy Reagan start a "Just Say No" campaign that would hopefully shut down the Cartels! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Oh but I do !
I truly do realize that the cartels in Mexico were present before Obama. But who the hell else but Obama and his regime can address the problem today. Bush did nothing and that was wrong, but that is past history. Reagan is dead and gone.
Obama ignores things TODAY !

So what is your point ?
One can not look to past administrations to correct the concerns of today or the coming future unless you still want nothing achieved.
rioseco's Avatar
Attachment 390923

Get use to this ASS-Clowns- this is what you will see the Rest of your filthy Miserable Lives!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

In your wet dreams perhaps.
boardman's Avatar
"show proof of ID" laws. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911