Review: Absolutely - Say What You Mean / Do What You Say?????

Lies lies leave me alone quit texting me
I texted u and homer prior this isnt a ncns
fwiw not past p411 client ??? No appt no exceptions!!!

Im retiring soon off to get my masters ! It was a fun wild ride!
You did agree to the appointment and the luncheon . If you didn't agree why do I have the text and emails prior , but then nothing day of , or after when asking for the explanation ? And you didn't text anything to me , you did respond to homer , which he told you to text , but you didn't , and it's written in there . Oh yeah you agreed to 200 hr , and told me your boyfriend wanted you to quit , I asked is this going to affect us on Wednesday , you said no it would not ! If you had responded this never would have gotten written , I only write NCNS on providers who don't respond at all , otherwise I reschedule !
I texted you and told you I was not coming and text several other clients as well
quit stalking me quit your b******* you will never see me again!
Move on pshyco get a f****** life
get. out of my life it's kinda funny when only a stalker who changes his handle 4 times * complains about me for the last time leave me alone and get a life!A
Fyi my rate is 300 minimum as of nov 1 !

Ladies beware
I had to move to Lagrange this past Monday just to get away from this guy!
Stalker my ass ! You did not text me anything except the day before saying you were in Temple . Kinda funny I would have the text prior where your agreeing to the appointment if I'm a stalker . Too many people have seen us together non BCD out on the town for that shit to fly Abs . Try again ! Or perhaps you can explain being at Rick's with me on numerous occasions . Hmmmm . Oh by the way the handle change came from your suggestion because you didn't like the stuff that was in the last one .

PS you said you were moving to La Grange to be with your boyfriend who lives there Abs nice try ! But its funny how you called me Monday at 1am to tell me you saw Kit-4-Kat at the HEB by your house in Austin . LOL !
I go to Rick's to see my girlfriend! And hang out with Homer. Homer is hilarious! Not vindictive and evil like you
I feel sorry for you so I tried to be your friend it has been the worst friendship my entire life you know it wasnt a no call no show it's pretty clear you knew that you have already admitted that Homer told you enough said leave me alone get a f****** life!

Ps I bought the land here myself you're just mad because I have a boyfriend and your not him
why are you so f****** jealous grow up TRICK!
Why did we go out on sugars for your bday , there are posted threads even stating that ? And who was my date at p10 on my bday ( plenty of witnesses , and I had to get approval for you to attend that one also ) . A stalker huh ? one that drove you to N.Austin to make a payment on your car , odd thing for you to request from a stalker ! So can you explain on 9/9/12 why it is you called me while I was at homers , for a booty call ? You go to Rick's to see your GF huh ? Why were you sitting next to me the whole time , and she was never to be seen ? If you went to Ricks to see homer ( who doesn't even like you ) why did you drive in with me ? And leave with me ? And why did you do so all day , leave for an hour or two , then call and return . And who was there when homer and friend wanted me to ditch you ? Hmmmmmm guess that was me ! Oh I have the text where I was asked not to invite you to lunch there anymore .
Still Looking's Avatar
Would this be a bad time to post a poem?
Ps I bought the land here myself you're just mad because I have a boyfriend and your not him
why are you so f****** jealous grow up TRICK! Originally Posted by Absolutely
Not jealous , all I even asked for was an explanation why you were a NCNS (which I had to RSVP that morning ) ! But your avoidance , and constant lies make an explanation impossible !
And I know I won't be seeing you again my last text stated that much , and that friends don't treat friends the way you are . This is a on you , a simple text saying I don't want to see you would have sufficed ! But you choose to take the appointment and had lots of opportunities to cancel it , but you choose not to respond .

And all you guys reading this note the TRICK comment , it's what she's all about !
gmony's Avatar
  • gmony
  • 11-10-2012, 11:26 AM
This is good entertainment. Should be a movie!!!!
This went south quick. Both of you need to chill out. As far as I can tell you both are in the wrong here. Abs, you and Rover did spend a lot of time together at clubs and such and Rover you really didn't need to blast this out like this. Rover is not a stalker so you need to take that back, you call him just as much as he calls you when you need something or want to talk. I remember like he said you calling him for a booty call while he was chillin at my casa.

I believe both sides have had their say so this one should be done.
Whispers's Avatar
You are both friends.

You should both step back and take a deep breath.

Rover, When you told me at the luncheon you were going to post a NCNS.... Man... I thought you were joking......

This is not about an appointment gone wrong.....

This is about two people entering into a relationship with different ideas about what it meant parting ways.....

You should both let it go....

Talk about it off the boards i a couple of weeks....
Mods we've both had more than our say , please close this one .
Closed per SEVERAL requests.
