Huh? WTF?!?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Just thinck if a provider stated "No receding hairlines, No married men . . ." The niche demographic would be even narrower. Originally Posted by pyramider
Good gosh, there would go 90% of my clientele!

Why would the Observer allow such a racist statement in an ad? The laws governing intangible services are not quite the same as they would be for, say, a restaurant or store purchase. People still have the right to be bigots per the Constitution, and therefore their money is as good as anyone else's. Perhaps the Observer was just exercising freedom of speech in a capitalistic society way?

What a shame. I vote for international relations. I have lubes of every color and flavor, so why not men?
regreq's Avatar
Ever seen the sign in (legit) stores: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

You have every right to be offended. They have every right to refuse service.

The Hobby is not Sunday School.