Chicks posing with their tongue out??

pretty sure it is code for they allow CIM Originally Posted by joesmo888
Well, its a cute and endearing new trend then!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-18-2017, 08:08 PM
Pretty sure it's code for "I'm a young woman, having fun by making a silly face at the camera."

In the immortal words of Dr. Seuss:
If you never have, you should.
These things are fun, and fun is good.
Originally Posted by James1588
James, why is that obvious thought so difficult for so many others to see?

Really, eliminate seeing a lady because she is having fun in a picture? Hard to believe.

GypsyHeart's Avatar
If that is your biggest bitch in life right now, you really need to prioritize. I agree about snapchat filters but a chick making a funny face? Heaven forbid you come across a real woman and not some faking life support system for a vagina.
James1588's Avatar
... a real woman and not some faking life support system for a vagina. Originally Posted by GypsyHeart
GH, thank you for the smile this morning. That's a very apt figure of speech! I may not steal it, but don't be surprised when others do ...
Looks stupid! A little. Lass please!!
A little class please!
I'm pretty good with photoshop. If you want a one of a kind filter, I can make you one. I can do it for free, if you talk to me. This is one I made for a provider. If you could see her face, the background would be boring in comparison. She is the most beautiful.

burkalini's Avatar
I think it's a Miley Cyrus thing.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Some of you said this is endearing? Or cute?. Oh well the earth is round so no one gets boxed in. Apparently Miley's pic didn't show up on my reply
russellevans's Avatar
It's big with high school chicks
And the duck lips drive me absolutely insane! I actually call them fish lips & have fantasies of either teasing them by dangling a hook & worm in their faces, or wetting their lips, sticking them to a rearview mirror & doing 80 down the highway.

That's just my personal reaction. Gals however are free to promote themselves however they wish. I may chuckle or roll my eyes but I also assume it works for them considering they've been doing it for years & I say carry on my lovelies!