NFL - Week 4

I couldn't find any of his rants from Monday Night Football but this one is genius enough.

But.... Back to Football. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I love that man! Thanks Boltfan. Go COWBOYS, wait i'll say it again okay Boltfan just for you, Go COWBOYS!
Boltfan's Avatar
That was quite spectacular CaptainMidnight. The sound of freedom.

Growing up in San Diego we had both Fightertown USA (Miramar) and NAS North Island, the home of Naval Aviation. The F-14's would practice touch and go's right off the freeway and I could spend hours watching those planes. Later when it changed to MCAS Miramar they mostly had the smaller but equally cool F-18's stationed there. I had the priviledge of working at both Miramar and 32nd St. Naval Station and between the jets and the great naval vessels I was overwhelmed daily with our service men and women.

Shortly after I moved here to Texas I experienced the most horrible event of my lifetime, September 11th. Too see the skies above DFW empty for so long was very troubling. I was lucky enough to attend the first game back after September 11th where the San Diego Chargers were visiting the Dallas Cowboys. We were welcomed back to NFL Football with a flag covering the entire field and a stirring rendition of the National Anthem. I don't remember the fly by as I was pretty numb to everything going on that day but I will never forget how the NFL helped me feel somewhat normal again.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
not to change the subject, but speaking of Fightertown USA (Miramar) I ran into an old fraternity brother who had flunked out of college in the early 70's went to VN and got a naval scholarhip and became a fighter pilot and he says ie Top Gun, Goose is still alive, in the plane Top Gun flew, the canitpe (SP? it is late and a few dewars latter) shatters when hit
Boltfan's Avatar
Goose is still singing away at KC BBQ in Downtown San Diego.
Goose is still singing away at KC BBQ in Downtown San Diego. Originally Posted by Boltfan
My kind of man. Football and bbq.
Boltfan's Avatar
No one enjoys watching Top Gun with me because I joke about how all the streets are done incorrectly. Same as when I watch movies with Vegas as the backdrop (MGM, Mirage and Bellagio are NOT close to each other Mr. Ocean!).

Damn this thread has completely derailed.

I will start a week 5 predictions thread once I find the Vegas lines.
Sorry you dont like what i have to say about football. But I can chime in on this thread and on any others that i choose too. Now have a good day. Why dont you just ask them to close it since you dont like my comments.
Boltfan's Avatar
Jesus Christ Tara my comments weren't directed at you and I have zero idea how you could think they would be. Grow up. I actually thought you HAD grown up and decided you wanted to have a little fun instead of being so fucking uptight that someone doesn't like what you have to say. My derailed comment was about WHAT I WAS TYPING MYSELF. Others said things that brought it off topic as well but Ms. Princess has to think it is all about her? If you cannot understand context enough to realize that then I can't help you.

Same old Tara. I said it via PM and I will say it here. I don't care what YOU have to say and I don't target anyone. If you say something stupid I will likely make a comment just like I do with many other people. The only difference is you are the only one who fires off a PM getting your panties in a bunch. You have obviously decided to directly try to target me here by your multiple comments.

You really need to grow up.
Grow up Boltfan! You mad because I wont give you a free session! You need to grow up and get a life and leave me alone. Same old FAT Boltfan!
Boltfan's Avatar
You are crossing a line Tara. And to set the record straight YOU offered a free session as an apology for almost the same shit you are pulling now. I never asked for a free session and as I previously posted (thank god I did considering your display now) I was going to pay you for the session. I was just curious if you would follow through with your offer or if it was just something to make yourself feel better.

Thanks for showing people your true colors. And you wonder why people either love you or hate you. You sure do help them make the decision easier.
Torito's Avatar
Everybody needs to cool just a little.

Now, back to football. Peacefully.

You are crossing a line Tara. And to set the record straight YOU offered a free session as an apology for almost the same shit you are pulling now. I never asked for a free session and as I previously posted (thank god I did considering your display now) I was going to pay you for the session. I was just curious if you would follow through with your offer or if it was just something to make yourself feel better.

Thanks for showing people your true colors. And you wonder why people either love you or hate you. You sure do help them make the decision easier. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Boltfan I am asking you to leave me alone for the last time. You told me that I owe you a free session for free . I do not think so and you know the truth, so stop with all your lies. I know now why there are so many girls that cant stand you. Look at the crap that you do. I love everybody on this site except you because your ass and you know it. Stop with the PMS asking me when I am going to give you a free session because it is never EVER going to happen. Now move on! You crossed the line a long time ago!
Torito's Avatar

As far as I can tell, it is not Boltfan stirring the pot here. I read your antagonistic posts and I can see no reason for them. Example: I asked for everyone to cool down and the next post is another rant from you. It will be good if you learn to control yourself.

This one is done. OP requested and I agree.
