Want To Make More Money?

MAX... I realize it's the oldest profession and most ideas have been thought of, but before the internet came along this business was in the shadowy alley's and unsafe streets or Bordellos. Who knows, someone else might have a revolutionary idea that will turn your profession on it's head. It may not be this idea, but anyone ever hear of the ridiculous idea called a pet rock?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
MAX... I realize it's the oldest profession and most ideas have been thought of, but before the internet came along this business was in the shadowy alley's and unsafe streets or Bordellos. Who knows, someone else might have a revolutionary idea that will turn your profession on it's head. It may not be this idea, but anyone ever hear of the ridiculous idea called a pet rock? Originally Posted by Sawyer
I agree. That's why I was indicating all that I was....let's hear something new and innovative. We're just rehashing and everything that's been suggested has been tried and re-tried in different variations, packages and business plans depending on the level of comfort and service each INDIVIDUAL lady is able to tolerate. While input about how to run our biz, from the gentlemen, is often appreciated, just like a golden oldie song, ya get a little weary hearing the same thing over and over and over again.

Tell me something new. We know we can provide less service for less money, we know we can start price wars with each other, we know we need to be on top of our game, we know to answer our phones, we know to provide a safe clean environment...we know we know we know.

Those who obviously don't know are the ones who don't participate here, refuse to conform to what the masses say they want or simply don't give a rat's patootie what the gents want. Those are the "ladies" the gents continue to see, try to see and are often disappointed by. So, when starting a new thread either give us our "pet rock" or trust that the ladies on the forums who have really good reputations for providing all that has been asked of us, actually know what our options are, know what we can do and what some would like to see us do in order to help our biz. This poor ole horse has been beat to death and brought back to life just to be beaten to death over and over again. Especially here lately.

So, anyone going to the game this weekend?
On a serious note--

I'm testing your theory today and tomorrow. I shall report my findings at the end of the day tomorrow.
  • npita
  • 10-07-2010, 10:24 AM
I agree. That's why I was indicating all that I was....let's hear something new and innovative. Originally Posted by M A X
OK. How about this. While I was in the hobby, I listed what I wanted in my p411 profile and a provider who would want this sort of business would have been assured that I would have been a regular, since I wasn't into the hassle that goes along with the flavor of the month. My list included:

(1) A low volume provider. By low volume, I meant that at the very least, I wanted to be her only appointment on the days I saw her. I asked what kind of time I had to book for an appointment and a rate to ensure that.

(2) I also wanted her to be low volume to the extent that the hours I spent were with a GFE who wasn't stuck in ``provider mode.'' Being really detached results in obviously mechanical/scripted sex.

(3) I expected freshly laundered bed linen and a well kept incall.

(4) I typically scheduled a week in advance to ensure that I was free, so I expected the appontment to take place close to the scheduled time, especially since I was paying for her to keep the day free of other appointments.

(5) I wanted calls returned reasonably soon so that we could find a good time to meet and that I could arrange my own schedule to make the appointment. By reasonably soon, I thought 24 hours more or less was reasonable barring unusual circumstances.

I thought the right sort of provider for this would be a provider who preferred the trade-offs in seeing a few clients for multi-hour appointments over many one hour clients. In exchange, I was expecting to schedule several multi-hour appointments/month and pay the full rate for any appointment I cancelled with less than 48 hours notice. (And I did pay $600.00 to cancel an appointment with no expectation of a discounted make up.)

Almost every provider I ever contacted through p411 assured me that the above was no problem if I would book as little as 2 hours. That generally translated into about 2k/month for a fairly easy appointment, since I'm rather vanilla and things like anal don't really interest me. One did tell me that her idea of low volume was 2-3 clients/day and didn't think she'd be what I wanted.
Another was honest enough to tell me that she was always going to be in ``provider mode'' when she was with a client and although I had a couple of fun sessions with her (and her partner in crime) her business model didn't work well with what I wanted.

(1) and (3) were usually met, although at least one provider didn't think it was necessary to make me her only appointment simply because she told me she would and charged me as if she had. Several couldn't keep appointment times or return calls. In each case, I figured 3-4 2+ hour appointments should have been sufficient to decide to stay or look elsewhere. The real killer was (2) and in my opinion, that was more due to a high volume business model and an overconfidence in acting ability based on what a lot of 1 hour clients expected.

I met only one provider who really did run her business like that and she was UTR and had a day job, which I would have thought would make it more difficult to be in the right frame of mind to see a client after work than someone who presumably had most of the day free. She got all of my business for the rest of time I spent in the hobby. I didn't understand why there weren't more who didn't see multi-hour clients who were spending at least some of their money for more personal sessions as a niche market. I can understand the difficulty in getting out of ``provider mode'' and not scripting sesions, but providers do advertise that sort of thing so I assume they should really want to acheive that.

What about a niche market for multi-hour clients who would book multiple hours more frequently if the multi-hour discount was really meaningful. I mean. is it really worth it to see 3 one-hour clients and have an hour buffer time between clients who may not show than to book one client for 3 hours with zero buffer time for a rate that offers more incentive than 3 x 1 hour? Seriously. I once wrote to a provider with a rate of $$$/hour and asked for a three hour rate. Her rate for three hours was 1k. Had it been 7$, I wouldn't have thought twice about scheduling on the spot. I evaluated a providers interest in multi-hout clients by the way her rate scaled with additional hours. If it didn't scale well, I assumed she would rather do a lot of 1 hour sessions than do multi-hour sessions. I didn't think haggling or negotiated was proper decorum, so I simply skipped to the next ad/website/p411 profile. Considering those sorts of details is one way to appeal to specific clients.

I'm sure there is a niche market for non-gfe providers. I know a provider wo did very well without being a gfe or even pretending to be and her rate was higher than average. She was also available and life didn't didn't get in the way because she was organized, not because she had no life to get in the way.

What about a high volume niche market for clients who have tight schedules and would be willing topay a somewhat lower rate, but get in and get out in under an hour, but expect to count on not being rescheduled or nc/ns'd? That would seem to fit a provider who wants to go to work, be (really) available for
most of the day and go home.

What about a niche market for overnights? I did a few overnights, but quite frankly, they amounted to more or less a date with the same bcd time I'd get by booking 2 hours. (I wasn't really a difficult client, bcd.) That would have been ok if I wasn't spending $15-$20 to do that. Since I wasn't one to ever discuss rates beyond wanting to know what it was, I just didn't book many overnights.

All of those are business models that fit providers with different preferences. The only difficult part would seem to be choosing a model that fits the way a provider wants to run her business and will run her business. Many providers seem to want to be all of the above to fit whatever a client wants, but seriously, I don't think that's possible, nor even good for establishing a regular clientele.

All of that may seem obvious, but I've never been able to determine much of that from the ads I read. For the most part, my impression was ``I am whatever you want me to be,'' which meant the only real criteria as far as the advertising was concerned was price. If competing on price is not what providers want to do, stop competing on price and offer some meaningful differences that allow clients to base choices on something other than price.
I've wriiten a few p411 profiles, so I know it's possible to attract clients who want specific qualities and who will pay for those qualities.
Harley*Jayden's Avatar
The problem is that most women's oral skills are only good enough to bring the man to the arousal point where he is ready to fuck. Only a small percentage are skilled enough to suck a nut out, unless the guy has a hair trigger. And if the guy needs 10-15 minutes of oral stimulation to nut not many girls can hang that long.

That being said, if you can find a handful of providers who can consistently get that difficult nut, by all means share your list with the rest of us!!! Originally Posted by trynagetlaid

I wouldnot mind offering that
On a serious note--

I'm testing your theory today and tomorrow. I shall report my findings at the end of the day tomorrow. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
Your experiment has been noticed in the Men's Lounge DecemberLove.

Max... Not going to the game but will be watching at the home of a new provider friend.

Npita,,, Sounds like what you need is a sugar baby.
  • hd
  • 10-07-2010, 01:22 PM
I haven't read all the remarks, but I did notice some mentioned 'list'.
Mine would have BJ of course, though it was only one time a few years ago, and also Jenna Tailya!

and another list comes to mind............suck start a B-52....chrome off your trailer hitch......ice cubes thru a garden hose.....etc
Introuble's Avatar
....let's hear something new and innovative. We're just rehashing and everything that's been suggested has been tried and re-tried in different variations, packages and business plans depending on the level of comfort and service each INDIVIDUAL lady is able to tolerate. While input about how to run our biz, from the gentlemen, is often appreciated, just like a golden oldie song, ya get a little weary hearing the same thing over and over and over again. Originally Posted by M A X
I never suggested anything about HOW to run your business. This is not a continuation of other threads. This is simply an observation of a void in what providers offer. As I stated in so many words, its either L1 or L3 95% of the time. Of course all the exceptions speak up NOW, but even most of the exceptions do not advertise so that one would know that there is a massage or session available with an L2 ending.
sdguy08's Avatar
I clicked this thread thinking you maybe had some envelopes needed stuffed. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
We're here because we want to stuff things other than envelopes!
What about a niche market for multi-hour clients who would book multiple hours more frequently if the multi-hour discount was really meaningful. I mean. is it really worth it to see 3 one-hour clients and have an hour buffer time between clients who may not show than to book one client for 3 hours with zero buffer time for a rate that offers more incentive than 3 x 1 hour? Seriously. I once wrote to a provider with a rate of $$$/hour and asked for a three hour rate. Her rate for three hours was 1k. Had it been 7$, I wouldn't have thought twice about scheduling on the spot. I evaluated a providers interest in multi-hout clients by the way her rate scaled with additional hours. If it didn't scale well, I assumed she would rather do a lot of 1 hour sessions than do multi-hour sessions. I didn't think haggling or negotiated was proper decorum, so I simply skipped to the next ad/website/p411 profile. Considering those sorts of details is one way to appeal to specific clients. Originally Posted by npita
Some of us actually do cater to these types of clients by offering extended dates. Everyone says it, but I actually AM low volume, and prefer something that allows a more connected experience. However, if the local market is looking for...say...a 1 hr deal...catering to special desires isn't as relevant. It really just depends on where you are.

  • npita
  • 10-07-2010, 08:44 PM
Npita,,, Sounds like what you need is a sugar baby.
I have a fiancee, so my hobby days are over, but if for some reason, I ended up back in the hobby, that's probably what I'd do. Sex with providers didn't do it for me. I still hang around vecause Becky's been my best friend for seveal years so I can say what I really think and because I ocassionally write p411 profiles.
Business remains steady for the ladies that remained skilled and not lazy. Those that complain of slow times should increase their skills.
Snake Oil's Avatar
I'll admit that sometimes all I'd like to do is deep kiss and cuddle. The pressure of performing for an hour's time puts me in a rushed state. Sometimes I think it would be good to get to know a new provider that way and then move on to further things later. I don't know how many of the girls feel this way and perhaps it's too romantic for some, but it's something I haven't really tried. If some L1s or FBSMs could provide DFK (lots of it) I would be happy.
Oh come on guys! These ladies are not suffering for business! They are raising their donation rates, they will not answer the phone and they take at least a day before they get back to you via email, if they do at all. The thread, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=104625 is more bogus than anything else. Yes, I posted on it, giving my opinion on what a provider should do to retain business, many times I might add, but that post about the ladies suffering is supposedly in the ladies powder room and we cannot say yes or no if it is real. But what I go by is the raising of the rates, the treating a guy like he is a wallet, the GPS that many of the ladies have and the non responsiveness that many of the providers show, on a daily basis, that leads me to believe that the "financial suffering" is, for the most part, not true and a scam to get your "compassion vote", and shell out more hobby money to them.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Oh come on guys! These ladies are not suffering for business! They are raising their donation rates, they will not answer the phone and they take at least a day before they get back to you via email, if they do at all. The thread, http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=104625 is more bogus than anything else. Yes, I posted on it, giving my opinion on what a provider should do to retain business, many times I might add, but that post about the ladies suffering is supposedly in the ladies powder room and we cannot say yes or no if it is real. But what I go by is the raising of the rates, the treating a guy like he is a wallet, the GPS that many of the ladies have and the non responsiveness that many of the providers show, on a daily basis, that leads me to believe that the "financial suffering" is, for the most part, not true and a scam to get your "compassion vote", and shell out more hobby money to them. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
Dog has spoken and seen right through us...we believe we believe...men know more than we do, men can run our businesses better and have better ideas on how to improve it. You guys have all the answers to everything that is not going right for us. We (the ladies) are all liars and simpletons and anytime we open our mouths, it's just a ploy to get you to see us more and more and more, so don't fall for it!

NOW..can we please stop these threads for a little while? LOL