Beautiful Women

  • dmode
  • 02-18-2018, 06:35 PM
Hahahahahahaha brah I just bet you would like to know about those networks.... sounds like you be messing with bull dykes that's not what I do. Hahahahahaha y'all gotta have that jesus juice..LOL but i will let you in on a little secret. you gotta have beautiful lesbian friends who like beautiful lesbian women...if you have that you're golden to some degree. Unless they are straight gay Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's a rather vague answer. I figured I'd ask. Best of luck homie.
Me thinks sissy lips got rejected so that's why he thinks the lady is a lesbo. She's probably as straight as an arrow. He's just butthurt.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I believe this will be my second acknowledgement of your existence for the calendar year. Relish

1. Read the inanely stupid ass shit you post here.

2. Look at your self proclaimed broke ass bank statements.

I have no idea on your physical appearance and a unless girl just simply just wants a tree to climb, why would she have any interest in you?. Biologically she is designed to seek a mate who will be able to provide and protect for her and offspring. That requires Darwin survival of the fittest checkpoints, of which you do not demonstrate here, openly at least. I'm sure you will reply with tales of your sexual prowess and mocking they who retain provider services, yet here you are posting another moronic self abating attention-begging thread.

Perhaps if you trolled this bored few hours less each day and applied that time towards a career advancing education and psychological and or personality counseling within a short amount of time you would make some level of desirable alpha male status and become attractive to the opposite sex. Until then however, enjoy all the low-hanging fruit you can grab.

P.s. Sandbox move in 5, 4.... Originally Posted by Mythos
This pretty much sums up my thoughts.

Since you bitch slapped sissy chaps, here's a coupon to replace the coupon you just used.

TryWeakly's Avatar
Let me know when I can chime in to help his #ViewCount ....
I'm not necessarily defending sisto anymore,he kind of left me out in them foooking striits after I was nothing but extremely cordial to him. But you guys have got to always stop thanken money is the answer. I foooked a bad yella fo two years, who was married to some boring mofo who provided quite well, yet she blazed my phone up all the time. I finally let ol boy make it and told her boo boo I'm going to have to let you ride out with your ol Man,I refuse to continue this thang of ours. Human interaction has various facets with moolah being maybe a factor or not. Some of my patnas got bad byotches and spend major bread, whilst there are some like me who only foooks with bad byotches, but sometimes figures out a different way to get that civ pus. Toodles....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Toodles. have another coupon for shine?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar have another coupon for shine? Originally Posted by tbone2u
No, but I have a book 'Ebonics for dummies', I'll let him use.