Naked Sushi


Damn, now that's what I'm talking about.

GenesisNicole's Avatar

Damn, now that's what I'm talking about.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
I'm right there with ya LAP!

No chopsticks needed for that one! Thanks for the pic Tess! *wink*

Now c'mon over! I just picked up sushi and need "something" to lay it on...hehehe
That photo was from a fun surprise party I did for a gentleman last Valentines day!
Yes, he was surprised! Parties available!
Yes, that is the pic I was remembering......Maguro and Tess. What a taste sensation. YUMMMMMY
deedeedoe62's Avatar
I seem to remember a CSI episode that had this very thing. Hah, I found it. The episode is called "Grand Master".

Detailed Synopsis:

"Aiden analyzes Banner's cell phone. She's found a puzzling message in his voicemail, filled with sounds from a DJ table. Danny is working on a cell phone/personal planner, too: he's taken Gayle's sopping wet cell phone and stuck it in a toaster oven. Stella enters the lab to tell Danny that the red paint was nail polish, and it contained blowfish poison. Danny removes the cell phone from the toaster and accesses Gayle's calendar, which has her at dinner at a sushi restaurant, Fuqua Sushi, the night of her death. The pair head to the restaurant, where they see customers eating off naked women, who literally serve as the tables at the restaurant. Danny and Stella question the chef, who tells them he screens the blowfish he serves for poison, so there's no way Gayle could have been poisoned by one of his blowfish. Danny says they need to examine the blowfish."

Watch out for the sushi....
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
That photo was from a fun surprise party I did for a gentleman last Valentines day!
Yes, he was surprised! Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
I envied him then and still do.

I bet the sushi laying on top of her puss tastes like tuna.
Thanks Tess

All I know is that all this sushi talk just makes me hungry! (since I love sushi!!!)
mstrdragon...I seem to recall a similar setting this week. *wink*
berkleigh's Avatar

Lets do it when I get to Corpus!

Put the sauce in my belly button and don't forget the tarp and strawberry glaze!
mstrdragon...I seem to recall a similar setting this week. *wink* Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
As well you should! I think it was something like this too a time or two! And this and this and this and a few other things...but definitely the sushi!
gman45's Avatar
All I know is that all sushi is starting to look real good....