What is up with all of the broke providers?

bigmarv's Avatar
My motto is: "It's best not to judge someone until you have walked in their shoes."
The best thing us customers can do is make appointments with the lovely ladies as often as our time and money permits.
  • Holly
  • 02-05-2010, 03:55 PM
I will take this one....My in call rent is $900 plus water and lights...I do share that with one girl...then there is the typical life expenses as well as "work" expenses. I spend about $100 every other week on things for the apt...soda,water,covers,candle s,trash bags...you get the point.

I also have a special needs son that I'm recovering from a form of Autism and he has a VERY strict diet...ALL organic and I have to cook every meal that goes in his mouth. Do you have any idea how expensive Whole Foods is??

Then there is his therapy $300 A WEEK!!! I also have to live in a great school district for him to attn a good school so my rent for my home is $1900 a month...do you see how life is expensive and not ALL of us are 22 years old with no responsibility?? LOL...there is a TON of behind the scenes that you really dont want to know about...trust me...just come in for the fantasy session...leave the envelope and serious stuff to us...the professionals.
OH and I'm not broke..most of my bills are at least a month ahead and I take nice vacations with my family at least twice a year.
I didn't fully read Holly's post. I gotchya back girl... You truly do have wings and a Halo

Troll alert!!! Don't feed the trolls !!! Originally Posted by LatexLover
Don't bust mah hustle man.... I love skittles too
I saw a pack of Gum that i just got to have, it was strawberry flavored, i got 5 pennies, do you want to spot me the other five pennies since all the providers are so broke. I thought i would ask.

Some of us providers are doing just fine, IMHO, if you got a provider always in your pockets and not session related, move on. Plenty of gals out there who don't bug our our clients with our money problems.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with the OP myself. We all know his words doesn't apply to all providers.

You know, it's not like all of us hobbyists are raking in mad dough or anything. I've hobbied on a rather tight budget for the last few months. When the funds aren't as disposable I simply go without, or even venture into the club scene (yuck), hoping to get lucky. Any attempt by a hobbyist to get a friendlier rate is usually met with scornful resistance. Then there'll be a thread on how guys don't tip or how a gift (on top of minimally budged rates) would be nice. Then here comes the 'woe is me' threads. Even if we felt like we wanted to, guys wouldn't dare post such a thread. When we're hurting in the pocket we simply endure. What would happen to some of the ladies of this business if, by the wave of some magic hand, this business was brought to a stone cold standstill? How many would survive even a couple of weeks?
Bestman200600's Avatar
Many providers are paying for 2 household, childcare and other expenses. There are a lot of providers in town right now and competition is tough. I hope all of the ladies do well.
berkleigh's Avatar
Providers are in reality entertainers. Just like Dancers at the strip club are entertainers. With a slow economy, lots of lay-offs, etc., Hobbyists don't have the same amount of disposable income for entertainment as they did before.

It's also supply and demand. Dallas area is blessed with a very high number of Providers. Check P411 and you will see something like 480 Providers registered just in Dallas. This can have an effect on the price for their time, which makes it better for the Hobbyists, but probably not better for the Providers.

I am simply amazed at the incredibly wonderful and beautiful Providers we have here. That I can see them for $200 to $250 for an hour and have a fantastic time, get pampered and well treated. Amazing!

Thanks Ladies!

Now do some people (not just Dancers and Providers) manage their money poorly? Of course. But there are others who manage their money well. Same way with the rest of society.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
This could be a valuable thread. Providers are broke because most don't have the discipline (bad word) to pay themselves first and follow the rules of the real world. There is always another grand around the corner. ESPECIALLY if it was a really good DAY. Well hell, I just made 1200 bucks today, let's go SHOPPING!!! Then they starve for the next 3 weeks. God seems to give me enough to make the current bills, save, play, and do charity. It has to be God, there's no way I could make this much money alone.

For all of you losers that missed out on the provider investment class, you are doomed to circle the same hole for now.

It is a mentality and it takes personal discipline to change the cycle.

There is also the problem with "I should get "so and so. I'm entitled to so and so, and how dare you bring me less."

When providers ask for shit here is the way to tell if they are actually in need....

If they accept ANYTHING you give, and I mean ANYTHING, they are probably on the up and up. If you ask her what she needs and she says she doesn't care if it's only beans because she's hungry, then go the extra mile. She will have learned SOMETHING during that time of need. I've been hungry. I mean really hungry, with the stress of feeding others that depend on me." I can spot a spoiled greedy provider a mile away." I have no tolerance for that and neither should any of you. There is a big difference between, "I will take anything you have even if it's from the trash (been there.) and You brought the wrong cat food, how dare you.)

Don't be down on all the providers. There is a story to go with every need. Not all are worth helping, but there are some that really and truly need the help.

Honey comes to mind. She was precious. It's hard for her to ask for so much help. I asked her what she needed and in the most sweet voice she said, "Kayla I'm hungry and I will take anything you have to give me and I will appreciate it even if all I have to eat is cat food." OK well, that did it. She really meant it... and I mean REALLY. I sent everything I had and I would have sent more but I ran out. (In fact, if there is anyone out there that can help her... she is very sick and needs so much. Remember what it's like to be sick, alone... with no momma to tend to you.

Anywho, If I haven't gotten too much off topic, the point was to remind everyone that...

1. It's typically a provider mind set (lassies you all know it's true)

2. Sometimes there really is a need out there that needs a strong man to take care of.

3. Don't be a fool when finding the real need.

4. Don't pick on broke providers. One of them will probably be sucking your very fragile penis soon.... And our memories can be looooong.

Anyway... Honey NEEDS help If anyone is interested. Please contact her. Honey Davis is the handle.
TheWanderer's Avatar
It's Economics 101. This does not apply to all providers but any that were living on the fringe with a 25-50% reduction in business with no reduction in their day to day expenses, no savings and even worse, no other source of income or any way to generate it, have really seen hard times.

I work in the financial industry and have been lucky enough to be with a company that prepared for this. I also know and work with a lot of people very much in the know about economic indicators.
We have leveled off, but it's going to take at least 2 years to build back to the levels we were at in 2005, maybe longer. This all started developing in 2004-2005 with the balls-out mortgage debacle, started unwinding and crashing in 2007 and now here we are.
Things will get better over the next 2-3 years, but it's going to be a slow uphill climb.
Hopefully, some people will learn a lesson from this because it will also down the road....happen again.
The economy is one big roller-coaster. It gets too fat and then crash-diets.
Any attempt by a hobbyist to get a friendlier rate is usually met with scornful resistance. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Go to Chili's (or Outback, Carraba's, your decent chain of choice) and tell them that, in this tough economy, the household budget has gotten tighter and you just don't have the kind of money you did three years ago. Tell them that you still want a decent steak dinner fairly often though, and they need to offer a "friendlier" price. Like, say, $5 for appetizer, salad, entree and drinks.

Then tell us what they said.

In response to the OP, the answer is going to be pretty much the same as anyone else and, yes, stupidity and drugs/alcohol will be on the list. So will: sick child, major car crash, losses on the stock market, trapped in a balloon-payment mortgage, divorce, job loss, downscaling of customers' discretionary income, having a budget that was fine three years ago but is skewed now because the red is the same but the black is less, supply and demand, money management issues, inflation, sudden illness or disability, theft, legal troubles and dependent older family members. Some of these things will be their own fault and some will not. Life happens, even to the best prepared.

I'm doing quite well but I relocated to an area where my income stayed about the same but my cost of living took a steep dive in order to get there. I am fortunate; and I know I've made part of my own good fortune, but I've seen too much not to be grateful for being better off than many. There but for the grace of god...
URAPNES's Avatar
LovingKayla, you dont know me, but I have read many of your posts and you are highly respected by me and many members. Thanks for your fair and unbiased opinion. Also, thanks to the many, many PM's I recieved from hobbiests who agree with me, and think all these "white knighters" on here are pathetic. But I am 100$ in agreement aagain with LovingKayla. I just have never seen this ammount of PM support. Most of these guys wont come out publicly, due to the fact that some of you may have their wee-wee in your mouth at some point, and they dont want you to remember. Thanks
Wildstar's Avatar
I will take this one....My in call rent is $900 plus water and lights...I do share that with one girl...then there is the typical life expenses as well as "work" expenses. I spend about $100 every other week on things for the apt...soda,water,covers,candle s,trash bags...you get the point.

I also have a special needs son that I'm recovering from a form of Autism and he has a VERY strict diet...ALL organic and I have to cook every meal that goes in his mouth. Do you have any idea how expensive Whole Foods is??

Then there is his therapy $300 A WEEK!!! I also have to live in a great school district for him to attn a good school so my rent for my home is $1900 a month...do you see how life is expensive and not ALL of us are 22 years old with no responsibility?? LOL...there is a TON of behind the scenes that you really dont want to know about...trust me...just come in for the fantasy session...leave the envelope and serious stuff to us...the professionals.
OH and I'm not broke..most of my bills are at least a month ahead and I take nice vacations with my family at least twice a year. Originally Posted by Holly
Sadly Holly,

I'd have to say that you're more the exception than the rule. While I wouldn't make the blanket statement that ALL providers/strippers are bad with money, time and time again I see firsthand just how poorly SOME ladies are with money and on top of that, this slow economy certainly isn't helping either.

LovingKayla, you dont know me, but I have read many of your posts and you are highly respected by me and many members. Thanks for your fair and unbiased opinion. Also, thanks to the many, many PM's I recieved from hobbiests who agree with me, and think all these "white knighters" on here are pathetic. But I am 100$ in agreement aagain with LovingKayla. I just have never seen this ammount of PM support. Most of these guys wont come out publicly, due to the fact that some of you may have their wee-wee in your mouth at some point, and they dont want you to remember. Thanks Originally Posted by URAPNES
Troll confirmed. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
My daddy said it best, and this applies to all:

"If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall."

But let me add, hard times and things beyond our control happen to all of us. I donate time and money to charity because it is the right thing to do. And who among us can say with any certainty that while we may be donating this month, but next month it may well be us needing assistance. I cannot expect assistance to be there when I may need it, if I do not help provide it when I am able.

And I do not judge those who ask for help, but like Kayla said, try to help those who truly need it, and not get fleeced from those who don't. Not all providers and hobbyist are broke, not all are rich, but all are trying to make it in this world with some sense of dignity, comfort and well being.