A Serious Question for all....

I have to admit some of my reviews are embellished. Hell, I've even imagined the woman was actually there a couple of times.
Randall Creed's Avatar
We all sprinkle a lil sugar on them when we write them. Some of us SPILL sugar on some of them, unfortunately.

It's a thankless job, in many cases. Ladies get more business thanks to that 'sprinkling'...usually.
Well Mr. Poster,
In a massage it is different than just sex so the errection reaction is a little different. And I would not know about other providers and there clients but let me just say from my experience and feel free to call me or pm and I can explain it better one on one But it does not matter if the guy is 18 and his package gets hard every time the wind blows or if he is 80 and a wet noodle is harder..... If the act what ever that is great to you then the before or after reaction should not be a concern. Just like their are men that have no juices to spit but the feeling is still great to them they can still big O.
So whether you flip and zip or roll around like a triple jointed gymnist and no matter how long or how many times ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU HAVE FUN AND HAVE A GREAT TIME.....
Thanks Rambo Creed, those suggestions were recently made to me and I am in the process of following the guide lines. Plus a new brand of cover. You know ultimately majichands is right, but getting one's thinking on board is not so easy. Hobby reviews give insight we may not need haha.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Very good advice Rambro Creed.
From a provider's viewpoint... it is not uncommon for a gentleman to need a little extra attention. I find that taking my time, setting the mood, and giving him time to feel completely relaxed and at ease helps quite a bit. Although, there have been times when it just didn't work. I make sure that he doesn't leave with a heavy heart or disappointment. I personally would try my best to make every client feel like they are special and the focus of my complete and undivided attention. That means, keeping the session focused on him & his fantasy... not discussing myself or my issues. I've learned that a man can still orgasm without obtaining a complete erection so I never get frustrated with the gentleman and continue to give him what he needs in stimulation.
I just wonder if the ladies read these reviews of themselves and say "HUH????"

"He sure as fuck didn't do this, or that. Hell, he came when I unzipped his pants! He fucked me four times? Hell no, he ran from the room crying!"

"Easiest $300 I ever made..."
pyramider's Avatar
Who have been talking to? Are you stalking me? I feel violated ....
rylstone's Avatar
I just wonder if the ladies read these reviews of themselves and say "HUH????"

"He sure as fuck didn't do this, or that. Hell, he came when I unzipped his pants! He fucked me four times? Hell no, he ran from the room crying!"

"Easiest $300 I ever made..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
Of course they don't!
I like the post from Maji. I was with a lovely young women for dinner last night and afterwards. I told her I was not going to consumate. But I had a wonderful time at dinner. It was a type of food she had never tried. She loved it and that youthful enthusiam gave me a "boner of the mind." Sure, it would have been great if we coupled. But we did not. Life has taught me that joy is given not to the strongest or the fittest but, rather, to the most adaptable.(Thanks Darwin.)
  • hd
  • 10-09-2012, 01:56 PM
"boner of the mind."
that's rich outoftheblue , my mind is like my member........................ ..............does that tell you anything?
Mother nature is a bitch. she gives us the hardest tool when we dont have any idea how to use it, then when we get older and wiser, learn the ways of the world, it is a crap shoot as to whether or not the damn thing will stay with us for the alloted time frame. You are not alone man, happens to all of us at one time or more. I started taking cialis from time to time, helps but then you cant come, cant win for losing. It is fun though when you get with someone who is hell bent on making you cum and you know its not going to, then the next time you drop one in ten minutes, WTF
bojulay's Avatar
Guess I should share my secrets but then they wouldn't
be my secrets anymore, and some would abuse the power.
1. Are all guys as virile as they describe?
Most can go 2 rounds at least....some of the young ones can go 3 or 4.

2. Do some of your sessions include the guy having difficulty getting hard?
Rarely. If so, its usually because they're nervous (or have read in Another Realm about me bringin my strap-on out...J/K).
Once they relax, it does the trick everytime. Staying erect is alot more mental than ppl think....

3. What percentage?
About 5%

4. Do you see alot of guys who are 50plus?
Yes of course

5. Do you ever do sessions where FS and erections are not as important.
Usually, if a gent has "issues" in those areas, they will let me know up front that "it might not happen" ...etc etc. Honestly, everytime I've spent time with someone who says that beforehand...it eventually "happens"
No matter how much they say it isn't important, I know better, and do my best to make it happen. But that's just me!

6. If so pls describe
Plz see above.
Bobster36's Avatar
And that's why I prefer the age 30+ providers....the young ones make great eye candy but that tends to be about it. Of course there are exceptions, but generally speaking the older providers tend to be a better match for us 45+ men. My advice is to read lots of reviews of the ladies you're considering. And since she's the only provider that responded, I'll plug ItalianaPrincess. She would be a spectacular date for you.

In fact, I may try to plug her this weekend!!!
SHS's Avatar
  • SHS
  • 10-16-2012, 04:47 PM
I only write in my reviews what actually happened, I figure it's better that way. Although there are some things that happen that I don't announce to the world.

I'm with you at 50+ and have noticed a little reluctance for the second cumming. I find it more satisfying to make the first shot count.

If you want to try many positions during your session for bragging rights, you might try this method. I usually skip the first bj (too stimulating) and instead kiss a lot, caress and suck tits and digit play until she's hot, daty if necessary but be sure she's fully engorged and soaking. Then mish until the baby-makers just start to boil, stop and quickly dive into daty. I spend ample time there until my deal is fully settled so no chance of a misfire... Back to kissing and digits then any choice of other entries; cg, k9 etc... be careful here as you don't want to go over the cliff so you may have to quit a little early. Think of a pot of water on a stove, if you don't want it to boil over you'd have to take it off the burner and let it cool. Now daty with digits until she cums, quivers or screams. Then you can finish with a nice cim bj or any other position that comes to mind, or continue to repeat the sequence for as long as you'd like.

I think I just leaked a little. This sequence and variants of it let me time my final thrill to within a few minutes of the end of my session or in time for a shower.

Keep in mind that those porno guys use the tricks of the camera to make you think they are that good. The reality is that they use many takes over a very long day, sometimes two days, to make those films and they do have trouble getting the next erection.