Real world encounters with providers

I have ran into providers in public, on more than one occasion. The most I've exchanged is eye contact, and that is it. She knew me. I knew her. But I would never approach a provider and Did not have any approach me. We may both appear to be alone, but her boyfriend could be around the corner. My significant other could be returning from the ladies room. Discretion is the rule of law in my book
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I had another one today- I was driving in Troy and I saw Bella. Although I've never visited her (a problem I plan to rectify shortly), I was just looking at her ad yesterday so there is zero doubt in my mind it was her. She wasn't "walking," she was running as though she were late for something. She's very cute when out and about as a regular person. Too bad I was on my way somewhere, and besides, I might have creeped her out if I stopped to talk to her.
I might have creeped her out if I stopped to talk to her. Originally Posted by pikelbouldershoulder
Are you hideous?
Or merely creepy?
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
Are you hideous?
Or merely creepy? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Hideous for sure, probably creepy as well, at least a little.