Nobel Peace Prize on the horizon for President Trump

In awarding President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, the Committee reduced it down to the same level of a girls soccer league "participation trophy" Originally Posted by Jackie S
And, lest we not forget, that same Committte award the shit prize to Jimmuh " I LOVE Hamas more than the U.S. " Carter and Al " I invented the internet and stand to make BILLIONS off #grubers that believe in global warming " Gore ! LYING LIBERAL POSs if there ever were some ! And heroes to the reach-around crew !
LexusLover's Avatar
You're a failed "whatever" profession you were. Originally Posted by themystic
That's all you got! Personal insults? No substance.

You've lost the discussion. At least you recognize you're a loser.

It's almost harvest time for you.

Are you jealous of Trump's success in the commercial building business?
i doubt anything trump might do would garner him any sincerity of appreciation from the nobel prize committee

the committee's attitude would be similar to that of the disgraced james comey, who, in efforts to be hailed as gallant by the hateful left, claimed he tried to hide himself in the curtains of the oval office so trump wouldn't notice him but trump called to him and he reluctantly and with an attitude of scorn came forward to be greeted by trump

so even if awarded, it would be an uneager and painful presentation, replete with knowing glances and half hidden contemptuous, snooty jokes

just as trump declined participation in the washington correspondents dinner due too their fakeness he should decline this if awarded

its already proven that the award is cheap and tinged full of giddy political bias
What has actually done vs what he promised? I expect a brilliant answer, since your not a dim witted liberal Originally Posted by themystic
Mystic....I just wish DJT had (also) promised that you AND other milktoast crybaby libs would have all relocated (to another country) by the anniversary of his first year in office.

Had he done so, no doubt Prez Trump would have made good on his word approx. 40 days ago....

For the record....super idiot lefty or not....I'd still fuck Ash Judd and not think twice about it either.
themystic's Avatar
Mystic....I just wish DJT had (also) promised that you AND other milktoast crybaby libs would have all relocated (to another country) by the anniversary of his first year in office.

Had he done so, no doubt Prez Trump would have made good on his word approx. 40 days ago....

For the record....super idiot lefty or not....I'd still fuck Ash Judd and not think twice about it either. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
What's he done CB?. You are being duped. You and Trump should both relocate to Russia. That's where you're loyalty is. Putins pussies
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What's he done CB?. Originally Posted by themystic
#1: November 8, 2016. So cry a RIVER:

What has actually done vs what he promised? I expect a brilliant answer, since your not a dim witted liberal Originally Posted by themystic
He lowered taxes.
He lowered taxes. Originally Posted by friendly fred
And he kept us from having to hear about more of the U.S. strategic assets and other assets sold BY THE CLINTON'S to line THEIR pockets, kept the interns in the Washington,D.C. area safe from the perjuring, disbarred sexual predator Slick Willy, kept the country from any MORE years of the " odummer " agenda of WEAKENING the U.S. and has exposed the LYING LIBERALS in Congress, the media and everywhere else for what POS's that they are !
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  • 03-09-2018, 08:19 AM
He lowered taxes. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Which will increase the national debt...which has given them reason to start trying to cut your SS and Medicare benifits.

Good job Deplorables

You've given the majority of the tax breaks to the very wealthy and will pay for it with less benifits to you in the long term.
ANd if they don't put him in for the NPP, then you just KNOW IT is rigged. Since they bloody well gave obama one, just for getting elected. Originally Posted by garhkal
Yes but we can all take solace in the fact that President Trump is President Obama's legacy.
What's he done CB?. You are being duped. You and Trump should both relocate to Russia. That's where you're loyalty is. Putins pussies Originally Posted by themystic

I don't have time to relocate to Russia, mystic. And neither does DJT.

He has 340 million Americans counting on him to make good on promises....fix the issues Obama refused to address....bring manufacturing jobs back...(continue to) drain the NoKo...destroy ISIS....etc, etc, etc

And I have to find ol' Ashley and give her the High Hard One. Odds are Trump will accomplish his goals long before I ever get the chance to tap that Kentucky gal's fine ass......

Which will increase the national debt...which has given them reason to start trying to cut your SS and Medicare benifits.

Good job Deplorables Originally Posted by WTF
Increase National Debt, how is that when you have many many more people paying taxes which should substantially lower the deficit. But then again we do have a lot of road repair in this country as not one President has addressed our infrastructure probably since the 50's when the Interstates were built. (but then again lets remember anyone who doesn't take care of their home allows it to falls into disrepair and die without, analogous LIBERALS, to the falling apart of country ust in case you don't know).

Cutting SS and Medicare???? You know this? HOW, are you part of Trump's cabinet or are you just listening to "drive by media"? I suspect the latter.
LexusLover's Avatar
....or are you just listening to "drive by media"? Originally Posted by Cherie
The only "drive by media" he hears sounds like it's rattling the screws out of the doors to the vehicle.
A measured response is in order, because the NK little turd is merely posturing for his people for a photo op to demonstrate he is "equal" to the POTUS in World status. He would turn himself into a martyr within his country and a good portion of the World if he got rid of Trump even if it cost him his on life.

Judging this little punk by Western standards is careless.

The South Koreans are desperate and being overly optimistic. The Anti-Trump and Anti-War crowd are also!

Someone said yesterday in the news some bullshit about U.N. "inspections"!

One word: "Iraq"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes but "this little punk" doesn't know Trump does he, he and the rest of the world might be in for a yuge surprise.
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And I have to find ol' Ashley and give her the High Hard One. Odds are Trump will accomplish his goals long before I ever get the chance to tap that Kentucky gal's fine ass...... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
"The Way We Were" .....

The Noble Piece Prize"