Now THERE Is An Ass!

  • Mr. B
  • 08-03-2012, 08:30 PM
I don't care who you are that was capital ASS. Thanks BigLouie
Boring ive seen way better Originally Posted by anakin
+10. I wouldn't even call that an ass. It is just A and a not complete second S it doesn't even reach to the third S.
No I take it back it is just A, she needs to get the two S's somewhere.
Russ38's Avatar
Here's one FIIIIIINE ASS mf'er right here!!!

Cierra Skye.

LAAAWWWWD HAMMERCY!!! Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!!!
kerwil62's Avatar
Sometimes a lil' bubble would do the job. I'd smash!!

Cierra Skye looks like a certified whooty! I'd most definitely smash!