Russia is knuckling under after the sanctions were put in place. Iran will too just like Cuba.
Iran has been madly flexing it's muscle, expanding it's regional influences in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and is extended beyond their ability to continue these kinds of influences for an extended period...they can't keep this up with a weaken economy......but if sanctions are lifted, then they can.

Lifting sanctions will put wind in their sails to continue with their export of terrorism. Obama is fixing to throw them a life jacket.

Iran has been madly flexing it's muscle, expanding it's regional influences in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and is extended beyond their ability to continue these kinds of influences for an extended period...they can't keep this up with a weaken economy......but if sanctions are lifted, then they can.

Lifting sanctions will put wind in their sails to continue with their export of terrorism. Obama is fixing to throw them a life jacket.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You can't be serious. How much do you think it costs Iran to exert influence in those areas. A few hundred million dollars? Iran has a 2015 budget of over $300 billion. They are ramping up military spending this year. The sanctions have impacted their economy but not in a way that is going to prevent them from going about their business in terms of attempting to exercise influence in their area of the world. You're dreaming if you think otherwise.

But...we digress. The topic you originally raised was your "IRAN BOMBSHELL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, what it turns out to be is a right wing editorial that makes predictions about what might happen if the terms of the deal that the administration is negotiating are violated by Iran...specifically, what happens if Iran kicks out the inspectors?

So, post up bullshit. There is no "bombshell" here. There is no "FACT JACK"....there is nothing by your usual canned right-wing echo chamber recitations that you pull down on a daily basis from Deadbart, the WSJ, the Caller, etc etc etc.

  • eyefo
  • 03-27-2015, 02:29 PM
Remember a few years back when Iranians were revolting in the streets trying to bring down the Mullahs, the Iran economy on its knees due to sanctions, begging for support from Obama.

He gave them none and the attempt failed.

Now, however, he lifts sanctions and is allowing/helping Iran on its way to nuclear weapons.

How can any of this make sense?

Who's side is this president on?

His supporters claim he is always playing 3 dimensional chess.. but to me it looks like a bad game of checkers.

Most often, things appear to be what they actually are.
Remember a few years back when Iranians were revolting in the streets trying to bring down the Mullahs, the Iran economy on its knees due to sanctions, begging for support from Obama.

He gave them none and the attempt failed.

Now, however, he lifts sanctions and is allowing/helping Iran on its way to nuclear weapons.

How can any of this make sense?

Who's side is this president on?

His supporters claim he is always playing 3 dimensional chess.. but to me it looks like a bad game of checkers.

Most often, things appear to be what they actually are. Originally Posted by eyefo

How do you know that no support was given? Not everything happens out in the open. And sanctions haven't been lifted yet. How about let's see what the deal actually is before we shit all over it. Until then this is all conjecture.
How do you know that no support was given? Not everything happens out in the open. And sanctions haven't been lifted yet. How about let's see what the deal actually is before we shit all over it. Until then this is all conjecture. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I thought the whole argument was over the fact that we would not get to see the deal.
LexusLover's Avatar
How do you know that no support was given? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Uhhhhh, because the revolt didn't succeed?
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought the whole argument was over the fact that we would not get to see the deal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not everyone knew the details of this meeting either ....

... particularly Poland and Hungry.
I love the way the wing nuts dismiss the other countries involved in the talks. Or say they are as easily fooled as Obie. They act like there are only two people talking.
Uhhhhh, because the revolt didn't succeed? Originally Posted by LexusLover
So if support is given in a situation, success is always guaranteed? How does that work. I believe that support can be given AND the situation can still be unsuccessful. Support does not guarantee success. Entiendes?
LexusLover's Avatar
So if support is given in a situation, success is always guaranteed? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Not with Obaminable ...

.... his "support" is a lot of hot air and meaningless lines in the sand.

Did I have any typos or misspelled words? ("Obaminable" was on purpose!)
LexusLover's Avatar
I love the way the wing nuts dismiss the other countries involved in the talks. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I really don't care what the "other countries" agree upon. I am a U.S. citizen.

Aren't those the same countries who were with Bush on the WMD's in Iraq?
Not with Obaminable ...

.... his "support" is a lot of hot air and meaningless lines in the sand.

Did I have any typos or misspelled words? ("Obaminable" was on purpose!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not as many as usual. I chalk it up to your combination of sausage fingers and soft brain.
You are a complete idiot. The entire GDP of Iran in 2014 was only $369 billion. So how the fuck could their budget be over $300 billion? Unless they are racking up huge debt. The very ticking time bomb I describe.

Iran can't keep their game of regional bullying up much longer. Especially if Obama keeps the sanctions in=place....wait, wait...Obama has already lifted some of the sanctions. You think he is trying to help them out? I do. He is a fucking traitor to American principles.

This begs the question, why are you such a dumbshit TimmyTard?

Take a gander at the crash in the Iran economy since sanctions....learn something from my posts you idiot, then thank me.

You can't be serious. How much do you think it costs Iran to exert influence in those areas. A few hundred million dollars? Iran has a 2015 budget of over $300 billion. They are ramping up military spending this year. The sanctions have impacted their economy but not in a way that is going to prevent them from going about their business in terms of attempting to exercise influence in their area of the world. You're dreaming if you think otherwise.

But...we digress. The topic you originally raised was your "IRAN BOMBSHELL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, what it turns out to be is a right wing editorial that makes predictions about what might happen if the terms of the deal that the administration is negotiating are violated by Iran...specifically, what happens if Iran kicks out the inspectors?

So, post up bullshit. There is no "bombshell" here. There is no "FACT JACK"....there is nothing by your usual canned right-wing echo chamber recitations that you pull down on a daily basis from Deadbart, the WSJ, the Caller, etc etc etc.

Pinhead. Originally Posted by timpage
Note to the above: under Obama's watch, Iran GDP went from a meager 192 billion to 528 billion dollars....then what happened?

The GOP Congress put sanctions in place and the Iran economy cratered. Another 2 years and the Iranian people will have had enough of the Mullahs....unless Obama rides to their rescue, which our muslim president is determined to do.


Btw, why are you such a loser?