WWII vs healthcare.gov

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I understand that it only cost Google $4 million to launch.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 11:55 AM
I understand that it only cost Google $4 million to launch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-09-2013, 12:02 PM
It's been a notable year for Web outages. From Netflix going down at extremely inopportune times, to Amazon Web Services' multi-day breakdown in the spring, Internet services are still seemingly as unreliable as ever. SmartBear Software just published its list of the top Web Outages of 2011, and there are some memorable ones on there. It should be noted, though, that only outages that weren't caused by a third party made the list — hacks like the one that took out Sony's PlayStation Network weren't included.
Good news for the Net in general, though: SmartBear reports that the number of significant outages is actually lower than in 2010. No need to go ballistic
CJ7, why is it that you stoop to the instant name calling when you see something you .... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Because he's a troll and a dumbass...
Speakith a troll and a dumbass.LOL
FYI Google has a serious problem with Google Earth and IE10 being compatible ... it doesn't work. Period ... soooo Originally Posted by CJ7
Soooo ... one small piece of Google doesn't work and you think that negates the rest of the website?

The biggest search engine in the world has a compatibility problem with a competitor's (Microsoft's) browser - not even Goggle's product! - and you think this means Google couldn't have done a better job than the feds have done?
It's amazing the lack of comprehension and reasonable deduction here.
To the OP's point, yes, there is nothing this great country can do when the people rally together for a cause they believe in, such as WWII.

When they don't believe in something, such as Obama and Obamacare, it ends up being the laughing stock of the country, and on every comedy and awards show. If you like your insurance...ahh never mind, that one has been used already
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Cj7, once again you stoop to the level of assup and the typical liberal response to something you cannot grasp and start the name calling. How typical.

This was not a history lessonbut an example of what can be done versus what was not done. This administration has had plenty of time to get it done and something so simple as creating a website could not be done in the same amount of time that a world war was fought.

Not a lot of difference from the administrations economic recovery.

As to your dearly departed mother, my condolences. I am currently a double survivor but feel that I would not be so if Obamacare was in place when I was weeks from certain death. I suppose the difference now will be that the government will get to decide at what point the treatments will be suspended rather than the insurance company. Not sure what drug company was making your mother's medicine but mine will give you the medicine if you cannot afford it or have no insurance.

So what we end up with is a website that does not work, the inability to easily compare pricing, and increased cost for less benefits.How many people will die because Obamacare has caused the loss of insurance and they cannot access the system to get new insurance.
I know it is tough when you do not have the resources to save a loved one from death. It is truly sad. My dad was fortunate enough to die of a heart attack before the cancer killed him, stage 4 lung and liver.

In the end, we have had a horrible piece of legislation shoved down our throats that has failed to deliver as promised. Not a very shining example of a great achievement for this nation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You couldn't be any further from the truth Tulsa... or is it Ponca City?

Oh yeah ... 2Dogs, you're a sorry excuse for a moderator. Period. If I was St. C, I'd boot your stupid ass ASAP, regardless of the free/discounted pussy you're trying to leverage. You're way too involved in a discussion that reflects poorly on staff and ownership... supporting racism, etc. Of course, you don't see it that way. And that unto itself is another reason why you're a liability on a board where security is paramount. Do ANY of us trust you? I'd strongly recommend you tone it down or STFU!

To compare a website ... ANY WEBSITE ... with WWII is just plain stupid. Of course, considering the de-emphasis of education, awareness and intelligence we've experienced since the dawn of dubya, I'm not surprised.

YOU FUCKERS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT HEALTHCARE.GOV is the same as the invasion of the US by Japan in WWII? OK. Then I guess this discussion is moot.

You're fucking idiots. All of you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
gee I dunno, let me think ...

a war that killed 50 million people

a website

yup, they're comparable ..... if you're a retarded moron Originally Posted by CJ7
Interesting. Could you provide a link to the war that killed 50 million people?

And do you really think that if one President squanders a lot of money, others must be allowed to squander as much or more? Is there a base amount of squandering we should allow each President before we begin questioning what the bloody hell s/he is doing!?!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, that was supposed to be a come back? I mention Google so you talk about something FROM Google that is having problems. I mean, if you're comparing about things that come from....then we could talk about the IRS, NSA, CIA, EPA, and so many other things that COME FROM the government.
Interesting. Could you provide a link to the war that killed 50 million people?

And do you really think that if one President squanders a lot of money, others must be allowed to squander as much or more? Is there a base amount of squandering we should allow each President before we begin questioning what the bloody hell s/he is doing!?! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
50,000,000 is probably conservative.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties says 60 million

http://worldwar2.org.uk/how-many-peo...in-world-war-2 says 50 to 70 million

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primary.../world_at_war/ says 60 million

http://terrific-top10.com/2011/12/20...-world-war-ii/ is a breakdown showing the losses by country. Soviet Union alone suffered 24 million dead. 2 million at Stalingrad alone.

http://warchronicle.com/numbers/WWII/deaths.htm says around 49 million and provides a country by country breakdown of casualties.

Let me know if you need anything else.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Even assup fails to comprehend the comparison but as expected resorts to his typical name calling when he cant wrap his mind around something.

This nation had a goal, did what it took to achieve that goal and did it in less than four years. This administration has decided to take over our health care and cannot even produce a website in more time than it took to fight two wars.It just goes to the incompetence of this administration.

I am not surprised at all since we are all aware of how the left expects somebody else do actually work whi8le they tell you what should be done. It is no wonder there are so many people in poverty after fighting the war on poverty for so long. I do not expect much different from healthcare.gov.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wait a second... Are you comparing a website to the goal of killing people? Broke a few eggs making that cake, didn't we 2Dorks?

BTW which TWO wars did we win in less than four years.
You couldn't be any further from the truth Tulsa... or is it Ponca City?

Oh yeah ... 2Dogs, you're a sorry excuse for a moderator. Period. If I was St. C, I'd boot your stupid ass ASAP, regardless of the free/discounted pussy you're trying to leverage. You're way too involved in a discussion that reflects poorly on staff and ownership... supporting racism, etc. Of course, you don't see it that way. And that unto itself is another reason why you're a liability on a board where security is paramount. Do ANY of us trust you? I'd strongly recommend you tone it down or STFU!

To compare a website ... ANY WEBSITE ... with WWII is just plain stupid. Of course, considering the de-emphasis of education, awareness and intelligence we've experienced since the dawn of dubya, I'm not surprised.

YOU FUCKERS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT HEALTHCARE.GOV is the same as the invasion of the US by Japan in WWII? OK. Then I guess this discussion is moot.

You're fucking idiots. All of you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider