Is this classified as a NCNS?

ManSlut's Avatar
You didn't answer the question patronizing, spin lady?...And the all caps was for emphasis, not yelling, but you didn't know that.

I felt no sting from you or chest beating and took no offense to what you wrote about me...You sarcastically patronized the OP with your bitterness about BNG's aren't worthy of calling out someone (a lady in this case) being unprofessional.

At least have the BALLS, or PUSSY LIPS to admit that's what you were doing?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You didn't answer the question patronizing, spin lady?...And the all caps was for emphasis, not yelling, but you didn't know that. Originally Posted by ManSlut
You know what, hon. If I am patronizing, there might be a reason for that. Do me a favor, I got this great pair of heels, drop dead sexy, I'd love to let you borrow when I ask that you shut down your "man" brain, and imagine what it is really like to be a woman, who willingly and happily came into this world to provide a service for gentleman who had a need.

Imagine coming on the board and watching as all these grateful men are spewing the most disgusting and vile crap in judgmental and women hating manners. Now, imagine flirting and being sweet to those who hate you with every fiber of their being, yet they are no picnic and never treated another human being in any decent manner for whatever their reason. Now, imagine posting an ad trying to entice the kind of gentlemen you'd prefer to attract and which will not totally assault every fiber of your being with their disgust of women and especially as whores and as noted by their own statements all over this board.

Ad is done, and here come the PMs and emails. You get your own personal assault of just what you are really worth and according to them, yet you must maintain politeness with every single one, while you say no, otherwise you end up being "labeled " an unfriendly -::;:;($&@@!?', which shall be shared with the masses at some point under another guise, cause this believable and admired gentleman doesn't want you to know a lowly whore turned him down.

So, are unable to connect so you come back to the board and watch as these gentlemen bash women who are perfectly nice, or at least they were nice until she had been through this so many times she couldn't feel anything and actually started turning on the other women who are subjected to this. (you still got those heels on?). I hope not, because this would drive you to the point of wishing to do or become as some of these ladies have. It'd be great if men were protective of women, but that was a lie that has been perpetuated throughout all time, and this is not the case at all. Especially, if she's a perfectly sexy woman willing to deal with the asshats of this hobby world in order to find the actual gentlemen in the mix, or even the ones who only lurk.

Sometimes, it's gotta be shown how ridiculous, ungrateful and petty some actually are for that which they can not, do not, or have no desire to seek elsewhere.

I am under no obligation to answer your questions or anyone else's. You mean absolutely nothing to me. You are a bully on a board, and until you can show a little respect and gratitude for the women who actually will interact with you, flirt with, and answer your questions despite what you look like, stay away and don't respond. I'm brave enough to show a**hats what it is they do and how ridiculous they are with some of their petty complaints. I'll defend myself and other ladies, no problem, and in whatever manner thar gets an a**hat's attention. There is no manual for this, but apparently, that little saying about guilty dogs barking is true and effective in showing just wh those are.

I have always stated my gratitude, refrain from cursing, and don't bash ALL men or ALL women, because I am a mature, even if sexy adult who would never have even thought to do such as that before my experiences on this board. There are some awesome gentlemen here, but they are few and far between. Me saying it, instead of acting like all this crud is A OK, doesn't make me anything, other than disappointed that so many grown men feel entitled to treat all women here as they do and then whine around when one gets slighted, and it wasn't a slight so much as message. Pay attention and learn to understand what is really going on.

I hope the gentleman has learned a little something about kicking tires, and not only acting as if this is what the provider is comparable to, but practically stating it that way for every provider to see. She is not a product, but rather a reputable provider who has proven herself, by his own admission, and he made her feel that she was needing a good kick before he could judge her worthy. he got his just rewards for doing so. Rocket Science and all that jazz.
GingerKatt's Avatar
OP, and ManSlut, you wanted opinions and Maxi gave hers. In a very funny way I thought. Don't take all this so seriously! It's just fun. And Maxi has already admitted having to redo her ho training in another thread today. I'm already enrolled so I'll make sure she's in class tomorrow for hurting your feelings.
Yes; of course it was a NCNS!
And I'm only reading all these Coed threads now because there's an old boring movie on the TV, and I can't change the channel or get up because the cat is asleep on top of the remote on my thighs. Now THAT'S a problem.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OP, you wanted opinions and Maxi gave hers. In a very funny way I thought. Don't take all this so seriously! It's just fun. And Maxi has already admitted having to redo her ho training in another thread today. I'm already enrolled so I'll make sure she's in class tomorrow for hurting your feelings.
Yes; of course it was a NCNS!
And I'm only reading all these Coed threads now because there's an old boring movie on the TV, and I can't change the channel or get up because the cat is asleep on top of the remote on my thighs. Now THAT'S a problem. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Lmao....I miss my Alley Katt! She did that kinda thing to me all the time. Pet your kitty for me, wait...that came out ...funny.
Thanks hon
GingerKatt's Avatar
Are you sure it came out the wrong way?? You're in detention young lady! And get yourself a kitten! I pet my kitty all the time.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Are you sure it came out the wrong way?? You're in detention young lady! And get yourself a kitten! Originally Posted by GingerKatt
What fun is it to be Oops! Brazen I am, jumping out of detention like that....shhhh. (Tip toeing back)
It's a NCNS....but if you feel inclined to name the lady do so in the men's lounge...
You don't have to bash her, and you will certainly not damage a good provider ( if she is one) with only one demerit on her record...
Remember, life happens...but if it happens over and over you have a right to let us know...
Be truthful in your comments and don't embellish the facts...
If the lady is offended this might be as good a way to let the larger eccie family know what happened to might not happen to everyone...
But to leave it here in the open might allow some to take sides in the issue...
Just be TRUTHFUL in your comments...
Are you sure it came out the wrong way?? You're in detention young lady! And get yourself a kitten! I pet my kitty all the time. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
I have never met you but I have been told I pet a mean kitty.
We should meet...
Thanks Manslut for keeping things in the realm of rationality.

I appreciate humor as much as anyone, especially sarcasm. It just didn't seem to have a point other than trying to demean the OP (which also happens to be me).

The irony is that Maxi's showcase pics are illustrative of the very reason I have a practice of doing "auditions" as she calls them. Her pics look nice, but a bit ambiguous (I assume for reasons of discretion, not for reasons of deception). Enough so that I don't really know what to expect when I see her in person (which, if you ask her, I am sure will never happen, ha ha). Sure, I can read her reviews, but they are subjective. I don't really know from the pics whether or not she is going to be what am looking for. And I CERTAINLY don't know if I am going be someone that she is into. I am not for everyone, just like she's not for everyone. And I KNOW if someone is into me or not. The last thing I want is to spend an hour or more with someone who would much rather be somewhere else and can't wait for it to be over. If I wanted that I would just stay home (ha ha!). Anyway, I don't look at it like an "audition", but more like a first date.

I'm sure Maxi will be ready to spill more of her sarcasm all over this post as well, but I just wanted it to be said.
ManSlut's Avatar
You know what, hon. If I am patronizing, there might be a reason for that. Do me a favor, I got this great pair of heels, drop dead sexy, I'd love to let you borrow when I ask that you shut down your "man" brain, and imagine what it is really like to be a woman, who willingly and happily came into this world to provide a service for gentleman who had a need.

Imagine coming on the board and watching as all these grateful men are spewing the most disgusting and vile crap in judgmental and women hating manners. Now, imagine flirting and being sweet to those who hate you with every fiber of their being, yet they are no picnic and never treated another human being in any decent manner for whatever their reason. Now, imagine posting an ad trying to entice the kind of gentlemen you'd prefer to attract and which will not totally assault every fiber of your being with their disgust of women and especially as whores and as noted by their own statements all over this board.

Ad is done, and here come the PMs and emails. You get your own personal assault of just what you are really worth and according to them, yet you must maintain politeness with every single one, while you say no, otherwise you end up being "labeled " an unfriendly -::;:;($&@@!?', which shall be shared with the masses at some point under another guise, cause this believable and admired gentleman doesn't want you to know a lowly whore turned him down.

So, are unable to connect so you come back to the board and watch as these gentlemen bash women who are perfectly nice, or at least they were nice until she had been through this so many times she couldn't feel anything and actually started turning on the other women who are subjected to this. (you still got those heels on?). I hope not, because this would drive you to the point of wishing to do or become as some of these ladies have. It'd be great if men were protective of women, but that was a lie that has been perpetuated throughout all time, and this is not the case at all. Especially, if she's a perfectly sexy woman willing to deal with the asshats of this hobby world in order to find the actual gentlemen in the mix, or even the ones who only lurk.

Sometimes, it's gotta be shown how ridiculous, ungrateful and petty some actually are for that which they can not, do not, or have no desire to seek elsewhere.

I am under no obligation to answer your questions or anyone else's. You mean absolutely nothing to me. You are a bully on a board, and until you can show a little respect and gratitude for the women who actually will interact with you, flirt with, and answer your questions despite what you look like, stay away and don't respond. I'm brave enough to show a**hats what it is they do and how ridiculous they are with some of their petty complaints. I'll defend myself and other ladies, no problem, and in whatever manner thar gets an a**hat's attention. There is no manual for this, but apparently, that little saying about guilty dogs barking is true and effective in showing just wh those are.

I have always stated my gratitude, refrain from cursing, and don't bash ALL men or ALL women, because I am a mature, even if sexy adult who would never have even thought to do such as that before my experiences on this board. There are some awesome gentlemen here, but they are few and far between. Me saying it, instead of acting like all this crud is A OK, doesn't make me anything, other than disappointed that so many grown men feel entitled to treat all women here as they do and then whine around when one gets slighted, and it wasn't a slight so much as message. Pay attention and learn to understand what is really going on.

I hope the gentleman has learned a little something about kicking tires, and not only acting as if this is what the provider is comparable to, but practically stating it that way for every provider to see. She is not a product, but rather a reputable provider who has proven herself, by his own admission, and he made her feel that she was needing a good kick before he could judge her worthy. he got his just rewards for doing so. Rocket Science and all that jazz. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
OMG, Wow...Thank you for proving my point and Good Luck with those classes, it looks like you need them, plus some time away from providing...I love to go to the Virgin Islands for quick getaways and untying knots...I think you need something longer and give yourself some time to reflect if it should be permanent...But, wtf do I know, shit, I could've sworn the Gent in this case wasn't a 'tire kicker' but actually someone who got stood up on an appointment? But, it's all about perspective, I'm a Bully (who never stands up for RIGHT on this board, regardless of Gender. Please note my patronizing sarcasm) and you're someone who doesn't have to answer any of my questions, but, you answered every one of them and more...THANK YOU (not yelling - remember emphasis).


mrredcat43's Avatar
ManSlut's Avatar
Thanks Manslut for keeping things in the realm of rationality.

I appreciate humor as much as anyone, especially sarcasm. It just didn't seem to have a point other than trying to demean the OP (which also happens to be me).

The irony is that Maxi's showcase pics are illustrative of the very reason I have a practice of doing "auditions" as she calls them. Her pics look nice, but a bit ambiguous (I assume for reasons of discretion, not for reasons of deception). Enough so that I don't really know what to expect when I see her in person (which, if you ask her, I am sure will never happen, ha ha). Sure, I can read her reviews, but they are subjective. I don't really know from the pics whether or not she is going to be what am looking for. And I CERTAINLY don't know if I am going be someone that she is into. I am not for everyone, just like she's not for everyone. And I KNOW if someone is into me or not. The last thing I want is to spend an hour or more with someone who would much rather be somewhere else and can't wait for it to be over. If I wanted that I would just stay home (ha ha!). Anyway, I don't look at it like an "audition", but more like a first date.

I'm sure Maxi will be ready to spill more of her sarcasm all over this post as well, but I just wanted it to be said. Originally Posted by Wanderingcargo
Well said Wanderingcargo, I operate the same way with unproven, newbie ladies or the occasional BackPager, but, I never do BNG's but 30 min sessions with the understanding if it is going well and if she has the time then we upgrade to the hour session... But, I haven't done one of these in awhile and we all have different hobbying budgets.

Bottomline, everyone agrees it was a NCNS, some may question whether you were right in writing about it and that seems to be their 'hang up', but, that's what this board is for, Escort Client Community Information Exchange. The name was well chosen.

I didn't see a need to put the Lady on BLAST for a minor offense and I am on record here that the Providers should write more threads about the Gents that NCNS them, but that would UNFORTUNATELY cause backlash from the sorry dudes or hurt her business. It's a sad, unfair CATCH 22 (a movie reference) for the Ladies, but one I have been on their 'RIGHT' side before, an interesting stance for A BULLY.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And this is just another point. You assume I am combative, but that is not so. I tried to tell you in a funny way where you had erred and what had happened.

Still not sure you understand, so I'll just say...If what you are doing does not work, try something else, and keep doing that, until you find something that works. You'll probably never have a thing to complain about, ever again. Doing the same thing over and over and over again gets the same results, right? Ahem...hint hint. (Smarty pants remark...smirk or sumthing)

You don't have to come on and explain your stance to me, I get it. It's why a reputable lady mighta NCNSd you...cause she knew too?

If you are superficial, that's cool and you are not alone, many are. However, it's insulting to some, even the prettiest out there. We either never had that proclivity, or we got over it. Experience and change....good stuff! Chemistry is important, but you like the same ladies as certain others who are like you, and you probably already picked up on that. I can see on P411 usually the same ladies on the gents profilles who contact me. So, that really leaves just the superficial part. Some of us will take it that far to weed you out, and in order not to perform like a monkey in desperate need of winning your approval. We already know we're hot. No need to get upset, but we got nothing to prove to you. I simply decline these scenarios, as I don't do BnGs or Client taste testing. While I don't get upset enough to NCNS anyone over that, not sure it's beyond every lady here.

You are right though, I like men who understand these things. If you ever become that man, I might rethink, cause no one is perfect. No matter how much we want them to be.

I dunno what you said to the lady, so I can only base my reply on what you stated here. If it doesn't apply, sorry. However, a chance for sharing. Hobby safe and have fun.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Used to have a potato sack to sit on, but it has long since worn thin and been removed ... Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
We both know someone who wouldn't be happy to hear that news. Max, how could you?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We both know someone who wouldn't be happy to hear that news. Max, how could you? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I know, right? They just don't make 'em like they used to....