Former Illinois Congressman Known For His Anti-Gay Policies Is Caught Slipping Cash Into A Male Go-Go Dancer's Tiny Briefs At Mexican Gay Bar

I read while it's moving and scrolling up and my eyes are scrolling down and sideways and the words become jabberwocky and my brain goes: Originally Posted by LuvHerMadlyEverytime
I understand my man, happens to all of us at one point or the other. Don't worry about it.
Be whatever you want to be, whenever you want to be. But why bash the other side when you are secretly one of them?
I actually know why though. They are fighting inner demons.
They hope the feelings will go away but they won't and they don't. So they overcompensate in a mixture of self-loathing and grandstanding.
Hoping they will wake up one day and all the desires are gone.
I was told this by a gay man who eventually came out.

It's certainly the easiest time in history to "own" it. It wasn't so easy to own it 30-40 years ago. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
You're spot on Sir! I loved reading your post!
billw1032's Avatar
IMHO, the problem here is that people expect politicians to have principles. There may be a few that do, but for most their only principle is to say whatever they think their constituents want in order to get elected. It doesn't necessarily follow that they believe or practice their public positions. Their public position is only a means to an end, i.e. getting themselves elected. That is in most cases, as I say, there may be a few exceptions.
IMHO, the problem here is that people expect politicians to have principles. There may be a few that do, but for most their only principle is to say whatever they think their constituents want in order to get elected. It doesn't necessarily follow that they believe or practice their public positions. Their public position is only a means to an end, i.e. getting themselves elected. That is in most cases, as I say, there may be a few exceptions. Originally Posted by billw1032
You took the words out of my mouth. No doubt this former congressman said & did what he had to do to get himself elected by his Illinois constituents. Still for him to promote anti-gay policies is like a black man promoting policies that discriminate against black people. No wonder that gay couple apologized for taking pics with him.
Maybe Buttigieg is telling us he's Gay, because it might score him points in 2020?
Maybe Buttigieg is telling us he's Gay, because it might score him points in 2020? Originally Posted by Purlie Victorious
May be since it's very trendy nowadays to be pro LGBT and say you love gay people. However with Buttigieg, he does have a husband..unless he married a man to prove that he's gay.

LOL who knows but I think Buttigieg is actually gay...I mean with a name like that, how can he not be?
May be since it's very trendy nowadays to be pro LGBT and say you love gay people. However with Buttigieg, he does have a husband..unless he married a man to prove that he's gay.

LOL who knows but I think Buttigieg is actually gay...I mean with a name like that, how can he not be? Originally Posted by VeryClean
Amazing he was even born considering his parents have the same last name.
A whole lotta truth here. I am not giving up on the GOP yet but many times I don't recognize my own party.