So there I was - pondering my navel, it's an inny BTW, and I happened upon a thought. There are ~300M people in the USA. There also happens to be about 300M guns in the USA. Ima gestimate maybe 100K ARs in circulation. With me so far? Now Ima say there has been 10 mass incidents in the USA involving AR-15s, them scary looking things, in the past 5-8 years or so. Sounds about right, me thinks.
Anyways, we hear all sort of politicos, yes of course they are Demonicrats. But that's beside the point. They want to ban or confiscate - by force no less - all of the AR15s and yes Virginia, many other guns as well. But run the math a second. 10 AR related incidents divided by 300M guns is about 0.000000003%. Which is also the ratio of the population versus AR related perps.
Clearly the perps in all cases were whack-job and 99+% were most assuredly Demonicrats, aka Socialists. But the real point is that there is 0.000000003 percent of the population that are the scum-buckets and the latest round of Demonicrat wannabes are declaring the remaining 99.999999997% of the population should give up their security, liberty and Constitutional rights, in lieu of the 0.000000003% of the population that are whack-a-dos.
Is this why the progressives spent so much time implementing common core math - hoping nobody would figure this out? Or was that just belly button lint in my navel?