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  • 07-25-2024, 01:19 PM
I believe it. Maybe I pissed a provider off and got on a blacklist, but, this is my story of getting screwed over by Celeste recently:

Contacted her for a session and she gave me a sob story about not affording her room, fronted her money since I had seen her a bunch of times and had long conversations with her, so I trusted her much more than the typical provider. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and a sane demeanor. If you've seen her, you know.

And yet, when it came down to it, she just took my money and ran. Just straight ghosted. I didn't get offensive, I simply tried to follow up later, but never received a reply. That's all there is to it.

Not the first scam, scam attempt, or bad experience that's occurred to me in the last year from some of these "established" providers out here. I believe in the blacklist, it's been a domino effect for me, but some of these providers should be smarter than to take each other's word at face value, you're just losing good customers in the end if you don't take whatever's being said with a grain of salt.
Well isn’t this something.

Black listed or not, if she did her screening and knew you were one not to be seen for whatever reason, she should have just politely said thanks, but no thanks.

But, to accept your money for a room, then ghost you and take your money and run is unacceptable.

Maybe I dodged a bullet by not seeing her….for making a simple joke with her cause I was hungover the next morning prior to our agreed upon meeting time and after we exchanged some flirty texts the night before, which she initiated. So, I assumed it was ok to joke around. But, ya know what they say about assuming anything…

I’m sure I’ll get my ass beat for this post by the WKs, but it is what it is.

And these so called “established” providers wonder why we’ve chosen to go to AMPs more often than not.

Sorry for your loss btw. It’s happened to all of us at one time or another.

busternutzs's Avatar

Well isn’t this something.

Black listed or not, if she did her screening and knew you were one not to be seen for whatever reason, she should have just politely said thanks, but no thanks.

But, to accept your money for a room, then ghost you and take your money and run is unacceptable.

Maybe I dodged a bullet by not seeing her….for making a simple joke with her cause I was hungover the next morning prior to our agreed upon meeting time and after we exchanged some flirty texts the night before, which she initiated. So, I assumed it was ok to joke around. But, ya know what they say about assuming anything…

I’m sure I’ll get my ass beat for this post by the WKs, but it is what it is.

And these so called “established” providers wonder why we’ve chosen to go to AMPs more often than not.

Sorry for your loss btw. It’s happened to all of us at one time or another.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
I have run into similar issues with a provider , not Celeste, you grt everything set up and then get ghosted. I usually give about 30 to 60 min Leeway incase a session took longer than expected before I really start looking for answers. I am aware of the blacklist too and the providers should really take it with a grain of salt because only one person said I was this pushy, arrogant, time waster, etc in which is never the case with how I deal with the ladies. It's always polite and I treat them just like any other woman' should be treated with dignity and respect.

I don't know why some try to do this. Of course there is always that one scammer who may use providers likeness and such. If I can get in touch with the know provider I will ask if they changed numbers or if they know they are being used.
Anybody surprised she’s been radio silent and haven’t heard her side of the story? This monger was a regular and she took advantage of him. I’m looking forward to her side of the story.

  • Hold
  • 07-26-2024, 11:07 PM
Well, I hate to say it, but it is time for me to eat crow. This was premature.

Turns out Celeste has a more than reasonable explanation for what happened, and why she went radio silence as I think anyone would've in that situation. I can't share what is not mine to share, I do believe in respecting personal matters, nor do I think it would be right to pry. She has not yet stopped apologizing profusely, and is very torn about the entire situation. She made things right, and as far as I've seen, she's as wonderful a gal as ever, go see her.

I hate to have riled up everyone, and caused undeserved damage to her reputation. I can't deny the timing was perfectly terrible. There's a reason she has that many good reviews and has been around for a while, she's an absolute sweetheart.

Now I have to figure out the etiquette on this mess - any mods that can help here?
This thread does have a good point to it beside the goof. It brought out experiences we have been through with other providers. Broight up talking points about the hobby and just maybe what some of ehat was talked about here will filter back to the providers as some small learning lessons of regular clients. With that said i am not taking sides and do not know the provider in question but we have brought up informstuon that we can all learn from.
WillyH90's Avatar
I’ve always wanted to see Celeste. When I moved into town three years ago, Celeste was on top of my list. I tried one time last year or two can’t remember, it was late but that’s on me. Just my end of having free time, I’m always working. She be a dream to be with. One of these days hopefully we’ll connect.

From other providers and talk I’ve seen, I don’t believe a word the original poster said. Sounds to me he ate crow and had a shit day. Mature gentleman standing aint strong with this guy.
CryptKicker's Avatar
There's always three sides to a story but this is not the first time for this provider.
WillyH90's Avatar
Update: Happened to me last night. Ghosted & waited 25+ mins after initial appointment. Wasted time and lots of gas & miles to get to destination for nothing.

Utter shame too. Was looking forward to Celeste. Really makes me miss Dallas.

Oh well…

CryptKicker's Avatar
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, it's not the first time she had done the same thing. Looks like last Friday won't be the last.
I’ve always wanted to see Celeste. When I moved into town three years ago, Celeste was on top of my list. I tried one time last year or two can’t remember, it was late but that’s on me. Just my end of having free time, I’m always working. She be a dream to be with. One of these days hopefully we’ll connect.

From other providers and talk I’ve seen, I don’t believe a word the original poster said. Sounds to me he ate crow and had a shit day. Mature gentleman standing aint strong with this guy. Originally Posted by WillyH90
Update: Happened to me last night. Ghosted & waited 25+ mins after initial appointment. Wasted time and lots of gas & miles to get to destination for nothing.

Utter shame too. Was looking forward to Celeste. Really makes me miss Dallas.

Oh well… Originally Posted by WillyH90
Interesting to see how opinions change when it happens to you or one of yours.

Appreciate your post Willy, shines more light on the truth. It’s not always easy to make posts like this with the fucking WK’s out there.

But…wait for it…some BS explanation will be forthcoming and you’ll get thrown under the bus.