Stupid question while sitting in an airport

travis13131's Avatar
Sorry I am late to this thread. Here is my point of view, only my point. A woman will know if she is into you before you open your mouth. So what you say is irreverent, unless you talk like a jerk.... SO in the future go up and talk to her. Practice is the key here. At first you are a dork saying hi..Still rule 1 holds bar..Does not matter what you say. The more you approach woman the better you will get....Back in the day I would chat up everyone. The person bagging your stuff at the market. Everyone and anyone..It builds your muscle of chatting. CHAT EVERYONE UP!! That is my 2 cents
Centaur's Avatar
I am the master in making small talk. I can talk to anyone at anytime. :-) You should have started a conversation…not by saying Hi….just make comment on anything…airlines, her purse, something on TV, anything!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-09-2014, 12:00 PM
^^^^ I can vouch for that. Didn't take long before she had me under her Thom. (And other places)
Stare at her hungrily. Intense. Approvingly. Like you'd look at a fine glass of wine after taking your first sip. Raise your eyebrows slightly if she makes eye contact. Turn your head if necessary don't feel obliged to turn your whole body toward her. DO NOT SMILE. Will her to come to you. Works 100%. May take 10 or 15 minutes though. Don't give up! If she starts to fidget and look away it's working.
I am the master in making small talk. I can talk to anyone at anytime. :-) You should have started a conversation…not by saying Hi….just make comment on anything…airlines, her purse, something on TV, anything! Originally Posted by samantha thom
If I saw you looking at me at the airport the conversation would probably start off with something like "Uhhh excuse I think I just peed on my moccasins".

I'd let you take it from there.

googol^googol's Avatar
So what you say is irreverent, unless you talk like a jerk.... SO in the future go up and talk to her. Practice is the key here...Does not matter what you say. The more you approach woman the better you will get....Back in the day I would chat up everyone. The person bagging your stuff at the market. Everyone and anyone..It builds your muscle of chatting. CHAT EVERYONE UP !! Originally Posted by travis13131
"Pardon me, but you have excellent taste in ( jewelry, clothes, shoes, perfume..... pick one). I need to buy a gift. Could you tell me where you got it?" Originally Posted by Loxly
You should have started a conversation…not by saying Hi….just make comment on anything…airlines, her purse, something on TV, anything! Originally Posted by samantha thom
All great advice. Start a conversation. About anything that is in the environment. Best if it's something about them. Not a compliment about their looks. That sets off alarms. A sideways compliment about their taste is excellent because it's something they choose on their own, not just the good luck to have good genetics, and eliding into a request for help in finding a gift makes it not a come on, shows that you have good taste also, and puts them in the position of helping you. But a comment about anything will work. And you get better at it the more you practice starting conversations. With people you have no intention of hitting on. Old guys. Young girls. Women in general. Get good at starting conversations and you will be able to guide those conversations when it's with someone you're attracted to.
From my perspective, there are three possible explanations for her body language: 1) she was startled/uncomfortable when she caught you looking and was fidgeting because of that, 2) she was potentially interested in a conversation, 3) she was fidgeting because she wore a dumb outfit for flying and was oblivious to you looking because she's used to stares from dudes.

I think googol has the best advice so far, though. Feel out the possibility of conversation before assuming she's DTF. At least get a smile from her first and be willing to abort if she's obviously just trying to kill time in the hell that is waiting for a flight.

If she gives you bitch face, she might just hate being hit on all the time by guys who can't take a goddamn hint.
It would be cool if you had a time machine and could redo this like a real man!!
Sounds like a good application of the principals in the Bill Murry movie? Groundhog Day!!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-10-2014, 06:33 PM
"Nice Tits, wanna fuck"?

Don't waste time standing around an airport, cut to the chase...either she will or she won't