SO...I'm Laying There..Minding My Own Business.....

texasjohn1965's Avatar

Maybe there's a Hallmark card for that. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Theres an app for that.
ocho cinco's Avatar
Good thing you didn't drop the soap during the shower.....
tsrv4me's Avatar
I had a Doctor Friend .....He was going to give a mutual friend a rectal and prostate exam being the joker he is .He filled a rubber glove with sand our friend was bent over the table and Doc talking to him .....telling him to relax it wasnt going to hurt ..he felt a finger slip deep inside of him ......but he also noticed that there was a hand resting on each shoulder (not knowing one was the rubber glove full of sand ).....his visual was very disconcerting ...and he got very nervous ...Stuttering and stammering .......thinking of what might be happening it turned out was a fabulous joke good for many laughs over the years ......
bigtom62's Avatar
Awesomeness (Berkleigh),
Me thinks she put hers where I want to put mine when we get together. hehehe
Soo funny,

From my experiences, you had to allow her entry or you need a couple of stitches down south! lol
I must be really closed minded or it's another damn homophobic thing the Marine Corp did to me. My wife use to try exploring the poop shooter during BJ sessions and I would never tell her not to do that! but I would squeeze my asshole so tight that nothing was getting in. Exit only baby. I wonder if she thought I was playing hard to get?
restaurantguy67's Avatar
So far 3 guys on this thread have mentioned their fuckbuddy. What, does everybody besides me have one? Damn, I want mine!
shooter6.5's Avatar
Sounds to me like the beginning of a wonderful relationship. Don't mess it up-no pun intended!!!!!!!!
Combustion's Avatar
I had a Doctor Friend .....He was going to give a mutual friend a rectal and prostate exam being the joker he is .He filled a rubber glove with sand our friend was bent over the table and Doc talking to him .....telling him to relax it wasnt going to hurt ..he felt a finger slip deep inside of him ......but he also noticed that there was a hand resting on each shoulder (not knowing one was the rubber glove full of sand ).....his visual was very disconcerting ...and he got very nervous ...Stuttering and stammering .......thinking of what might be happening it turned out was a fabulous joke good for many laughs over the years ...... Originally Posted by tsrv4me
That's awesome
tsrv4me, that IS hysterical! Having worked in many docs offices, I could see it happening! LOL!

On a little more serious note, I wouldn't ever do that without some sort of warning/permission/SOMETHING!

Maybe work up to it a little at a time but not just shoving it in there! Wow...
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I need to meet these women...yee haa! I'm a sucker for the creative types.
Don't knock a good thing. The last thing you want to do is anything that would fuck something up like this. Just go with the flow and enjoy it for what it is. As long as she doesn't pull out a strap on I'd learn to enjoy a little bit of TUMA action - some guys pay extra for this and you're getting it for free ! Originally Posted by travelling_man
dude... TUMA is not the same as FUMA at all.. completely different sensation..
OMG I love this thread. Hilarious. I have a taste for older women, always have. A few years back while working in a residential service division up north I met this woman. I was 28ish and she was 45ish. Now I have also done some things i'll never admit too and am a bit adventurous. But this lady chewed me up and spit me out like the little boy i was. I'll never forget the first time she did that to me and I erupted like Mt St Helens. At first i was so uncomfortable about it, no warning and all that i was starting to lose my erection...... and then she hit that spot. I didnt even think i was anywhere close to letting her have the juice. Little did I know..... when the tip of her finger hit that spot i thought i was going to jail for murder, it felt like I blew the back of her head off. Not to mention the grip i had on her shoulders. And i dont have small hands..... Since then only one SO has ever done that, and it was brought up by me in casual dinner conversation, poor girl she never hit the same mark.
I guess for the men this is the equivalent of getting their cherry popped, huh? They say the first time always stings a bit...but you never forget it.