Strokin' to the east, strokin' to the west

Absolutely not. Neither are the many Trumpers on here that throw around dementia diagnoses on Biden while completely ignoring the signs that Trump also exhibits. The cognitive dissonance is strong here. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Biden is just stupid. It doesn't take a degree of any kind to figure that out. He's everything this country doesn't need.
Absolutely not. Neither are the many Trumpers on here that throw around dementia diagnoses on Biden while completely ignoring the signs that Trump also exhibits. The cognitive dissonance is strong here. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Well, maybe, but you aren't qualified to give a diagnosis, are you?
smokedog01's Avatar
Well, maybe, but you aren't qualified to give a diagnosis, are you? Originally Posted by friendly fred

You are missing my point entirely. I think its obvious to anyone that both of those guys are of diminished capacity. You don't have to be a doctor. You just have to have eyes, ears, and the bare minimum of objective reasoning skills. My point is that Trump does the exact same shit that you guys mock Biden for. It is laughable to think that an off-script Trump is some quick witted keen intellect that is going to wipe the floor with Biden in a debate. The "winner" will be the guy that looks the least worst. The gap is certainly not as wide in that regard as you guys seem to think.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You are missing my point entirely. I think its obvious to anyone that both of those guys are of diminished capacity. You don't have to be a doctor. You just have to have eyes, ears, and the bare minimum of objective reasoning skills. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Correct. Biden is just smart enough to stay quiet as much as possible. Trump can't control himself and simply can't shut up about anything other than his taxes. They both are hardly the two best choices unless you consider senility as a virtue in your POTUS.
You are missing my point entirely. I think its obvious to anyone that both of those guys are of diminished capacity. You don't have to be a doctor. You just have to have eyes, ears, and the bare minimum of objective reasoning skills. My point is that Trump does the exact same shit that you guys mock Biden for. It is laughable to think that an off-script Trump is some quick witted keen intellect that is going to wipe the floor with Biden in a debate. The "winner" will be the guy that looks the least worst. The gap is certainly not as wide in that regard as you guys seem to think. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Well, technically even a Doctor would have to examine the patient to make a diagnosis, but I do agree a Trump/Biden debate isn't a slam dunk guaranteed victory for Trump.

However, Trump has nothing to lose by having debates with Biden and Biden does get a little tongue tied even when he is on script, and Trump has a knack for illustrating another person's weaknesses. If Trump can make Biden angry, Biden might say something stupid and become defensive, and therefore look small.

Trump needs to give people a reason to vote against Biden to win. Somehow, against all odds he beat Hillary, so he might do it again as the underdog. He beat Hillary because people hate her and she is prone to make remarks which show her true feelings, and many people are offended by her when they realize how poorly she thinks of other humans. Biden has the advantage because somehow people think he is a nice guy so Trump needs to show that Biden is just another angry old white man who thinks he deserves to be crowned.
Well, technically even a Doctor would have to examine the patient to make a diagnosis, but I do agree a Trump/Biden debate isn't a slam dunk guaranteed victory for Trump.

However, Trump has nothing to lose by having debates with Biden and Biden does get a little tongue tied even when he is on script, and Trump has a knack for illustrating another person's weaknesses. If Trump can make Biden angry, Biden might say something stupid and become defensive, and therefore look small.

Trump needs to give people a reason to vote against Biden to win. Somehow, against all odds he beat Hillary, so he might do it again as the underdog. He beat Hillary because people hate her and she is prone to make remarks which show her true feelings, and many people are offended by her when they realize how poorly she thinks of other humans. Biden has the advantage because somehow people think he is a nice guy so Trump needs to show that Biden is just another angry old white man who thinks he deserves to be crowned. Originally Posted by friendly fred
All Trump really has to do is remind voters that while on the Campaign trail Biden blurted out a few insults to voters. He called one guy "Fat", told an Auto worker he was full of shit, called a women a liar, challenged the guy he called fat to a pushup contest. What kind of guy running for president does shit like that. Dems want to call Trump an asshole, Biden is an even bigger asshole and probably a Demented one at that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
These are the same people that think joey's all good Ha ha ha ha ha
These are the same people that think joey's all good Ha ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by rexdutchman
True,If Biden wins they deserve it.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 10:24 AM
I am not a fan of trump's pesona - but ( as written before) Trump acts along my views .

biden would be an open door to a radical Communist Bernie Bro. VP elevated to POTUS, and a disaster for this nation.

There will never again be another free election in Amerika ( as the LibDems will make it) if Biden and the libDems are elected.

They will pack the Supreme court with Radical justices - and their activists will enforce totalitarian rule and destroy the Constitution.

You want to live like Venezuela - vote Biden!!!!
smokedog01's Avatar
There will never again be another free election in Amerika ( as the LibDems will make it) if Biden and the libDems are elected.

They will pack the Supreme court with Radical justices - and their activists will enforce totalitarian rule and destroy the Constitution.

You want to live like Venezuela - vote Biden!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11

It is comical that you actually believe that. Fox and Breitbart cold read their audience like a faith healing televangelist and you suckers close your eyes and dance.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 12:39 PM
Comical - I hope you think so when the radicals come for You - and there is no one to speak for you - because You acquiesced to the re-edu camps and DPST SS thought ppolice imprisonment of all who would stand against the tyranny!
Bernie Bros want u 2!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Strokin' to the east, strokin' to the west Originally Posted by smokedog01

whats up with this strokin line?

I thought this was about peter strzok.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 07:31 PM
The completely unfounded acusation that POTUS Trump has had a 'stroke'.

Total nonsense the poster is unqualified to speculate about.

And now for the response from OP - a preview - " I am not a neurologist, but I stayed at a HoJo last night instead of my homeless shelter".
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump needs some Debates badly.

Biden does not need any Debates.

Conventionally Debates are held,but also conventionally the candidates release their Tax Returns.

Biden should not agree to any debate until After Chump releases his Tax Returns.

The Only chance that Chump has is to fuck with the ballots and the counting cause Chump is way behind and it's not changing.
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2020, 04:28 PM
Biden is being hidden by the DNC - they do not want his pre-senile dementia to become more apparent on a national stage - and sway the non- 'mmarxist' DPST's.

Vote Biden - you may not like what you get when a radical 'mmarxist' VP kicks Biden out of the oval office to institute 'mmarxism' in amerika!
on the other hand, - it might be exactly what One wants as a DPST - to turn the US into Amerika - and put all Republicans and white males into rre-education camps.

Just as Maduro in Venezuela.

your kind of place !