pressure to reopen economy

boardman's Avatar
Thinking anyone to be a dumbass would not be a reason to put them on ignore. Quite the contrary actually.
I love a train wreck as much as anyone.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-30-2020, 01:00 PM
lol sir..
TryWeakly's Avatar
You rarely post facts. You post a lot of opinions based on what you think to be facts or what you read in Mad Magazine apparently.

I've corrected your mistakes countless times. You know that, I know that and anyone reading this forum knows it. I'm not inclined to go back digging for it so I can prove you wrong again but one thing that quickly comes to mind is your opinion opinion on Capt. Crozier. It was totally uniformed. Originally Posted by boardman

Point of order...

It is SLATE magazine... not to be confused with clips.

When I did a google search on it, here is the first one on the list... I did not write it.

"Outward is Slate's home for in-depth coverage of LGBTQ life, thought, culture, and the ever-expanding queer conversation. Check out our most recent articles and podcast episodes below.

We regularly convene special issues on a theme, like Passing and Radicalism. Look right for our most recent special issue, on Queer Legacies.

Carry on....
