More Obama crony capitalism

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't read my posts, do you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, Look! See the No-Bid Contract! See the Happy Donor! Fund, Obama, Fund! Watch Obama Fund!

He's a lying hypocrite. Unfortunately, that is all too common in Washington.

Quick! Get the money!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, Look! See the No-Bid Contract! See the Happy Donor! Fund, Obama, Fund! Watch Obama Fund!

He's a lying hypocrite. Unfortunately, that is all too common in Washington.

Quick! Get the money! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Or Johnson's profiting from Brown & Root in Vietnam, but unlike those days, moron, the U.S. debt today is $15 trillion. Current Obama policy forcing the navy to spend four times what is necessary for fuel degrades military readiness.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Moron? look who is talking,why don't you take time out of your busy schedule and kiss my ass moron. you drones think all out troubles started in 2008.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Ekim, as long as other Presidents engaged in the same criminal fraudulent behavior, Obama has to be allowed to get his share. Yeah, I think I got that right.

Kiss your own ass, moron!
So, Ekim, as long as other Presidents engaged in the same criminal fraudulent behavior, Obama has to be allowed to get his share. Yeah, I think I got that right.

Kiss your own ass, moron! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

as usual you can't read in the spirit of the season fuck you
So, Ekim, as long as other Presidents engaged in the same criminal fraudulent behavior, Obama has to be allowed to get his share. Yeah, I think I got that right.

Kiss your own ass, moron! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

idiots like you give Kansas a bad name
waverunner234's Avatar
As usual, I'm laughing until I fall asleep.
Haliburton did make obscene profits, why?, because leftists insist on cutting military spending. If the military doesn't have the people available to build bases, do laundry and cook meals somebody else has to be hired to do it.

How many of the Haliburton jobs were held by foreigners? Too bad we couldn't have just diverted all of that money to GM so they could hire more people in Brazil and China. I see that the taxpayer contribution on the Chevy Volt is up to $250,000 per unit, not only a "no bid" but the taxpayers get a big fat "zero" in return for the investment. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
It seems you forgot about the "peace dividend" which started after the break up of the soviet union. That start during the elder bush's term. It seems our military was able to defend the homeland and conduct the only sucessful major military operation since WWII, namely the liberation of Kuwait at that level of expenditure. I didn't know the first Bush was a "leftist".
I The US spends as much on defense as THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED, Yet righties never seem to want cut that budget. If there is that kind of disparity in spending and we are still worried about any threats, we really must be wasting money badly(especially considering most of the other high spenders are our european friends and Israel)
We have spent more than $100 billion on star wars with pretty much fruitless results. Yet no right wing outrage. Billions just disappear in Iraq. not mention 100,000 guns and who knows what else. yet no right wing outrage. We pay haliburton billions for shoddy construction work and No right wing outrage. We guarantee profits to our defense contractors and righties whine about socialist Obamacare.
4 trillion dollars absolutely wasted in iraq and afghanistan and no sense of shame and disgust, righties just blame the man who inheited the mess created from reagan and the 2 bush's. 10 trillion dollars of debt incurred under "fiscally conservative" republican presidents from reagan on. and righties have the nerve to say that Obama has ruined the economy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think SDI worked better than we know, but I favor drastic cuts in military spending. We can have the strongest, most efficient military in the world for a lot less money. The main thing is for us to stop getting into all these stupid regional wars! Iraq was not a threat, and Afghanistan never attacked us. Now we want to bomb Iran?

We are fighting these regional wars for only one reason. To line the pockets of Halliburton and other defense contractors. Even Obama, who railed against Halliburton in the campaign is awarding them no-bid contracts. I guess we know who REALLY runs Washington now, don't we?

Oh, but the first Bush was a leftist. No doubt about that. And Obamacare is a bad idea. Way too much government involved is medical decisions. I don't want an IRS agent deciding if I need an operation or not.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think SDI worked better than we know. . . Afghanistan never attacked us. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, there is a game in the U.S. called football. Two opposing teams are involved. The objective of the team on defense is to stop the guy with the ball – who ever he might be.

All eleven players on defense work to block or intercept every offensive action the guy with the ball makes. Ultimately, the aim of the defense is to tackle the guy with the ball and throw him to the ground. Now the guy with the ball has ten other players who collude with him and his offensive pursuits. They try to protect him, and in doing so, they further his aims. So it happens, that when the defense attempts to tackle the guy with the ball, some of those guys colluding and defending the guy with the ball get knocked on their asses – even though they are not personally carrying the ball. And so it was in Afghanistan.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Green jobs are the answer. Except we aren't funding green jobs, we are lining the pockets of the already rich. Obama is just as corrupt as any other President we have had, if not more so. C'mon people! Face reality!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah. Green jobs are the answer. Except we aren't funding green jobs, we are lining the pockets of the already rich. Obama is just as corrupt as any other President we have had, if not more so. C'mon people! Face reality!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 Sad but true.