Where are dallas girls' ads?

adav8s28's Avatar
So how did this thread go from asking where provider ads were to provider donation prices?

It looks like the OP has hijacked his own thread! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
It was suggested that he look on OH2 for provider ads. The OP replied that he did but did not like the talent or the rate structure that he was seeing on OH2. I don't think it was a flagrant hijack. The two are kind of connected.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Well, OP, shame on you for letting providers know what you like, be it in a session and/or how much you are comfortable with spending. You have now labeled yourself as unreasonable and hard to please since you would like to go into sessions you pay for with preferences and expectations.

Remember tho, if you really believe 100% what a provider puts in her ad, no matter where you find it, then you deserve what you get. Vetting means way more than pretty pictures!