Romney doubles Obama's charitable giving

joe bloe's Avatar
Originally Posted by markroxny

You just made my point. You're too stupid to even post an image. You should quit while you're behind.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-21-2012, 04:46 PM
willard should redistribute twice as much of his wealty to a charity, he's more than twice as wealty as Obie .. and damn near everyone else
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You people sure think you know what's best for other people to do their own money.
Hell yes you should give more...LOL
You just made my point. You're too stupid to even post an image. You should quit while you're behind. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You should teach him a few things since you are a pro at posting irrelevant pictures when your platform crumbles.

Oh yeah and the Mormon religion requires their followers to give 10% of their income to he church, so I would hardly call him a Bill Gates when it comes to being charitable.
Suddenly, the tax returns are important. So, let's see the rest of them.
Suddenly, the tax returns are important. So, let's see the rest of them. Originally Posted by timpage
As Dub would say, "Bring 'em on!"
joe bloe's Avatar
You should teach him a few things since you are a pro at posting irrelevant pictures when your platform crumbles.

Oh yeah and the Mormon religion requires their followers to give 10% of their income to he church, so I would hardly call him a Bill Gates when it comes to being charitable. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
The Bible requires a tithe, that's ten percent, from all believers. Obama pretends to be a Christian. He has no excuse not to tithe.

Romney gives four million a year to charity, and you're still critical, good grief. If he walked on water, you'd say he couldn't swim.
Okay JB cling on to your struggling hopes that once the American public see how much he gives to charity that they will change their opinion about Romney. Dude is hanging on by a thread- a continually diminishing thread.

I heard Madoff was also a charitable and giving soul as well.

If only charitable contributions were an ultimate requirement for a seat at the oval office. He's running for President not trying to replace mother Theresa.
And why are we focusing on his charity when we should be focusing on the percentage he paid on his taxes 13% - while Obama paid 20.5% percent rate on his taxes.

Nope, it will be probably ignore as you insinuate Obama is a Grinch for not giving more of his 789k when you have someone with 13.7 mil lining their pockets, and that only the money he has in this country.
markroxny's Avatar
You just made my point. You're too stupid to even post an image. You should quit while you're behind. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Shut the fuck up you dubmass. So they stop hosting the pic....oooh big deal.

You are so ignorant, uniformed, wrong at every turn and you have the nerve to call someone else stupid?

Id love to see your tax return so we can see if you tithe. ha!

I can't wait till Romneybot loses in Nov so i can piss all over your head on this board.

Ducbutter's Avatar
It's a religious tithe. He's a bishop in the Mormon religion. Obama isn't a wealthy (w@@@@) guy from a wealthy family.

Why not compare apples to apples.

Oh, and HUZZAH for Romney! He released last year's tax return. Fucker probably just filed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It's much more than a tithe. 3 time more in fact.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-22-2012, 09:04 AM
It's much more than a tithe. 3 time more in fact. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Good on him. Now let us see what he does when he thinks nobody's watching.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Looks to me like the governmetn confiscated nearly 2 million dollars of his personal property.
I do not see how anyone can say that payng 2 million dollars is not a "fair share".
Of course, we will have the whining redistributors stating how it is such a small percantage and how he will still have millions left over and then throw in how unfair the employment taxes are to lower wage earners yada yada yada.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-22-2012, 01:04 PM
Looks to me like the governmetn confiscated nearly 2 million dollars of his personal property.
I do not see how anyone can say that payng 2 million dollars is not a "fair share".
Of course, we will have the whining redistributors stating how it is such a small percantage and how he will still have millions left over and then throw in how unfair the employment taxes are to lower wage earners yada yada yada. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Good Lord, so if you make 10 Billion dollars , all us other tax payers should be happy that you paid say , 2 million in taxes.

Furthermore, writing off charity on your taxes means that the rest of us have to pay more in taxes to make up for your deduction.

If you want to build a church, I should not have to make up the difference because you gave to your church.

Talk about welfare, if is you bastards that abuse the charity deduction.