Without Collusion Trump Is Not President, Hillary Is!

LexusLover's Avatar

I doubt that Flynn did anything on his own without the approval and guidance of Donald Trump. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I doubt Trump approved what he did and said with the Russians.

And I have better FACTS to support my belief than you do!

Without even factoring in the way egos function in high places!

Something you know nothing about and it shows!

What you do is wish for a result and then everything you read and see after that is culled and tweaked to fit your wish! Not a good strategy for success. You have obviously missed the "Problem Solving Strategies" 101 course for critical thinking and analyzing.
lustylad's Avatar
Do any of you folks that watch Fox News realize that your (sic) watching make believe?
Fox News is a tabloid news channel that deals in neo nazi propaganda. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Hey SStupid... so whaddaya think of talk radio? Cherie thinks you ought to try it! They even let you call in and spew your own lib-retarded propaganda!

...oh right the Libbys must keep up the BS in order for the uninformed (and there are a TON of uninformed who only listen to Clinton News Network and Lyin MSNBC) and don't really want to expand their horizons and maybe listen to a little talk radio where they might hear an objective opinion. Originally Posted by Cherie
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Republicans and democrats, independents, everyone should be upset that we have a man as president that fixed the election by colluding with Russia. Think about that and what it means to our democracy if he is not punished! We cannot be like a third world nation and allow criminals like the Trumps to steal elections!
That’s why it is so important to “lock them up” and as Americans we should demand it! Wake up people don’t be one of those that supported and was a puppet in the largest political scandal our country had ever seen! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Don't need to read anything else. The corrupt Comey said there was no evidence of collusion. Case over. Quit being a fool.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Hey SStupid... so whaddaya think of talk radio? Cherie thinks you ought to try it! They even let you call in and spew your own lib-retarded propaganda! Originally Posted by lustylad
Fox News is not taken seriously by anyone, it is well known to be tabloid trash, that’s the opinion of the majority of serious journalist around the world. MSNBC leans left but at least they report true and not make believe. The only person on Fox that is not tabloid is Shepard Smith, that is why he has to correct the facts all the time and is not appreciated by those that prefer make believe.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey SStupid... do you like CNN? Are they "true and not make believe"?

Here's Van Jones speaking frankly and freely about those Russian collusion delusions... Poor Van thought he was off camera and off the record when he blurted out the truth!

Can't shoot the messenger now, can you?
Just trying our my new signature, fuckers. Carry on!
This says it all...

The leftwing fascist thug definition of Trump "collusion":

"[A] clarification tonight on something one of Flynn's confidants told us and we reported earlier today," Ross said on the program. "He said the president had asked Flynn to contact Russia during the campaign. He's now clarifying that saying, according to Flynn, candidate Trump asked him during the campaign to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other world hot spots. And then after the election, the president-elect asked him to contact Russia on issues including working together to fight ISIS."

http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/01/medi...ion/index.html Originally Posted by kehaar
Do you really believe what Clinton News Network says?????? How foolish.

Just one of their lies below which they changed on Dec 6 when caught but still put "the fact" way to the bottom of their nasty heading.



BTW, even if they did have correspondence with Russia there is absolutely nothing illegal about that. Its called being internationally savvy, something the previous President had no desire to do, (except, of course to give his Islamic buddies 150 million dollars, which IMHO is being used to finance North Korea) as he was toooo busy dividing and conquering "we the people".
Hey SStupid... do you like CNN? Are they "true and not make believe"?

Here's Van Jones speaking frankly and freely about those Russian collusion delusions... Poor Van thought he was off camera and off the record when he blurted out the truth!

Can't shoot the messenger now, can you? Originally Posted by lustylad
Nice find.
Fox News had a field day with it, lol


Fox News is not taken seriously by anyone, it is well known to be tabloid trash, that’s the opinion of the majority of serious journalist around the world. MSNBC leans left but at least they report true and not make believe. The only person on Fox that is not tabloid is Shepard Smith, that is why he has to correct the facts all the time and is not appreciated by those that prefer make believe. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
WOW, that is simply the most "dimwitted" pronouncement I have seen on this board. <shaking head> uneffing believable.
SS collusion...


A former FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe said there is a 'cancer' inside the FBI

August 30, 2017 09:12 PM EDT

When the FBI launched an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, one of the bureau’s top former counterterrorism agents believed that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe would have to recuse himself from the investigation.

Former Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was one of the bureau’s top intelligence analysts and terrorism experts but resigned from the bureau five years ago after she said she was harassed and her career was blocked by top FBI management. She filed a formal sexual discrimination complaint against the bureau in 2013 and it was Flynn, among many others, who publicly came to her aide.

In her first on-camera interview she described the retaliation from McCabe and others in the bureau as “vicious.”

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe listens on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, May 11, 2017, while testifying before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on major threats facing the U.S. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
A 16-year veteran with outstanding work performance reviews and accomplishments, Gritz alleges McCabe, along with other senior management, made it impossible for her to do her job and obstructed her ability to move up the ranks.

She eventually filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint [EEOC] in 2013 for sexual discrimination and a hostile work environment against McCabe and other superiors. In 2012 she received the only negative review in her career with the FBI, and it was conducted by the same supervisor she had named in her EEOC.

She told Circa, current senior level management, including McCabe, created a “cancer like” bureaucracy striking fear into FBI agents and causing others to resign. She eventually resigned herself, but her case is still pending.

“They’ve poisoned the 7th floor,” said Gritz, referring to the actual floor where management is housed in the FBI’s Hoover Building. “There’s a cancer there of a group of people. You’ve seen it with some of the recent reports of leaks, conflicts of interest, you see it in my case. The level of integrity is lacking. I have never seen or heard of the amount of conflicts of interest, or leading by fear.”

McCabe, who is under three separate federal inquiries, did not respond to requests for comment.

Gritz, who at the time of her official complaint was on detail to the CIA, did not fight her battle alone. Many senior U.S. government officials who had worked with her throughout her career defended her openly. One of her biggest supporters was Flynn, who then was the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as first reported by Circa.

Earlier this year, a highly-classified phone conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was leaked to the press, prompting his removal as top national security advisor for President Trump. The classified leak and the fact that McCabe plays a central role in the Russia investigation has left Gritz deeply concerned for Flynn.

Five years later she’s waiting for resolution to her pending case and now she believes that those who retaliated against her, including McCabe, may have also retaliated against Flynn for his unwavering support for her. Flynn gave a rare interview to NPR in 2015 defending Gritz against McCabe.

“When I heard Michael Flynn was being brought under investigation, I wondered if they would go after him,” said Gritz, recalling the letter Flynn wrote on his Department of Defense stationary. “I still believe McCabe should have recused himself from the investigation into Flynn.”

Flynn had worked with Gritz extensively during her tenure on joint terrorism related assignments between the DOD and FBI wrote a letter on Pentagon stationary testifying to her character and work ethic. Other top military officials also wrote letters of testimony on behalf of Gritz, including Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gen. Keith Alexander and retired Navy Rear Admiral B. L. Losey, who served both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama as the White House’s National Security Council Director for Combatting Terrorism, according to documents obtained by Circa.

The FBI’s attorney tried to block testimony from her supporters, including Flynn’s letter, in 2014, memos obtained by Circa show.

“They couldn’t block the testimony,” said Gritz, who smiled as she recalled the judge reprimanding the FBI for trying to block the testimony.
FBI agents’ concerns became more pronounced when a highly-classified piece of evidence -- an intercepted conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- suddenly leaked to the news media and prompted Flynn’s resignation as Trump’s top security adviser.

“He thought what had been done to me was totally wrong at a time when we need counterterrorism expertise—to push out someone he considered a rising star was unacceptable.”

She said when FBI agents requested to write letters on her behalf they were stopped by their supervisors and coworkers who wanted to defend her were fearful.

“You could say my name, walking down the hall and if one of them hears it you’re in trouble,” she said, referencing McCabe and his close colleagues.
In June, a Circa investigation revealed that two weeks after Gritz filed her EEOC complaint, McCabe referred her for an Office of Professional Responsibility investigation for timecard irregularities.

Although the FBI claimed they had filed their OPR investigation prior to Gritz’s EEOC, McCabe’s own sworn testimony painted a much different picture. Gritz’s case, which is still pending, was required McCabe to submit to a sworn statement. In his testimony he recounted a conversation on June 19, 2012 in which he authorized the OPR investigation of Gritz after one of his deputies told him she was about to file a complaint, as reported by Circa.

And McCabe is also challenged with an Office of Special Counsel investigation.

The embattled former agent filed a complaint in April, alleging McCabe violated the Hatch Act, as reported by Circa in June.

The OSC is the government’s main whistle blower agency. The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging "in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group." McCabe appeared to be participating in his wife’s unsuccessful bid for Virginia State Senate in 2015, according to Gritz and documents obtained by Circa.

The Justice Department Inspector General investigation is also investigating McCabe after Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, alleged McCabe may not have properly disclosed the roughly $700,000 in campaign contributions to his Democratic wife on his ethics report and should have recused himself from the Clinton server case.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, joined at left by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, leads a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, on attempts to influence American elections, with a focus on Russian meddling in the last presidential race. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Gritz is hoping she will have resolution on her case soon but more importantly she said “I just want the bureau to get back to where it should be.”

As for McCabe, she said “I don’t feel that Andy McCabe was honest to me. The conflicts of interest many of agents see right away. A lot of agents, analysts, former, current, retired are appalled that if they did similar they would have already been fired or at least on leave without pay.”
Republicans and democrats, independents, everyone should be upset that we have a man as president that fixed the election by colluding with Russia. Think about that and what it means to our democracy if he is not punished! We cannot be like a third world nation and allow criminals like the Trumps to steal elections!
That’s why it is so important to “lock them up” and as Americans we should demand it! Wake up people don’t be one of those that supported and was a puppet in the largest political scandal our country had ever seen! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

WHAT Collusion? Do you mean like Obama and co had in allowing them to manipulate/buy ADS via google? Since HILLARY AND OBAMA Were in power when they were doing that..

Do any of you folks that watch Fox News realize that your watching make believe?
Fox News is a tabloid news channel that deals in neo nazi propaganda. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If fox is IYO Neo-nazi propaganda, then MSNBC, CNN,CBS, NBC, ABC and co are all COMMIE propaganda.. IN FACT they are in essence right now, nothing more than the Propaganda arm of the DNC..

Fox News is not taken seriously by anyone, it is well known to be tabloid trash, that’s the opinion of the majority of serious journalist around the world. MSNBC leans left but at least they report true and not make believe. The only person on Fox that is not tabloid is Shepard Smith, that is why he has to correct the facts all the time and is not appreciated by those that prefer make believe. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Is that so?? Funny every time i check which news outlets rate the highest, FOX ALWAYS beats out the res.. Wonder how that is if its just tabloid nonsense and not taken seriously..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to admit, Standin in Shit is making a real last minute play for Dipshit of the Year. I think he has a chance.
LexusLover's Avatar
I have to admit, Standin in Shit is making a real last minute play for Dipshit of the Year. I think he has a chance. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It would dilute the significance of the Title by nominating someone who has not mastered the "art" of writing English.

He has "mastered" the "art" of making ridiculous statements without any FACTS to substantiate them.

I'm beginning to believe he might by HillariousNoMore incognito on Eccie (trying to find Bill).
LexusLover's Avatar
..everyone should be upset that we have a man as president that fixed the election by colluding with Russia.... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
And I bet the brokers who lost their asses according to YOUR ANALYSIS are really pissed .....

11-07-2016, 12:12 PM

Pennsylvania > Pittsburgh > The Litterbox-Pittsburgh
"Hillary wins how it's good for us and also bad on SA"

Post #2 By StandInShit aka "StandinStraight"

"The stock market shot up 250 points anticipating her winning, seems like the economy needs her.

So did the Russians orchestrate a win between lunch time on Monday and poll closing on Tuesday?

Or are you just full of shit AGAIN?