Mangina Alert: Guys, what do you think of this article?

bojulay's Avatar
I thought the article was kind of naive and over the top.

Also the over sexing of everything has kind of desynthesized
most people to it's effects, kind of like camping out on a nude
beach, after a while you just wouldn't notice anymore.
First off, it's a Cracked article and those guys have about as much introspection as a toddler. It seems to me he's just trying to kick up some dust by making women angry and men apologetic.

Second, anytime an article makes those kinds of general statements about such a large population of people, I tend to cringe. Generalities don't do anyone any good.

Third, the examples shown only serve to bolster his points. However, there are plenty of counterarguments to his list that gray the black and white that he makes it seem.

I'm a Gex X'er and grew up learning that women can be strong and independent...not to the extent of being on a pedestal.